Engelskt namn: International Business Administration B
Denna kursplan gäller: 2012-08-27 till 2014-01-12 (nyare version av kursplanen finns)
Kursplan för kurser med start efter 2021-08-23
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2019-08-19 och 2021-08-22
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2018-08-20 och 2019-08-18
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2017-08-21 och 2018-08-19
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2017-01-16 och 2017-08-20
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2016-01-18 och 2017-01-15
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2015-01-19 och 2016-01-17
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2015-01-12 och 2015-01-18
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2014-01-13 och 2015-01-11
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2012-08-27 och 2014-01-12
Kursplan för kurser med start mellan 2012-01-16 och 2012-08-26
Kurskod: 2FE095
Högskolepoäng: 30
Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå
Huvudområden och successiv fördjupning:
Företagsekonomi: Grundnivå, har mindre än 60 hp kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav
Betygsskala: Väl godkänd, godkänd, underkänd
Ansvarig institution: USBE Företagsekonomi
Beslutad av: Handelshögskolans styrelse, 2009-06-06
Reviderad av: Rektor för Handelshögskolan, 2012-06-11
Module 1. Financial Accounting 7.5 ECTS
An understanding of how to use, interpret, and analyze financial reports is important for those operating in an international business environment. The international financial reporting standards are introduced through a brief overview of financial accounting concepts and a description of the general accounting model. The interpretation of specific business transactions and approaches to the preparation of financial reports are also taught in this module. The approach enables students to see how accounting information is used, interpreted, and analyzed in real world decision making. The students will get an introduction and practical use of business systems in order to understand business processes
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this module, the student should be able to:
Focus of instruction
This module is presented through lectures, discussions, exercises and a project. All teaching will be in English.
Examination modes
Examination will be based upon one or more individual assignments, a group work and an individual written comprehensive exam. A passing grade is required on each part of the module.
Module 2. Foundations of Finance 7.5 ECTS
This course is intended to introduce participants to the fundamental concepts of finance for business purposes. It is an introductory course that will define basic concepts used in financial management with an emphasis on understanding risks and returns associated with the investment decision. The approach taken is operational, i.e. that of the middle manager, someone who must be able to use the decisions of a comptroller of Chief Financial Officer to defend and promote projects within their own division of a firm. This approach is also useful for the entrepreneur who must understand the concepts presented by bank managers and accountants, but who is most urgently in need of an understanding of key operational decisions in finance. Those who find the subject interesting may decide to continue in finance and expand their knowledge from these fundamentals to a broader understanding of capital markets, financial management of capital structure and corporations through additional courses available at the C- and D- level.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
Focus of instruction
The course is constructed of lectures, tutorials, workshops and individual consulting. All teaching will be in English.
Examination modes
Examination will be based upon one or more individual assignments, a group work and an individual written comprehensive exam. A passing grade is required on each part of the course.
Module 3. Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) 7.5 ECTS
In this module the students are introduced to entrepreneurship as a phenomenon and knowledge area. The main purpose is to develop the knowledge of and understanding for entrepreneurship and business development processes.
During the module, the development of the concept and academic discipline of entrepreneurship are discussed. The concept of entrepreneurship is problematized and the multidisciplinary character of the area is outlined. The entrepreneurial perspective based upon the idea of social agency is compared to the management perspective, which has primarily dominated earlier courses in the International Business Program.
The focus of this module is entrepreneurship related to business development, both as manifested in the establishment of new ventures and in the renewal of existing firms. A central question is: How are entrepreneurial processes developed and what are the main driving forces in the development process? The driving forces are found in the entrepreneur/the entrepreneurial team as well as in their dynamic context. Questions about what entrepreneurial activity is, and how entrepreneurial approaches relate to current trends in the society and structural changes, are illuminated with help of theoretical discussions and practical examples. The majority of these discussions are organized in the form of thematic student lectures. Examples of entrepreneurship themes that may occur in the module are growth, sustainable entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship and new venture creation.
