Huvudområden och successiv fördjupning:
Socialt arbete: Grundnivå, har endast gymnasiala förkunskapskrav
Betygsskala: Väl godkänd, godkänd, underkänd
Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för socialt arbete
Beslutad av: Established by the Board of the Department of Social Work, 2007-12-21
Reviderad av: Prefekt vid socialt arbete, 2013-05-02
Grundläggande behörighet
Giltig från:
2013 vecka 34
This course requires that students read a broad variety of texts from text books to reports to online material.
There is no one text book for this course. We will use material from at least some of the following texts available in the bookshop on campus and also in the library.
Additional readings will be presented at start of the course
The Quest for a Universal Social Work: Some issues and Implications. Social Work Education, 23 (5), 625-644 Gray M, Fook J
Hessle, Sven, & Vinnerljung, Bo. (2003). Child Welfare in Sweden - An Overview: EU Canada Project. Child Welfare Across Borders. Available at:
Isaksson, Joakim, Lindquist, Rafael & Bergström, Erik (2007): School problems or individual shortcomings? A study of individual educational plans in Sweden. European Journal of Special Needs Education. Vol. 22, No1, 2007, pp. 75-91.
Khoo, Evelyn G., Hyvönen, Ulf, & Nygren, Lennart. (2003). Gatekeeping in Child Welfare. A comparative study of intake decision making by social workers in Canada and Sweden. Child Welfare, 82(3), 507-525.
Morén, Stefan & Blom, Björn (2003) Explaining human change. On generative mechanisms in social work practice. Journal for Critical Realism 2:1, 37-61.
Pardeck, John. T., & Yves, Francis. K. O. (2006) Social work for the twenty-first century: challenges and opportunities. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
Trydegård Gun-Britt Tradition, change and variation : past and present trends in public old-age care Stockholm : Univ. : 2000 : 89, [3] s. : ISBN: 91-7265-182-2 Obligatorisk Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst
Williams, C., & Soydan, Haluk. (2005). When and How Does Ethnicity Matter? A Cross-national Study of Social Work Responses to Ethnicity in Child Protection Cases. British Journal of Social Work, 35(6), 901-920.
Solvang Per The emergence of an us and them discourse in disability theory. . : 2000 : Obligatorisk .. : Obligatorisk . : Obligatorisk
Social report 2010 . : Obligatorisk
Abortion and home abortion implies radical changes for women: . : Obligatorisk
Legal abortion: a painful necessity. Kero A, Högberg U, Jacobsson L, Lalos A . : Obligatorisk
How Sweden is governed: and . : Obligatorisk
Why are English youths more violent Than Swedish youths? ..... 2008:5:309 . : Obligatorisk
Morén, Stefan (1994) Social work is Beautiful. On the Characteristics of social work. Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare, 3(3), 158-166.
Introduction to social work Farley O. William, Smith Larry Lorenzo, Boyle Scott W. 10. ed. : Boston, MA : Pearson/Allyn and Bacon : 2006 [dvs 2005] : xiv, 433 s. : ISBN: 0-205-44215-3 Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst
Johnson Louise C. Social work practice : a generalist approach 4. ed. : Boston : Allyn and Bacon : cop. 1992 : xvii, 377 p. : ISBN: 0-205-13140-9 Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst