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Social Work in Sweden, 7,5 hp

Engelskt namn: Social Work in Sweden

Denna kursplan gäller: 2020-07-20 till 2021-07-25 (nyare version av kursplanen finns)

Kurskod: 2SA002

Högskolepoäng: 7,5

Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå

Huvudområden och successiv fördjupning: Socialt arbete: Grundnivå, har endast gymnasiala förkunskapskrav

Betygsskala: Väl godkänd, godkänd, underkänd

Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för socialt arbete

Beslutad av: Established by the Board of the Department of Social Work, 2007-12-21

Reviderad av: Prefekten, 2020-06-10


Grundläggande behörighet


Giltig från: 2020 vecka 37

Literature This course requires that students read a broad variety of texts from text books to reports to online material. There is no one text book for this course. We will use material from at least some of the following texts available in the bookshop on campus and also in the library. Additional readings will be presented at start of the course

Blom B
Specialization in social work practice – effects on interventions in the personal social services.
Journal of Social Work (vol 4:1), 25-46. : 2004 :

Bolzan N
A Definition of Social Work for Practice
Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 1(1), 52-65. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-1411.2007.00005.x : 2007 :

Can the corporate state parent?
Bullock R, Courtney M, Parker R, Sinclair I, Thoburn J
Children and Youth Services Review, 28(11), 1344-1358. : 2006 :

Education and Training
IASSW/IFSW: Global Standards for Social Work :

Ethics in Social Work, Statement of Principle
IASSW/IFSW: Global Standards for Social Work :

Grahn R
Treatment repeaters - Re-entry in care for clients with substance use disorder within the Swedish addiction treatment system
Institutionen för socialt arbete : 2017 :

The Quest for a Universal Social Work: Some issues and Implications. Social Work Education, 23 (5), 625-644
Gray M, Fook J


The Balancing Act: Clients with Complex Needs Describe Their Handling of Specialised Personal Social Services in Sweden
Grell P, Ahmadi N, Blom B
British Journal of Social Work, 47(3), 611-629. : 2017 :

“Sometimes it’s really complicated!” – Clients with complex needs on their encounters with specialized personal social service organizations in Sweden.
Grell P, Ahmadi N, Blom B
Nordic Journal of Social Work : 2016 :

Bringing the Family Back in: On Role Assignment and Clientification in the Swedish Social Services.
Gümüscü Ahmet, Nygren Lennart, Khoo Evelyn
Social Sciences, 4(1), 117-133. : 2015 :

The language and policy of care and parenting: Understanding the uncertainty about key players’ roles in foster care provision.
Hollin G, Larkin M
Children and Youth Services Review, 33(11), 2198-2206. : 2011 :

How Sweden is governed
https://skr.se/english :

IASSW/IFSW: Global Standards for Social Work: Global Definition of Social Work:

Ineland Jens
Legitimacy and ambiguity : institutional logics and their outcome for people with intellectual disabilities
Taylor & Francis : 2019 :

Johnson Louise C.
Social work practice : a generalist approach
4. ed. : Boston : Allyn and Bacon : cop. 1992 : xvii, 377 p. :
ISBN: 0-205-13140-9
Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst

Pardeck, John. T., & Yves, Francis. K. O. (2006) Social work for the twenty-first century: challenges and opportunities. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

Getting a sense of the client: Working methods in the personal social services in Sweden.
Perlinski M, Blom B, Morén S
Journal of Social Work, 13(5), 508-532 : 2013 :

Heroes, hymen and honour: A study of the character of attitude change among male youth with their roots in an honour-based context
Rexvid D, Schlytter A
Review Of European Studies, 4(2), 22-32. : 2012 :

The Dialectics Between Specialization and Integration: Politicians' and Managers' Views on Forms of Organization in the Swedish Social Services
Perlinski M, Blom B, Morén S, Lundgren M
Administration in Social Work. Vol. 35 (1), 60-87. : 2011 :

The National Board of Helath and Welfare
Socialstyrelsen :

What happens to the social in social work?
Hansen J, Hutchinson G.S, Lyngstad R, Sandvin J.T
Nordic Social Work Research, 5(sup1), 115-126 : 2015 :

Williams, C., & Soydan, Haluk. (2005). When and How Does Ethnicity Matter? A Cross-national Study of Social Work Responses to Ethnicity in Child Protection Cases. British Journal of Social Work, 35(6), 901-920.