Engelskt namn: Organisational Leadership Development
Denna kursplan gäller: 2017-09-18 till 2018-02-18 (nyare version av kursplanen finns)
Kursplan för kurser med start efter 2024-05-27
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2020-05-25 och 2024-05-26
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2019-06-24 och 2020-05-24
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2018-02-19 och 2019-06-23
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2017-09-18 och 2018-02-18
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2012-08-20 och 2017-09-17
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2012-08-13 och 2012-08-19
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2012-01-16 och 2012-08-12
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2011-09-12 och 2012-01-15
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2011-09-05 och 2011-09-11
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2011-08-29 och 2011-09-04
Kurskod: 2PE102
Högskolepoäng: 7,5
Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå
Huvudområden och successiv fördjupning:
Pedagogik: Grundnivå, har mindre än 60 hp kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav
Betygsskala: Väl godkänd, godkänd, underkänd
Ansvarig institution: Pedagogiska institutionen
Beslutad av: Pedagogiska institutionen, 2010-09-10
Reviderad av: Prefekten, 2017-09-19
Education is a scientific discipline where knowledge is created about the processes through which the human being is formed and about the changes in social, cultural and historical circumstances in which these processes are embedded. The pedagogical field deals with, for example, different aspects of upbringing, education, learning, teaching and other processes. Questions, for example, can be raised regarding how and why certain values, knowledge and skills arise, how and why they are maintained, and how they vary within and between generations, groups and individuals.
The course addresses leadership and leadership development as processes directed towards organisational development, professional development, group development, personal development and identity formation and how to manage and support such processes. Leadership development is analyzed and discussed from different perspectives using the different logics of the most prominent leadership theories. A specific focus is directed towards the Human Resources´ role when building leadership capacity in organisations. Leadership development is also investigated from a diversity perspective. English as a business language in many modern organizations is emphasized and discussed in the course.
After the course the students should have acquired competence to
Knowledge and understanding
Skills and ability
Values and attitudes
30 hp valfria kurser.
The teaching is organised through lectures, literature seminars and group-based case work. The seminars are compulsory. The teaching activities, including course specific information and communication with students, will partly be carried out with support from information and communication technology (ICT. The course is given in English.
The expected learning outcomes are examined though both written and oral examination assignments performed in English. The examination is both continual (literature seminars and case work) and final (written exam). The course is graded using three grades: Pass with distinction, Pass and Fail. The seminars and casework is graded using the grades Pass and Fail. The final written home exam is graded using the three grades. All compulsory assignments must have received the grade pass in order to get the course grade Pass. In order to have the course grade Pass with distinction all assignments must have received the grade pass and the final home exam must have been graded with Pass with distinction.
The course work is examined at an ordinary examination and a scheduled re-sit examination The first re-sit shall be offered no later than two months after the regular test, but not less than ten working days after the results of the regular test have been announced. For tests given during May and June, the first re-sit may be offered within three months of the regular examination session. At least one second re-sit shall be offered within a year of the regular examination session. Examination based on the same course syllabus as for the regular test is guaranteed for a maximum of two years from when the previous course syllabus has ceased to apply or the course has ceased to be offered. Regarding internship/placement, the corresponding rules apply with a limit of one re-sit. By written request to the head of department, a student has the right to change examiner for a course after two failed examinations in the same course or part of a course.
Earlier studies that correspond to the course contents may require credit transfer. The review is individual. For more information, contact the study counselor.
Creating Leaders or Loyalists? Conflicting identities in a leadership development
Carden Lila L., Callahan Jamie L.
Human Resource Development International (2007), 10(2), pp. 169-186 :
Day David V.
Leadership Development: a review in context
The Leadership Quarterly (2000), 11(4), pp. 581-613. :
Garavan Thomas N.
A Strategic Perspective on Human Resources Development
Advances on Human Resource Development (2007), 9(1), pp. 11-30. :
Discursive managerial practices of diversity and homogeneity
Knoppers Annelies, Claringbould Inge, Dortants Marianne
Journal of Gender Studies, 24(3), pp. 259-274 : 2015 :
Leadership in Teams: A functional approach to understanding leadership structures and processes
Morgeson Frederick P., DeRue D. Scott, Karam Elizabeth P.
Journal of Management (2010), 3(1), pp. 5-39. :
Northouse Peter Guy
Leadership: Theory and Practice
7. ed. Sage Publications Ltd, ISBN-13: 978-1483317533 ISBN-10: 1483317536 : 2015 :
Rogerson-Revell Pamela
Using English for International Business: a European case study
English for Specific Purposes, 26(1), pp. 103-120 : 2007 :
Shortland Sue
Feedback within Observation: continuing professional development and unexpected consequences
Innovations in Education and Teaching International (2010), 47(3), pp. 295-304. :