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Your query resulted in 107 hits

Showing 10-20 of 107 hits
Procedures when appointing teachers
Type Policy document
Umeå University’s appointments procedure for teachers (FS 1.1-939-24), regulates teaching categories, qualification requirements, assessment criteria for recruitments and promotions, and the extern...
Wellness rules at Umeå University
Type Policy document
The wellness rules at Umeå University clarify and establish the rules that apply at Umeå University for wellness in the form of fitness reimbursement, fitness hour and participation in Health on...
Procedures for alcohol and drugs at Umeå University
Type Policy document
The purpose of the Procedures for alcohol and drugs is to ensure an alcohol-free and drug-free work and study environment. Staff and students who exhibit signs of alcohol- or drug-related ill healt...
Rules for mobile phone contracts
Type Policy document
This document contains the rules for managing the costs incurred for those employees whose duties require a mobile phone contract.
Environmental and Sustainability Policy
Type Policy document
This Environmental and Sustainability Policy describes the main focus for the University’s employees and students with regard to considering the environment and sustainable development within the...
Radiation Protection Organisation at Umeå University
Type Policy document
This document describes the Radiation Protection Organization at Umeå University. It describes the division of responsibilities and labor regarding the radiation protection. This document is a part...
Decomissioning plan for facilities used for work with open radioactive sources at Umeå university
Type Policy document
This decommission plan describes the division of responsibilities and labor regarding the decommissioning of facilities at Umeå university that have been used for work involving open radioactive...
Rule for radiation protection
Type Policy document
This rule describes how local agencies at Umeå university must work to maintain, evaluate, and improve, the radiation protection at the local agency to comply with Swedish laws and regulations.
Safety policy
Type Policy document
This policy describes the main focus with regard to safety work for Umeå University. The policy covers employees and organisational operations at the University, as well as service providers,...
Procedures for strategic products
Type Policy document
This procedure describes roles and responsibilities and the manner in which the University’s organisation is to work with non-proliferation and export controls on military equipment and dual-use...
Latest update: 2023-03-08