Historia A, Samhällskunskap A. Eller: Historia 1b / 1a1+1a2, Samhällskunskap 1b / 1a1+1a2 (områdesbehörighet 1/A1)
Giltig från:
2013 vecka 9
Required reading
Magnusson Lars An economic history of Sweden London : Routledge : 2000 : xvii, 305 s. : ISBN: 0-415-18167-4 (hbk) Obligatorisk Se Umeå UB:s söktjänst Läsanvisning: chapters 1-7 (approx. 200 p) Online access for Umu: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/UMEAUB/docDetail.action?docID=10054254
Barton H Arnold The Swedish Succession Crisis of 1809 and 1810 and the question of Scandinavian Union Essays on Scandinavian History Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press : 2009 : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: pp 136-160. (24 p)
Barton H Arnold From Warfare to Welfare State. Sweden's Search for a New Identity" Essays on Scandinavian History Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univesity Press : 2009 : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: pp. 256-267 (11p)
Carlsson Sten Chronology and composition of Swedish emigration to America From Sweden to America. a history of migration. Minneapolis : 1976 : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: pp114-148 (34 p)
Edgren Lars Craftsmen and political consciousness in Sweden 1850-1900 Ingår i: The Scandinavian middle classes 1840-1940 Oslo : Unipub forlag - Oslo Academic Press : 2004 : 317 s. : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: pp 149-183 (34p)
Amft A Silent in the church. Sami women in reindeer-herding Society 1886-1996 Frånberg, Gun-Marie (ed) The social construction of gender in different cultural contexts : 1998 : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: Stockholm pp17-53. (36 p)
Hallberg Peter Mirrors of the nation : the construction of national character and difference in the historical writings of E. G. Geijer Ingår i: Scandinavian journal of history Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell : 1976- : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: (28 p)
Kälvemark Ann-Sofie Swedish Emigration Policy in an International Perspective 1840-1925. From Sweden to America. A history of migration. Minneapolis : 1976 : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: pp 94-113 (20 p).
Nilsson Torbjörn A House for the Elite: the Upper House, the State and Modernization in Sweden 1867-1886 Elitens svängrum (diss. Summary), Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International : 1994 : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: pp 287-294 (7 p.)
Åberg Ingrid Revivalism, philanthropy and emancipation : women's liberation and organization in the early nineteenth century Ingår i: Scandinavian journal of history Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell : 1976- : Obligatorisk Läsanvisning: (25 p.)