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Examensarbeten i samarbete med externa institutioner eller företag

Examensarbeten kan även utföras i samarbete med andra forsknings institut eller företag. Som student har du då en huvudhandledare på företaget/institutet och en handledare på kemiska institutionen.


Master thesis and other degree projects at Agrisera
Interested in working at a biotech company? Doing your master thesis at Agrisera means that you will work in a modern antibody production and purification facility, interacting with experienced and dedicated staff. Agrisera is a local custom and catalog antibody supplier, established in 1985. We offer experimental projects in protein biochemistry and immunology. Conducting your degree work at Agrisera will give you the possibility to get insight into our operations. You will work in a creative environment, together with dedicated and friendly co-workers.

Examples of master theses previously conducted at Agrisera:
”Column preparation and method development to remove anti-Rubisco antibodies from serum samples”
”Anti-α1,3-fucose and anti-β1,2-xylose antibodies – tools for better understanding of protein glycosylation in plant cells”

To apply, provide us with your CV, as well as a personal letter where you describe what you are interested in and why you think that you are suitable person for a project at Agrisera.

Contact: info@agrisera.com


Vår teknik används idag för växtextraktioner, rening av extrakt, syntes av nya läkemedel, biologiska och kemiska processer men också miljörelaterade applikationer där det gäller att plocka bort föroreningar i industriella avloppsvatten eller naturliga vatten.



Senast uppdaterad: 2024-05-01