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National Taiwan University

Antal platser: 2 platser för vårterminen 2025

Grundades: 1928
Studentantal: 33 000
Campus: Universitetet har sex campus, huvudcampus som ligger i Taipei och fem mindre campus.
Studentliv: Det finns över 400 studentorganisationer med inriktning på bland annat studier, underhållning, konst och sport.

Universitetet har rankats på plats 72 i världen av QS World University Ranking, 2019.

Om Taipei

Taipei ligger i norra Taiwan och har ett tropiskt klimat. Somrarna är mycket heta och fuktiga, medan vintrarna är korta, milda med mycket dimma. När det gäller kultur och fritid har Taipei mycket att erbjuda: museer, Taipei 101-tornet (som fram till 2010 var världens högsta), konsertsalar, tempel och festivaler, ett antal köpcentra. Taipei är också känt för sina nattmarknader där Shiling Night Market är den mest kända.

Information from National Taiwan University

Available programmes/courses: 
Exchange students may apply to courses at the: 
College of Social Sciences 
College of Engineering 
College of Public Health 
College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 
College of Law 
College of Life Science

Closed programmes/courses:
Exchange students may not take courses at the: 
College of Medicine. 
Department of Medicine. 
Department of Veterinary Medicine. 
Center for Teaching Education. 
School of Professional Education and Continuing Studies 
Department of Anthropology 

Additionally, these areas are closed to exchange students:
Practicum courses offered by the departments.
Practice courses offered by the Department of Chemistry.
EMBA and EIMBA courses.
All GMBA required courses.
GMBA required courses/ core courses are only open to GMBA degree students, whereas most GMBA elective courses are open to exchange students with the authorization codes given by course instructors.

Note: The Department of Economics is under the College of Social Science at NTU. Courses related to economics can also be found in other departments (e.g. College of Management).

Full time studies (corresponding to 30 hp)
Undergraduate: 15 credits
Graduate: 12 credits

Course levels: Undergraduate, graduate

Curriculum numbers are four-digit numbers prefixed with abbreviated department names (e.g. CHIN1001 Freshman Chinese). The four-digit number is called a "basic number".
The first digit of the basic number indicates the target students in terms of year of study.

Undergraduate level:
1000–2999 freshmen and sophomore
3000–4999 junior and senior
5000–6999 upper division courses

Graduate level:
7000–7999 master courses 

Academic year:
First term: September–January 
Second term: February–June 

If a student applies for on-campus accommodation before the deadline, the student will be guaranteed a room in the university dormitory. Students must indicate if they wish to apply for the dormitory before the application deadline. 

Read more at:

Incoming Exchange Student

Course information

Course catalogue

Utlandsstudier med studiemedel

Du kan söka studiemedel av CSN när du ska studera utomlands. Studiemedel består av bidrag och lån. Du kan också låna pengar till extra kostnader för exempelvis, resor och försäkringar. 

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-05-22