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Gösta Skoglund

One of the strongest driving forces behind the establishment of Umeå University was Gösta Skoglund. In his role as a politician, he also worked to develop the infrastrucure of northern Sweden. In 1983, a fund in his memory was established at CERUM. Every year, the Gösta Skoglund's Fund announces scholarships for best studet thesis in the field of regional science during the past year, for participation in and organizing of conferences, and inviting international researchers to Umeå university.

Applying to scholarships from the Gösta Skoglund's Fund

Applications for scholarships can only be made individually. The fund particularly supports research related to activities at the Centre for Regional Science at Umeå University (CERUM), but does not exclude other applicants. Applications that broaden or invite new approaches are welcome.

Applications for funding from the foundation for international scholarships (conferences, study visits, guest researchers, or the organization of workshops/conferences in Umeå) must be submitted to the fund committee by January 31st each year.

Nominations for the best thesis presented at Umeå University with a clear regional science connection are accepted until January 31st each year. This is done by the thesis supervisor.

The committee will review the applications during the last week of February and notify the applicants in March.

Application documents for 2025's announcement

Application for Scholarship

Grants for conferences and invitations of foreign researchers

Application announcement

Latest update: 2024-12-12