Entrepreneurship manifests itself in actual business activity. As a part of the module, the different aspects of business administration will be integrated by using and developing previous knowledge in the subject to develop a business idea and to conceptualize this idea in a business plan. Through this, the entrepreneurial perspective will be merged with the management perspective, which also is a prerequisite for business.
To be able to conduct business development in a successful way, access to, and managing supportive systems are of crucial importance. This module will deal with these issues by having computer based exercises in using supporting systems in the decision process.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this module, the student should be able to:
Focus of instruction
The education in entrepreneurship shall also contribute to developing students’ creativity, their ability to take initiative and their action orientation. The pedagogical idea of the module therefore builds on key words such as theoretical abstraction and practical activity in interaction with student activity and students’ ability to learn in interaction with others.
Various teaching methods are used during the module. A minor number of lectures of introductory and orientation character are supplemented with guest lectures by researchers, entrepreneurs and others, who work with entrepreneurship and business development in practice.
Learning activities that focus student initiative and action orientation dominate during the module. During the module the students will, as an integrated part of the module, have the possibility to practice his/her capacity to obtain information about a theme and through a student lecture communicate theoretical ideas and connect them to real life businesses and/or entrepreneurs. Students will also perform a business development assignment. The assessment means that students formulate an idea and a business plan for a company’s continued activity. The assessment is presented through an oral presentation and a written report, which will be discussed in a seminar. The work with these assignments is performed in smaller groups. Literature seminars may also be used.
Examination modes
The students are assessed through an individual written comprehensive exam, a student lecture, a business development assignment and an exercise on Business support systems. A passing grade is required on each part of the module.
Module 4. Research Methodology in Business Administration 7.5 ECTS
The overarching aim of this module is to acquire a basic knowledge of scientific paradigms and research methods. Further, the aim is to develop the student’s ability to first, conduct and in written form report a scientific study, and second, to evaluate and use scientific as well as other reports.
The module begins with a discussion on the process of knowledge creation, with an emphasis on the production of scientific knowledge. Important building blocks in this process are frames of reference, scientific ideals, problem formulation, scientific approaches and methods for data collection and analysis.
Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of a well thought-out choice of topic, problematisation, and a careful specification of the problem statement (research question). To this general scientific approach, research design and different types of research strategies are addressed. Further, the possibilities and limitations of quantitative and qualitative methods are discussed. Methods for sampling and data collection are scrutinized, among other things based on the possibilities of accessing information.
The module also includes activities that develops the student’s ability to find information in databases, to use different types of information in an appropriate manner, and to evaluate this information and the sources according to relevant criteria.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing this module, the student should be able to:
Focus of instruction
Lectures, seminars and supervision are the cornerstones of the teaching method during this module. Attendance is obligatory for activities that are part of the examination.
Examination modes
As examination the student will conduct a scientific study together with a number of other students and perform at seminars. An individual written exam is also a part of the module . A passing grade is required on each part of the module.
See respective module.
Univ: Minst 22,5 hp av kursen International Business Administration (2FE012) eller motsvarande.
See respective module.
See also respective module. Examination of modules 1-4 will be based upon the student’s active participation in seminars, a written individual comprehensive exam (tentamen), and successful completion of group or individual coursework as assigned.
All examination will be in English.
The following grading system will be used:
Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd, Vg, 75% or more),
Pass (Godkänd, G, 50% or more)
Fail (Underkänd, U, less than 50%).
Students who fail to present a photo ID at the occasion of a written examination cannot have their results registered.
Students who do not pass the written examination will be offered a re-examination opportunity within a month. Beyond that, additional opportunities to complete the written examination normally arise every academic year one-week prior to the start of the autumn term. Students who do not pass the written examination for module 4 will be offered a re-examination opportunity to complete the written examination one-week prior to the start of the autumn term.
