The conference fee will be 3000 SEK and it will include the conference dinner as well as lunches and coffee on all three days of the conference.
Please note that travel and accommodation are not included in the conference fee. Every participant is responsible for funding and arranging their own travel.
Getting here
Umeå is easily accessible by train and flight from all other major Swedish cities.
The conference will take place at the Umeå University campus, easy to reach by foot or buss from the city center. If you are arriving directly by train, the train station – Östra station – is next to the University campus.
For public transport connections, please consult Ultra’s website or the Ultra app (Ultra – Umeås lokaltrafik), where you can also purchase tickets. The closest bus stops are called Universum (buss line 2, 5 and 8) and Samhällsvetarhuset (buss line 1).
There are several hotels in the city center with easy access to public communications and within walking distance to the university campus (approx. 30-minute walk). If you are employed at a Swedish university and book your accommodation with research funding located at the university, please book your accommodation according to your local processes and agreements (e.g. via the nationally coordinated framework agreements, "ramavtal").