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Through the study of actors, events, processes, and ideas, historians seek to understand the past on its own terms and to enhance our understanding of contemporary society. Within the field of history at Umeå University, research is conducted on a variety of topics. Additionally, it is common for historians at Umeå University to collaborate with researchers from other disciplines and to serve as experts in various contexts where historical knowledge is needed.

Historical research in Umeå

The historical research at Umeå University has, from its founding, been characterized by an interest in the broader social strata, often referred to as "history from below." Cultural, political, and ideological processes have been highlighted, as well as social and economic developments within and between different groups. Modern legal historical research found an early foothold here, as did the interest in the history of Norrland. Since then, research has evolved, and areas such as historical demography, Sámi history, and educational history have emerged and been established as strong fields of knowledge.

Examples of research areas for historians at Umeå University include:

  • Church- and religious history
  • Cultural history
  • Historical demography/population history
  • History of education
  • Military history
  • Minority- and indigenous history
  • Political history
  • Social history
  • Women's- and gender history

More information on current research in history at Umeå University can be found on the "Publications" page and on our researchers' individual websites under "Contact" below.


Our historians actively collaborate both within and outside the university. We have several partnerships with numerous associations in the non-profit sector, where researchers, among other activities, give lectures. This can involve developing democratic practices within associations or providing knowledge about natural values, both today and in the past.

Historians at Umeå University also serve as expert consultants in governmental investigations and in other review assignments within the state administration. Another major area of collaboration is the media, where our researchers contribute in various ways to enhancing knowledge, usually by providing historical perspectives on current phenomena in opinion pieces, news programs, and other formats. The historians in Umeå engage in open and critically reflective discussions on issues concerning the foundations of democratic society.


History teaching in focus at international symposium
Published: 2022-10-18

Researchers from four continents met in Umeå at a symposium on history teaching.

A viral History of the World
Published: 2020-06-04

International talk about pandemics in the past and now, including historians Janet McCalman and Per Axelsson.

School journeys and the future citizen
Published: 2020-05-18

A new dissertation examines how school journeys in Portugal were used to shape citizens and the nation.

Research and publications


See current publications in history.

Research projects in history

See current research projects in history.

Research contact

Latest update: 2024-09-03