UMU Reports in STEM Education publishes texts connected to educational research about the STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The report series is issued by the Department of Science and Mathematics Education at Umeå University.
The report series is a complement to established channels for research publications. It has a broad focus including, for example, popular science, reports from research and development in collaboration with schools and teachers, research-based teaching materials, local reports from research conferences and workshops, theory and methodological articles, evaluations, external environment monitoring.
Authors who are teachers, teacher educators or researchers employed by Umeå University or having an active collaboration with employees of Umeå University are welcome, as well as other authors of texts that have a clear Umeå University connection.
The texts in this series do not undergo any reviewing, besides an assessment that the purpose and conditions for the report series are fulfilled. The authors are fully responsible for scientific quality, alignment with ethical guidelines and copyright for images, language review, layout and for that the texts in other respects follow relevant laws, guidelines and good practice.