Welcome to the course!
As a new student, you need to activate your user account (your Umu-id) approximately two weeks prior to the start of the semester.
With your user account you can:
If you are a new student, you will automatically receive a user account when you are admitted, but you will need to activate it for it to function properly. You will not be able to activate it until approximately two weeks prior to the start of the semester.
Install MFA for a more secure login
To increase security and reduce the risk of unauthorised access to your information or account, students must enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) to log in to various systems, such as Canvas and the Student Web.
I want to activate my user account and install MFA
If you are an exchange student or tuition fee paying student, you will receive an email with instructions on how to activate your account.
If you are having problems activating your account or logging in, please contact our Servicedesk. You will find answers to common questions, and can submit enquiries.
Online registration in the student website is open between the 9th to the 16th of January 2023. It is important that you sign in to the student website and register during this time period, otherwise you lose your place on the course. Here you can find instructions:
To be able to sign in to the student website and register online, you need to activate your student user account, see below.
To start the course, you must be admitted and then registered to the course. Log-in to the learning platform as soon as possible after you have registered, to allow yourself time to become familiar with how it functions and access the introductory information available there.
With this course we use the learning platform Canvas. Once you have registered you will get access to the course site.
Course coordinator: Johan Nordlander, johan.nordlander@umu.se
Study administrator: Katrin Pusch, katrin.pusch@umu.se
HumSek hälsar dig välkommen till dina studier!
HumSek är en sektion i Umeå studentkår, för dig som studerar humaniora vid Umeå universitet. Vi vet att det är mycket information att ta in i början av en ny termin och att många förväntningar sätts på dig som student, men glöm inte bort dig själv. Om du någonsin känner dig orättvist behandlad, eller att något under din utbildning hade kunnat vara bättre, kontakta oss eller vårt studentombud.
Det är vårt uppdrag att bevaka och medverka i utvecklingen av utbildningen och förutsättningarna för studier vid Umeå universitet. HumSek företräder dig som student och därför är dina åsikter viktiga för oss.
Vi på HumSek vill att din studietid ska bli så givande och lärorik som möjligt, och arbetar därför aktivt för att erbjuda alla våra medlemmar aktiviteter som kan tillföra något extra. Dessa kan vara allt från studiesociala arrangemang till föreläsningar.
Hoppas du kommer att trivas hos oss!
Ordförande Humsek: ordfhumsek@umeastudentkar.se
Studentombud Humsek: utbevhumsek@umeastudentkar.se
Mottagning för alla nya studenter
Splitt är en kårförening för personer som studerar litteraturvetenskap, bibliotek och individuella fristående språkkurser.
Till våren arrangerar Splitt events i form av en termin kick-off för alla nya studenter där man får en chans att lära känna människor bortom sin egen utbildning, stärka banden med sina egna klasskamrater och skapa roliga minnen.
För mer information om Splitt, besök oss på vår hemsida, eller på våra sociala medier:
Hemsida: https://splittumea.wixsite.com/splitt?fbclid=IwAR0fH079aPokMz-_PKBo1nBf79Skiv1RR9umhiCJ2Su6fc8C667eAUJxo_U
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpLittUmea
Instagram: @splitt_umu
Alternativt kontakta Filippa.hanna@gmail.com för mer information.
Checklist for admitted students
Follow this simple list of things to complete your enrolment at Umeå University. It includes: how to secure housing, getting a residence permit (for citizens from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland), tuition payment (if applicable), travel directions and more.
The Student web
The website for current students has all sorts of information about services, support, legal and practical matters at Umeå University. You can sign in to the learning platforms, see your schedule and course overview, get a study certificate, apply for a degree or sign up for an examination.
Recommended arrival times
International students are recommended to arrive at least a few days before the start of the regular semester, preferably prior to the Orientation. If you fail to arrive on time, you have to contact the study counselor as soon as possible, but no later than one week ahead of the course start, or you may not be able to register for the programme or course.
If you will have student housing through the Housing Office at Umeå University you will receive information about your arrival in your offer of housing.
Don't forget - Umeå has cold winters, so pack accordingly with a warm jacket, warm shoes, gloves and hat.
Moving to a new country with an unfamiliar language, culture and customs can be a challenge. We would like to help you and ease that challenge so that you can focus on your studies. Therefore, we would like to offer you the possibility to take part in our Orientation, which begins a few days before the start of the semester (Autumn) or the same day as the semester starts (Spring).
Welcome Fair
Are you a new student at Umeå University? Visit the Welcome Fair – a perfect opportunity to learn what our university and Umeå can offer. The fair normally takes place in the beginning of each semester.
Get your UmU card
When you are on Campus Umeå, Umeå Arts Campus or Campus Örnsköldsvik, you will need a UmU card. The card has the following functions:
To get the card, you need to apply for it. Here’s how to apply for the UmU card.
Join a student union
There are three student unions at Umeå University:
They are actively involved so that fellow students have a high quality of education, good working environment, and fun leisure time.
Access to Microsoft Office 365
Students at Umeå University have free access to the programmes of Microsoft Office 365. This means that you have access to Teams, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Whiteboard Forms, your student email and other services which can facilitate your studies and your collaboration with other students. To access Office 365 you need to activate your UmU-id.
Learn more about Office 365 and how to install it on your computer