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Waseda University

Antal platser: 0 platser för vårterminen 2025.

Grundades: 1882
Studentantal: 42 000
Campus: Universitetet har åtta campus totalt, varav fem campus i Tokyo, huvudcampus ligger i distriktet Shinjuku.
Studentliv: Det finns ungefär 560 så kallade circles registrerade vid universitetet. En circle består av en grupp som utför olika aktiviteter utanför studierna. Det finns även en rad sportklubbar som riktar sig till studenter som utövar sporten på en professionell nivå.

Waseda University är ett av de sex universiteten i Japan som kallas Tokyo roku daigaku som är en japansk motsvarighet till USA:s Ivy League.

År 2018 placerade QS Asia University Rankings Waseda på plats 39 i Asien.

Om Tokyo

Tokyo är Japans huvudstad och en av de största städerna i Asien med 9 miljoner invånare och 35 miljoner i storstadsområdet. Det gör Tokyo till ett av världens mest folkrikaste områden. Staden har många skyskrapor, fler till antalet än New York. Här finns också flera parker där det går att beskåda körsbärsträdens blomning på våren. Tokyo Sky Tree som öppnades för allmänheten 2012 är stadens högsta och världens näst högsta byggnad. Tornet har utkiksdäck och är ett populärt besöksmål bland turister

Information from Waseda University


Students must either study a programme taught in English at Umeå University, or be able to provide a valid Official Language Proficiency Score certificate (such as TOEFL or IELTS) in order to apply to Waseda University.

Please note that you need to be aware of the language of instruction in the programmes offered.
For information about restrictions, closed programmes and programmes with limited access please refer to: Requirements and Course Lists.

Only the schools/departments listed in the webpage are open to exchange students.

Please note that the syllabus is subject to change, and is not guaranteed to be the same each semester. 

Each School/Graduate School/Center has different application requirements. Please be aware that the choices of English courses available to undergraduate exchange students are quite limited, and undergraduate exchange students cannot take any courses related to lab work/experiments.

Exchange students must select their courses from those offered by the school they will be affiliated with at Waseda. In some cases, you may be permitted to take courses offered to all students or courses offered by other schools as well.

Undergraduate students cannot take courses intended for graduate students.
Graduate students cannot take courses intended for undergraduate students.

Syllabus Search

Full time studies (corresponding to 30 hp): 12-14 credits. Please note that this depends on the school you will be affiliated with. For specific information, please contact the school at Waseda University. 

Course types: The number of credits you can obtain by taking a course varies; it is, however, usually as follows:
A lecture-style course (100 minutes x 14 times): 2 credits
A Japanese language course (100 minutes x 14 times): 1 credit

Course levels: All courses have a code which consists of 8 letters and digits; 4 letters – 3 digits – 1 letter. The fifth character reflects the course level.
Level 1 — Freshman (beginner, initial, introductory)
Level 2 — Sophomore (intermediate, developmental, applicative)
Level 3 — Junior (advanced, practical, specialized)
Level 4 — Senior (final stage advanced-level undergraduate)

Academic year

Autumn term: September–February
Spring term: April–August


Housing options:
Most students choose to live in student accommodation, though this is not guaranteed, and the number of rooms is limited. Students may also find their own room in an apartment or a shared house, or some choose to live with a host family. 

Exchange students can apply for dormitory after they have been accepted.

Housing Options for Exchange Students  


Student Exchange Program

Office for Students with Disabilities 

Utlandsstudier med studiemedel

Du kan söka studiemedel av CSN när du ska studera utomlands. Studiemedel består av bidrag och lån. Du kan också låna pengar till extra kostnader för exempelvis, resor och försäkringar. 

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-05-22