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Studier i språk och litteratur från Umeå universitet

På denna sida hittar du information om de böcker (företrädesvis avhandlingar) som publicerats i Institutionen för språkstudiers skriftserie. De senast utgivna böckerna presenteras mer utförligt; i listan nedan leder länkarna till DiVA-posterna. /On this page you will find information about the books (primarily dissertations) published in the department’s series. The most recently published books are presented in more detail; the links in the list below lead to the relevant DiVA-post.

Redaktör för skriftserien: Maria Lindgren Leavenworth

Böcker publicerade i serien säljs via eddy.se.

57. Elisabeth Nilsson. Språkbedömningspraktiker i förskoleklass: Lärares arbete med kartläggningsmaterialet Hitta språket. 2024. Avhandling i språkdidaktik/Dissertation in Language Teaching and Learning

This thesis contributes to the body of knowledge about teachers’ language assessment practices with young learners. This is achieved by describing, analyzing, and discussing teachers’ uses of the material Hitta språket (‘find the language’) in Swedish preschool classes (6-year-old children). The empirical material consists of data from observations, interviews with teachers, and documentations of two preschool classes, as well as from group interviews with another 13 preschool class teachers.

The results show that teachers’ uses of the assessments with Hitta språket vary, and that they are not always undertaken in accordance with the instructions that accompany the assessment material and outlined in the Education Act. These variations can be explained by the teachers’ perceptions of assessment methods and constructs (those which are meant to be assessed), the perceived clarity of the instructions, and the priorities of school organizations regarding collaboration opportunities and time for preparation. Despite varying conditions, teachers view the assessment as credible and use the information to modify their teaching. Additionally, the results show that to include the languages spoken by the students in the assessments can inform how teachers plan their teaching. However, this is largely dependent on teachers’ own linguistic repertoires, since multilingual support is scarce.

Issues of equity are discussed in relation to various conditions, particularly regarding the co-assessment with multilingual students. In addition, the tendency of teachers to differ from the procedures and concepts described in the Education Act is discussed as an effect of unsatisfactory conditions for preparation, as well as a need to make adjustments in order to improve the formative function that the assessment is supposed to have.

56. Ekaterina Zmyvalova. Sámi children’s Right to Learn their Language: Indigenous Experiences and Law in the Russian School Context. 2024. Avhandling i samiska studier (utbildingsvetenskaplig inriktning)/Dissertation in Sami Studies (Education)

This interdisciplinary thesis is situated in the field of the Sámi studies and combines approaches of law, sociology of law, and language sociology. At focus is right to language (RtL), particularly Sámi children’s right to learn their language in school in Russia. Zmyvalova employs the legal method, interviews, thematic interview analysis, and document analysis according to themes. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on two theoretical pillars: Pound’s ‘Law in Books’ and Ehrlich’s ‘Living Law’.

One of the key findings of the research is five core elements of the RtL that are deduced as a result of the analysis of international law. These elements are: Legal recognition, Non-discrimination, Participation, Appropriate education, and High-quality education. The analysis of the Russian law demonstrates that these five elements are present in the Russian legal provisions. However, the contents of some of these elements in the Russian legislation vary from the contents of the respective elements found in the relevant international and regional legal acts.

Another key finding indicates that the extent, the content, and the organization of the current Sámi extracurricular language activity refer to a marginalized form of language education of the Sámi learners in Russia. The potential power of the legal framework of the RtL is not utilized for strengthening teaching and learning opportunities of the Sámi language in school.


Publicerade av Institutionen för språkstudier, Umeå universitet/Published by the Department of Language Studies, Umeå University

55. Malin Isaksson, Florence Sisask & Maria Helena Svensson (éds.), Le repos de la guerrière: Textes en l’honneur de Barbro Nilsson Sharp. 2023.

