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Managerial Perspectives on Strategy, People, Projects and Processes D, 30 hp

Engelskt namn: Managerial Perspectives on Strategy, People, Projects and Processes D

Denna kursplan gäller: 2011-09-05 till 2012-08-26 (nyare version av kursplanen finns)

Kurskod: 2FE047

Högskolepoäng: 30

Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå

Huvudområden och successiv fördjupning: Företagsekonomi: Avancerad nivå, har endast kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav

Betygsskala: Väl godkänd, godkänd, underkänd

Ansvarig institution: USBE Företagsekonomi

Beslutad av: Handelshögskolans styrelse, 2009-10-08

Reviderad av: lewi0001, 2010-10-12


The core course consists of four modules, which will be further described below: Module 1. Perspectives on management and strategy (7,5 ECTS) Module 2. People – the human side of organizing (7,5 ECTS) Module 3. Project management (7,5 ECTS) Module 4. Processes – business strategy (7,5 ECTS) The course highlights key issues for understanding and dealing with the challenges facing contemporary organizations in a globalized world. It integrates profound theoretical insights with practical applications in a learning environment characterized by active student participation, both individually and in groups. In the first module, alternative theoretical perspectives on strategic management will be presented, thereby providing a comprehensive platform for the rest of the program. A distinction will here be made between the rational, decision-making oriented view in traditional management literature and the processual, relational view in front-line research. Students will be trained to think “strategically” from both an internal and external perspective. Concentrated and focused cases are used to illustrate the complexity of strategic issues, and students are trained to make priorities and strategic choices in an uncertain environment. In the second module, focus in turned to the human side of organizations, with the ambition to show the importance of considering individual perceptions and identity construction, as well as group interaction, in order to effectively manage and lead an organization. Furthermore, the module attends to the complexities created by issues of diversity, gender, ethics and emotions in organisational processes. Students will perform a group assignment in order to scrutinize and evaluate one of these dimensions. The third module attends to the present trend towards “projectification” in both business and public organizations, which calls for in-depth knowledge on the nature of projects and how to manage particular projects as well as a portfolio of projects in an organization. Students will deal with established planning and organizing techniques, examine the relationship between projects and between the project and the surrounding organisation, and critically reflect upon the role of projects in wider society. The course concludes with a module where the business strategy process is put in focus with the ambition to combine theory, practice and reflection. The module consists of a student-led project work that allows for the comprehensive application of knowledge and skills acquired during the whole semester. Students will participate in a real-life business strategy process in order to develop their analytical and integrative skills in the process of strategic development and change. Corporate and public representatives will be involved as experts, informants and “boards”. Attention will also be given to group dynamics and individual development and reflection

Förväntade studieresultat

After completing the course, the student should be able to • identify and relate contemporary approaches on management and strategy, • analyze the complexity and critically assess strategic options in a dynamic environment, • appreciate leadership as a matter of mutual interaction through a social identity theory perspective, • scrutinize and evaluate dimensions of diversity, ethics, emotions and gender in organizational processes, • understand the nature of projects in an organizational and industrial context • collaborate in and manage project work, • participate in real-life business strategy processes, and • demonstrate analytical and integrative skills in the process of strategic change In addition, the course has a number of generic learning outcomes. After completing the course, the student should also be able to: • work effectively in multicultural teams and as team leaders, • appreciate diversity and multiculturality, • integrate managerial expertise from different knowledge areas in order to identify, analyze and solve organizational problems, and • plan, conduct, and present managerial investigations, both orally and in writing, for an academic as well as a business practitioners audience.


Univ: Företagsekonomi C, 15 hp. Gymnasium: Engelska B. Svenska för grundläggande behörighet för högskolestudier (om kursen ges på svenska).

Undervisningens upplägg

Modules 1-3 are based on lectures that outline general theories related to the course topics. Seminars will be utilized to examine the details of the theories and the practice of the topics under study. In some cases more advanced simulation processes will be used. For module 4, the practice of strategizing will be pursued through an advanced project assignment. Workshops will be utilized in addition to lectures in order to deepen understanding of theories. Students are expected to be well prepared and to participate actively in discussions during the workshops and different project activities. Moreover, group or individual assignments with both oral and written presentations will be used throughout the entire course.


The examination for Modules 1 – 3 consists of active participation in seminars and successful completion of group or individual assignments. For modules 1 and 3, there will also be a written comprehensive examination (tentamen). On module 4, the examination will be based upon the student's active participation in workshops, and the successful completion of a project assignment. Material from guest lectures may also be examined on all modules. The following grading system is used: Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd, Vg, 75% or more), Pass (Godkänd, G, 50% or more) and Fail (Underkänd U, less than 50%). To receive the grade Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd) on the course, the student must have achieved that grade at three of the four modules. In case of failure on seminar participation or individual and group assignments, compensating assignments must be completed in accordance with instructions given on each occasion. Students who do not pass the written examination will be offered a re-examination opportunity within 2-3 weeks. Beyond that, additional opportunities to complete the written examination normally arise every academic year one-week prior to the start of the autumn term. When a student has failed an examination on two occasions, he or she has a right to have another grading teacher. A written request for an alternative examiner should be handed to the director of studies no later than two weeks before the next examination opportunity. Rules and regulations concerning the production of academic texts and correct referencing will be applicable to all written assignments. Lectures are normally not obligatory. However attendance is expected because the lectures are designed to facilitate students towards achieving course specific learning objectives. In addition lectures often provide insightful explanations of, and can supplement and provide contrast to, the course litterateur and other relevant course materials. Student who has passed an examination can not redo the examination to get a higher grading. Grades on the course are awarded when students have passed all examinations and compulsory course elements. Academic credit transfer Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.

Övriga föreskrifter

This is a course at the D-level in a MSc-degree at Umeå University. The course can also be included in study programs in Business Administration and Economics at Umeå School of Business.


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