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Your query resulted in 106 hits

Showing 1-10 of 106 hits
Procedures for external research grants
Type Policy document
These procedures are primarily intended for staff at departments or equivalent units dealing with external research grants. The procedures aim to demonstrate the various stages of the processing of...
Procedure for the acquisition of educational qualifications at Umeå University
Type Policy document
Umeå University has a model for the acquisition of educational qualifications meaning that teachers can apply for qualification for two consecutive levels: 1) recognised university teacher, and 2)...
Environmental and Sustainability Policy
Type Policy document
This Environmental and Sustainability Policy describes the main focus for the University’s employees and students with regard to considering the environment and sustainable development within the...
Procedures for strategic products
Type Policy document
This procedure describes roles and responsibilities and the manner in which the University’s organisation is to work with non-proliferation and export controls on military equipment and dual-use...
Rules for departments, units, centres, schools, academies and institutes at Umeå University
Type Policy document
These rules are based on the Rules of procedure for Umeå University. The Rules of procedure establish and describe the basic organisational entities at the University – departments, units and centr...
Instruction - Council for Research Infrastructure at Umeå University (RIS)
Type Policy document
The instruction for the Council for Research Infrastructure at Umeå University (henceforth also called “RIS”) specifies the council’s composition, responsibilities, and ways of working.
Administrative Procedure for Umeå University's participation in collaborations with other universities resulting in a double degree at doctoral level
Type Policy document
The aim of collaborations at doctoral level resulting in the awarding of a double degree is to create further international collaboration for Umeå University and for individual doctoral students. T...
Responsibility and authority of managers to dispose of the univerity's funds
Type Policy document
The purpose of this rule is to clarify the rules governing which employees may dispose of the University’s funds and to explain what this financial responsibility entails. The regulations are to be...
Plan for European Union funding 2022 - 2027 
Type Policy document
This plan describes the activities Umeå University conducts to increase the scope of European Union research funding and strengthen the University’s position within the EU. In addition to the EU’s...
Procedures when appointing teachers
Type Policy document
Umeå University’s appointments procedure for teachers (FS 1.1-939-24), regulates teaching categories, qualification requirements, assessment criteria for recruitments and promotions, and the extern...
Latest update: 2023-03-08