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Western Washington University

Antal platser: 0 platser för vårterminen 2025

Grundades: 1893
Studentantal: 16 000
Studentliv: Universitetet har mer än 200 studentorganisationer att engagera sig i och det finns även flertalet sportklubbar. The Associated Students Outdoor Center erbjuder en variation av utomhusaktiviteter för studenter, anställda och alumner. Aktiviteterna inkluderar bland annat snöskovandring, kajakpaddling, isklättring och forsränning.

College of Fine and Performing Arts som är en del av universitetet anordnar nära 300 föreställningar per år.

Om Bellingham

Bellingham ligger i Whatcom County i delstaten Washington, mellan Seattle och Vancouver. Här bor cirka 90 000 invånare. Det är en pittoresk stad som är känd för närhet till naturen, bland annat ligger ögruppen San Juan Islands till väster om Bellingham och Kaskadbergen till söder.

I Whatcom Falls Park finns flera vattenfall som leder från Lake Whatcom till Bellingham Bay.

Information from University of Western Washington

Closed programmes:
All courses on graduate level
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

Programmes and courses with limited access:
College of Business
Computer Science
English and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 
Environmental Studies
Health and Recreation
Physical Education
Political Science

Audition or portfolio is required for admission to some Music and Art classes. All Physical Education classes have additional charges. Online courses are not available for exchange students.

Full time studies (corresponding to 30 hp)
24 credits. Minimum full-time workload per quarter is 12 credits. Students must take two quarters for it to correspond one semester at Umeå University.

Course levels:
100-299: Lower division
300-499: Upper division

The first digit of a course number indicates its intended class level.
100-199: first year courses, 200-299: second etc.

Course types: 1–4 credit courses = quarter courses

Academic year
Fall quarter: Sept–Dec
Winter+Spring quarter: Jan–March–June

Students can only apply for the Winter- and Spring Quarter.  
The two quarters equal one semester at Umeå University.


Students can apply for on-campus accommodation. Exchange students are housed in on-campus, four-person Birnam Wood Apartments, or Buchanan Towers. Single rooms are available; however the student is responsible for the additional cost.

Incoming Exchange Student Budget - two quarters

One-time WWU International Student Support Fee: 300
International student health insurance: 866
Books and supplies: 784
Birnam Wood apartments*: 3,240
Meal plan*: 4,000
Transportation: 1,280
Personal expenses: 1,780

Total: 12,250 dollar

*Apartments have kitchens so students can prepare own meals.
**Meal plan is optional.

Note: All amounts are in U.S. dollars. Amounts listed are estimates only and subject to change at any time.


International student and scholar service

Course information

Utlandsstudier med studiemedel

Du kan söka studiemedel av CSN när du ska studera utomlands. Studiemedel består av bidrag och lån. Du kan också låna pengar till extra kostnader för exempelvis, resor och försäkringar. 

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-05-22