The initial theoretical part of the course deals with the thermodynamic, kinetic, and flow dynamic prerequisites for successful analytical separations using various forms of chromatography and differential migration techniques. This section is followed by a treatment of the different forms of analytical gas and liquid chromatography (including supercritical chromatography), analytical electrophoretic methods, and membrane-based separation methods for analytical purposes. Sample preparation by the aid of various physical and chemical separation principles are also taught in this part of the course. Special emphasis is put on aspects that enable the choice of "correct" separation and detection techniques for a particular analytical problem. Much attention is paid to detection, since sensitive and selective analytical methods are dependent on the possibilities for detecting and positively identifying the separated compounds. Chemical methods for separation- and detection-oriented derivatization are also dealt with in this section. The theoretical part of the course ends with a discussion of the working procedures for validation of developed methods, with examples from the pharmaceutical industry.
Univ: Analytisk kemi 15 hp (5KE081/82) eller motsvarande. Engelska A och svenska för grundläggande behörighet för högskolestudier om utbildningen ges på svenska.
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