54. Ej utkommen/Not published

53. David Kroik. The Construction of Spaces for Saami Langauge Use: Language Revitalisation in Educational Contexts. 2023. Avhandling i språkdidaktik/Dissertation in language teaching and learning

52. Juanita Vélez Olivera, Traducción y creación. Tres poetas traductores colombianos del siglo XX: Jaime Tello, José Manuel Arango y Harold Alvarado Tenorio. 2023. Avhandling i de moderna språkens litteratur, med inriktning mot spanska/Dissertation in Spanish literature

51. Andreas Nuottaniemi, Flerspråkighetens gränser: Språkdidaktik på (o)jämlik grund i migrationernas tid. 2023. Avhandling i språkdidaktik/Dissertation in language teaching and learning

Avhandlingen är utgiven av bokförlaget h:ström—läs mer här./The dissertation is publihed by h:ström publishers—you can read more here.

50. Ej utkommen/Not published.

49. Erika Sturk, Writing across the Curriculum in Compulsory School in Sweden. 2022[MLL1]. Avhandling i språkdidaktik/Dissertation in language teaching and learning

48. Daniel Kjellander, Ambiguity at Work: Lexical Blends in an American English Web News Context. 2022. Avhandling i språkvetenskap/Dissertation in linguistics

47. Justin Zelime, Contrasting Language-in-Education Policy Intentions, Perceptions and Practice: The Use of English and Kreol Seselwa in the Seychelles. Diss. 2022.

46. Baran Johansson, Two Languages, Two Scripts: Bilingual and Biscriptal Children with and without Reading Difficulties Read and Write in Persian (L1) and Swedish (L2). Diss. 2022.

45. Elena Glotova, Soundscapes in Nineteenth-Century Gothic Short Stories. Diss. 2021.

44. Spoke Wintersparv, Teaching the Reading Experience: Upper Secondary Teachers’ Perspectives on Aesthetic Aspects of Literature Teaching. Diss. 2021.

43. Nuno Marques, Atmospheric and Geological Entanglements: North American Ecopoetry and the Anthropocene. Diss. 2020.

42. Ej utkommen/Not published.

41. Moa Sandström, Dekoloniseringskonst. Artivism i 2010-talets Sápmi. Diss. 2020.

40. Kristina Belančić, Language Policy and Sámi Education in Sweden: Ideological and Implementational Spaces for Sámi Language Use. Diss. 2020.

39. Monica Egelström, Samma lärare – olika praktiker? En studie av literacy och meningsskapande i grundskolans tidiga ämnes­undervisning. Diss. 2019.

38. Anita Malmqvist & Asbjörg Westum (red.), Nya familjekonstellationer – nya benämningar? Familjen och dess medlemmar i finskan, ryskan, svenskan och tyskan. 2019.

37. Elena Rassokhina, Shakespeare’s Sonnets in Russian: The Challenge of Translation. Diss. 2017.

36. Yvonne Knospe, Writing in a Third Language. A Study of Upper Secondary Students’ Texts, Writing Processes and Metacognition. Diss. 2017.

35. Parvin Gheitasi, Say It Fast, Fluent and Flawless: Formulaicity in the Oral Language Production of Young Foreign Language Learners. Diss. 2017.

34. Mai Trang Vu, Logics and Politics of Professionalism: The Case of University English Language Teachers in Vietnam. Diss. 2017.

33. Sergej Ivanov, A Transnational Study of Criticality in the History Learning Environment. Diss. 2016.

32. Godelinde Perk, Julian, God, and the Art of Storytelling: A Narrative Analysis of the Works of Julian of Norwich. Diss. 2016.

31. Karyn Sandström, Peer Review Practices of L2 Doctoral Students in the Natural Sciences. Diss. 2016.

30. Berit Aronsson, Efectos pragmáticos de transferencias prosódicas del sueco al español L2: Implicaciones para la clase de español lengua extranjera. Diss. 2015.

29. Hilda Härgestam Strandberg, Articulable Humanity: Narrative Ethics in Nuruddin Farah’s Trilogies. Diss. 2016.

28. James Barrett, The Ergodic Revisited: Spatiality as a Governing Principle of Digital Literature. Diss. 2015.

27. Hanna Outakoski, Multilingual Literacy Among Young Learners of North Sámi: Contexts, Complexity and Writing in Sápmi. Diss. 2015.