When a student has failed an examination on two occasions, he or she has a right to have an alternative examiner. A written request for an alternative examiner should be handed to the director of studies no later than two weeks before the next examination opportunity.
Student who has passed an examination cannot retake the examination to get a higher grade.
In case of failure on seminar participation or individual and group assignments, compensating assignments must be completed in accordance with instructions given, no later than two weeks after the completion of the module.
Rules and regulations concerning the production of academic texts and correct referencing will be applicable to all written assignments. (see instructions in the Thesis manual. Thesis writing in Business Administration.) Urkund records may be used for control.
Lectures are normally not obligatory. However, lectures are designed to facilitate fstudents to achieve course specific learning objectives as lectures for example can provide insightful explanations of, and can supplement and provide contrast to, the course literature and other relevant course materials.
Grades on the course are awarded when students have passed all examinations and compulsory course elements. To receive the grade Pass on a module each of the obligatory parts of the examination on that module must have received the grade Pass.
To receive the grade Pass with distinction in the course, the student must have achieved that grade at 3 of the 4 modules..
Academic credit transfer
Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.
International Business Program 240 ECTS. The course is included in the International Business Program at Umeå School of Business and Economics. The course is also offered to exchange students within formal agreements.
International Business Program 240 ECTS. The course is included in the International Business Program at Umeå School of Business and Economics. The course is also offered to exchange students within formal agreements.
Financial accounting : an international introduction
Alexander David, Nobes Christopher
4th ed. : Harlow, Essex, England : Pearson Education : 2010 : xviii, 477 p. :
ISBN: 978-0-273-72164-2 (pbk.)
Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst
Module Reference literature: Horngren,C., Sumdem, G.L., Elliot, J.A. and Philbrick, D. (2011) Introduction to Financial Accounting, 10/E New Jersey: Pearson Education ISBN-10: 0273770179; ISBN-13: 978-0273770176
Corporate finance
Berk Jonathan B., DeMarzo Peter M.
2. ed., global ed. : Boston, Mass. [u.a.] : Pearson : 2011 : Getr. Zählung :
ISBN: 978-1-4082-8333-2
Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst
List of articles provided by lecturer, maximum 40 pages.
Module Reference literature: Financial Dictionary, eg. http://www.investopedia.com/dictionary/ McLaney, E, (2009) Business Finance Theory and Practice, 8th edition, Harlow: Prentice Hall Walkenbach, J, (2010) Excel 2010 Bible, New York: John Wiley And Sons Ltd Umeå School of Business and Economics (latest edition). Thesis writing in Business Administration. Thesis manual. Umeå: Umeå University. Retrieved from: http://www.usbe.umu.se/english/dept/fek/for-our-students/theses/working-on-theses/ Additional individual literature focusing on specific topics may be needed to be able to complete module assignments.
Kubr Thomas
Starting up : achieving success with professional business planning
Amsterdam : McKinsey & Co : cop. 1998 : 237 s. :
ISBN: 90-901174-8-2
Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst
Läsanvisning: To be downloaded at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/4505824/Mckinsey-Starting-Up-Business-Planning-Manual
Wickham Philip A
Strategic Entrepreneurship
5th ed. : Prentice Hall : 2011 : 656 s. :
ISBN: 978-0-273-71671-6
Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst
Compendium of articles on International Entrepreneurship. A biography on an entrepreneur selected by the student and approved by the teachers
Research methods for business students
Saunders Mark, Lewis Philip, Thornhill Adrian.
6. ed. : Harlow : Pearson : 2012 : 696 s. :
ISBN: 978-0-273-75075-8
Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst
Additional readings may be presented at the beginning of the module.
Umeå School of Business and Economics (latest edition)
Thesis writing in Business Administration. Thesis manual.
Företagsekonomi :
Läsanvisning: Retrieved from: http://www.usbe.umu.se/english/dept/fek/for-our-students/theses/working-on-theses/
Additional individual literature focusing on specific topics may be needed to be able to complete module assignments.