This course covers Swedish intellectual history, from the early twentieth century and onwards, with a special focus on the role of science and technology in the shaping of Swedish nationhood, political culture, and public image. Students will gain insight into the role of expert knowledge in Swedish political culture, and the tension between democratic and technocratic tendencies in large scale public health projects, as well as in controversies over the regulation of and policies for energy, biomedicine, and the environment. Students are also introduced to the literature on national image making, epitomized in the Nobel prize, and will engage in theoretically informed discussions on the mutual shaping of science, technology, and society.
Gäller endast medborgare utanför EU, ESS och Schweiz.
Anmälningsavgift: 900 kr.
Studieavgift, första inbetalningen: 11 625 kr.
Total studieavgift: 11 625 kr.
Anmälnings- och studieavgifter
Sista anmälningsdag var den
15 oktober 2024.
Du kan göra en sen anmälan
Gäller endast medborgare utanför EU, ESS och Schweiz.
Anmälningsavgift: 900 kr.
Studieavgift, första inbetalningen: 11 625 kr.
Total studieavgift: 11 625 kr.
Anmälnings- och studieavgifter
Sista anmälningsdag var den
15 augusti 2024.
Du kan inte längre anmäla dig.