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Education and Post Colonial Societies, 7,5 hp

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Engelskt namn: Education and Post Colonial Societies

Denna kursplan gäller: 2008-09-01 och tillsvidare

Kurskod: 2PE000

Högskolepoäng: 7,5

Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå

Huvudområden och successiv fördjupning: Pedagogik: Grundnivå, har endast gymnasiala förkunskapskrav

Betygsskala: Tregradig skala

Ansvarig institution: Pedagogiska institutionen

Beslutad av: Department of Education, 2008-01-29


Education is a scientific discipline where knowledge is created about the processes through which the human being is formed and about the changes in social, cultural and historical circumstances in which these processes are embedded. The pedagogical field deals with, for example, different aspects of upbringing, education, learning, teaching and other processes. Questions, for example, can be raised regarding how and why certain values, knowledge and skills arise, how and why they are maintained, and how they vary within and between generations, groups and individuals. The course addresses historical and global perspectives on formal education as it has developed in post-colonial societies. It further deals with the role of funding and technical assistance agencies in educational development. These processes will be addressed through situational analysis of post-colonial societies.

Förväntade studieresultat

Upon completion of the course students should be able to • describe and analyse internal and external influences on formal education systems in post-colonial societies • identify and distinguish between internal and external historical development processes as well as political and economic influences • apply their knowledge through situational analysis


Grundläggande behörighet

Undervisningens upplägg

The teaching is normally organised through lecturing, seminars, group exercises and tutorials. The teaching activities are carried out with support from information and communication technology. This requires certain technical equipment and user knowledge. Parts of the teaching can be compulsory. The course will be given in English.


The course examination is written or oral, continues or final. The course work is assessed with the grades Pass with Distinction, Pass or Fail. The course work is examined at the ordinary examination or re-examined at a later occasion during the same semester. An opportunity to re-examine the course work is normally given in the following fall semester provided the student has requested it. After that a student with a fail is advised to participate in the next ordinary examination. Re-examinations based on the same curriculum are guaranteed within two years after the first registration on the course. A student has the right to change examiner for a course based on a written request to the head of department after two fails on the same course or a part of a course. ACCREDITATION OF PRIOR LEARNING The Director of Studies decides on the accreditation of prior learning based on a student’s written request. The request shall indicate the course that the accreditation will apply to. The request shall be accompanied by certified copies of course certificates including information about the institution delivering the course, time for the course, subject area, academic level, credits and examination results. Course curricula, literature lists, and if applicable copies of project reports or thesis work shall be attached.


Giltig från: 2008 vecka 34

Bäcktorp Ann-Louise
When the first-world-north goes local : education and gender in post-revolution Laos
Umeå : Pedagogiska institutionen : 2007 : 222 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-7264-428-1
Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst

Dahlström Lars
Post-apartheid teacher education reform in Namibia : the struggle between common sense and good sense
Umeå : Univ. : 2002 : [18], 317 s. :
ISBN: 91-7305-260-4
Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst

Buchert, Lene (2002). Education for All: An attainable dream? Prospects, 32(1), 5-17. Dahlström, Lars (2003). Critical Practitioner Inquiry and the struggle over the preferential right of interpretation in the South. Educational Action Research, 11(3), 467-477. Dahlström, Lars & Lemma, Brook (2008). Critical Perspectives on Teacher Education in Neo-liberal times: Experiences from Ethiopia and Namibia. Southern African Review of Education, 14(1-2), 29-42. Fox, Christine (2003). No Place for Girls? Gender, Etnicity and Citizenship Education in the Lao People´s Democratic Republic. Compare, 33(3), 401-412. Samoff, Joel (1999). Education sector analysis in Africa: limited national control and even less national ownership. International Journal of Educational Development, 19(4), 249-272. Tabulawa, Richard (2003). International Aid Agencies, Learner-centred Pedagogy and Political Democratisation: a critique. Comparative Education, 39(1), 7-26. Tamatea, Laurence (2005). The Dakar framework. Constructing and deconstructing the global neo-liberal matrix. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 3(3), 311-334. Tickly, Leon (2001). Globalisation and Education in the Postcolonial World: towards a conceptual framework. Comparative Education, 37(2), 151-171.