Huvudområden och successiv fördjupning:
Statsvetenskap: Grundnivå,min 60 hp kurser på grundnivå el min 2 års studier som förkunskapskrav,innehåller ex.arbete för kandidatexamen
Betygsskala: För denna kurs ges betygen VG Väl godkänd, G Godkänd, U Underkänd
The aim of the course is to give students the opportunity to develop their analytical writing skills by producing a longer research paper. Students choose a research topic based on their own interests and can therefore use the minor thesis to help them develop their individual political science profile.
Förväntade studieresultat
-formulate and analyze a scientific problem in Political Science
-write a scientific thesis, defend this thesis in a seminar and critically examine the work of other students
-be able to present the thesis within a given timeframe
Basic eligibility and 20 ECTS in Political Science or equivalent
Undervisningens upplägg
Students complete a thesis comprising 30-35 pages. Students choose topics in consultation with the course instructor and their adviser. Students are assigned individual advisors who can offer advise in matters concerning theory, research design and empirical material. The thesis is discussed in an open seminar at the end of the term. All students are required to participate in the seminars and to take the leading role as a discussant during one of them.
Students are awarded grades on the basis of their performance on written work.
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