Data Analytics with R is a 4.5 Credit course running at 30% study pace and is designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of data analytics using the powerful and popular programming language R. The course will cover topics such as exploratory data analysis (EDA), basic statistical analysis and data visualization, all using R. You will also learn how to apply the methods on real datasets, without previous experience in R or data analytics.
All course material is provided in English. Since the course is short and completely online, you can combine this course with your other studies or work.
In order to read this course, you must have access to a computer to install and run R on.
This course can be taken as a standalone course or combined with the online course "Introduction to R." While this course primarily focuses on using R for data analysis, the other course covers the basics of programming in R.
Högskolepoäng avklarade per sista anmälningsdag (för utbildning på grundnivå 1-165 hp, för avancerad nivå 30-285 hp)
Gäller endast medborgare utanför EU, ESS och Schweiz.
Anmälningsavgift: 900 kr.
Studieavgift, första inbetalningen: 8 858 kr.
Total studieavgift: 8 858 kr.
Anmälnings- och studieavgifter
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Sista anmälningsdag är den
17 mars 2025.