26. Eva Lindgren & Janet Enever (eds.), Språkdidaktik: Researching Language Teaching and Learning. 2015.

25. Janet Enever, Eva Lindgren & Sergej Ivanov (eds.), Conference Pro­ceedings from Early Language Learning: Theory and Practice. 2014.

24. Maria Levlin, Lässvårigheter, språklig förmåga och skolresultat i tidiga skolår – en undersökning av 44 elever i årskurs 2 till 3. Diss. 2014.

23. Anna Maria Hipkiss, Klassrummets semiotiska resurser. En språk­didaktisk studie av skolämnena hem- och konsumentkunskap, kemi och biologi. Diss. 2014.

22. Moa Matthis, “Take a Taste”: Selling Isak Dinesen’s Seven Gothic Tales in 1934. Diss. 2014.

21. Ingalill Gustafsson, www.lektion.se – din kollega på nätet. En studie av lärares lektionsförslag i skolämnet svenska (skrivande)[MLL2] [MLL3] . Lic. 2013.

20. Katarina Kärnebro, Plugga stenhårt eller vara rolig? Normer om språk, kön och skolarbete i identitetsskapande språkpraktiker på fordons­programmet. Diss. 2013.

19. Helena Eckeskog, Varför knackar han inte bara på? En studie om arbete med läsförståelse i åk 1–2. Lic. 2013.

18. Tove Solander, “Creating the Senses”: Sensation in the Work of Shelley Jackson. Diss. 2013.

17. Misuzu Shimotori, Conceptual Contrasts: A Comparative Semantic Study of Dimensional Adjectives in Japanese and Swedish. Diss. 2013.

16. Stephanie Fayth Hendrick, Beyond the Blog. Diss. 2012.

15. Nicklas Hållén, Travelling Objects: Modernity and Materiality in British Colonial Travel Literature about Africa. Diss. 2011.

14. Mareike Jendis, Anita Malmqvist & Ingela Valfridsson (Hrsg.), Text im Kontext 9. Beiträge zur 9. Arbeitstagung schwedischer Germanisten, 7.–8. Mai 2010, Umeå. 2011.

13. Anette Svensson, A Translation of Worlds: Aspects of Cultural Translation and Australian Migration Literature. Diss. 2010.

12. Heidi Hansson, Maria Lindgren Leavenworth & Lennart Pettersson (red.), Regionernas bilder. Estetiska uttryck från och om periferin. 2010.

11. Van Leavenworth, The Gothic in Contemporary Interactive Fictions. Diss. 2010.

10. Niklas Torstensson, Judging the Immigrant: Accents and Attitudes. Diss. 2010.

9. Maria Lindgren Leavenworth, The Second Journey: Travelling in Literary Footsteps. 2010.

8. Gregor von der Heiden, Gespräche in einer Krise. Analyse von Telefonaten mit einem RAF-Mitglied während der Okkupation der westdeutschen Botschaft in Stockholm 1975. Diss. 2009.

7. Therese Örnberg Berglund, Making Sense Digitally: Conversational Coherence in Online and Mixed-Mode Contexts. Diss. 2009.

6. Per Ambrosiani (ed.), Swedish Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists (Ohrid, 10–16 September 2008). 2009.

5. Ingela Valfridsson, Nebensätze in Büchern und Köpfen. Zur Bedeutung der Begriffsvorstellungen beim Fremdsprachenerwerb. Diss. 2009.

4. Dan Olsson, „Davon sagen die Herren kein Wort“. Zum pädagogischen, grammatischen, und dialektologischen Schaffen Max Wilhelm Götzingers (1799–1856). Diss. 2009.

3. Dorothea Liebel, Tageslichtfreude und Buchstabenangst. Zu Harry Martinsons dichterischen Wortbildungen als Übersetzungsproblematik. Diss. 2009.

2. Julian Vasquez (ed.), Actas del Simposio Internacional “Suecia y León de Greiff (1895–1976)”. 2008.

1. Elena Lindholm Narváez, ‘Ese terrible espejo’. Autorrepresentación en la narra­tiva sobre el exilio del Cono Sur en Suecia. Diss. 2008.


Senast uppdaterad: 2025-03-11