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Chung-Ang University (CAU)

Om universitetet

Antal platser: 0 platser för vårterminen 2025

Grundades: 1918
Studentantal: 30 000
Campus: Ett ligger i Seoul och det andra i utkanten av Anseong City (1,5 timmes bilresa från Seoul).
Studentliv: Mentorprogrammet Global Ambassadors (GLAM) är till för att hjälpa internationella studenter att komma till rätta och lära känna befintliga studenter. Det finns också över 100 studentföreningar att engagera sig i, och CAU ordnar en årlig festival för att fira universitetets "födelsedag".

Om Seoul

Seoul är Sydkoreas huvudstad och har över 10 miljoner invånare, 25 miljoner bor i hela storstadsregionen. Seoul ligger på Han-floden och är omgivet av berg. Det är världens femte dyraste stad att bo i och den näst dyraste i hela Asien. Seoul är ett viktigt finansiellt centrum i Asien och några av världens största företag har sitt huvudkontor här. Staden har också utmärkt sig som en shopping-stad, Dongdaemun-marknaden är den största marknaden i Korea och Yongsangs elektroniska marknad är den största av sitt slag i Asien.

Information from Chung-Ang University

Closed programmes:
School of Medicine
School of Pharmacy
School of Nursing
School of Law
All Graduate School Programmes except GSIS (Graduate School of International Studies) and MBA. These are highly competitive

GSIS is only available to graduate-level exchange students studying the following subjects at their home university; business, economics or international relations. 

MBA is only available to graduate-level exchange students studying the following subjects at their home university; business administration, and economics. 

Graduate classes other than GSIS and MBA are NOT allowed to exchange students. 
Graduate level students are NOT allowed to take any undergraduate-level courses. 

Incoming exchange students need an undergraduate diploma in order to apply for graduate courses.

MBA is only available to graduate level exchange students studying the following subjects at their home university; business administration, economics.

Important information: Business courses are limited to students registered with Business Majors. Other majors (i.e. Political Science, Biology) cannot apply. In addition, each Business course is limited to 7 exchange students per course and the seats are highly competitive. The courses are on a first-come-first-served basis.

Exchange students who would like to take courses in the School of Architecture and Building Science (College of Engineering):
1) Should be majoring in the similar major in their home universities
2) Have taken the prerequisite courses if required
3) Their home university has to be accredited for Architecture / Architectural Engineering.

Full time studies (corresponding to 30 hp):
Undergraduate: 15 credits
Graduate: approximately 9 credits

Course types:
Usually 3 credits/course

Course levels: Study year 1–4: Undergraduate level

Academic year

Autumn term: September–December
Spring term: March–June

All international students will automatically be enrolled in the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS). Cost is approx: 50 South Korean Won per month. This enrolment is mandatory and only in few cases an application of exemption of the NHIS is approved.


As a part of the online application, there is a dormitory application. All students who wish to stay at the dorm should make sure that they apply for the dormitory. A TB (tuberculosis) test result in English, taken within 2 weeks before a student’s move-in date to the dormitory is required for those who are going to stay in the dormitory.

If a student wishes to live off-campus, they are required to find and obtain an accommodation themselves before coming to Korea. For students’ reference, Chung-Ang University provides some off-campus housing information.


Chung-Ang University

Student support and disability services

Utlandsstudier med studiemedel

Du kan söka studiemedel av CSN när du ska studera utomlands. Studiemedel består av bidrag och lån. Du kan också låna pengar till extra kostnader för exempelvis, resor och försäkringar. 

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-05-22