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Personalbild Thomas Aronsson

Thomas Aronsson



Verksam som

Professor vid Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet Enhet: Nationalekonomi
Samhällsvetarhuset, Biblioteksgränd 6, A25207 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Current positions

· Professor of Economics, Umeå University (since 1998).

· Professor of Behavioral Public Economics (part time), University of Graz (since 2024).


Some current and recent assignments

· Head of the Department of Economics, Umeå University (2001-2008).

· Chairman of the Committee for the Erik Kempe Award (from 2000).

· Member of the reviewer team in Economics and Statistics for The Swedish Research Council (2002-2006).

· Member of the Expert Committee of Environmental Studies (Expertgruppen för miljöstudier) (2007-2010).

· Member of the reviewer team in Economics and Statistics for The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (2011-2014).

· Member of the Scientific Council in Environmental Economics at the National Institute of Economic Research (Konjunkturinstitutets vetenskapliga råd i miljöekonomi), from 2012.

· Member of the reviewer committee for the Wallenberg Academy Fellowships in social sciences to young researchers, 2014-2018 (I was appointed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). Vice Chairman of the committee from 2015.

· Member of the scientific council of The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverkets vetenskapliga råd), from 2018.

· Member of the Committee of the Environment and Energy (Kommittén för miljö- och energifrågor) of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2018-2023.

· Member of the reviewer committee for the prolongation grant of the Wallenberg Academy Fellowships in humanities and social sciences to young researchers, 2018-2022 (I was appointed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences).

· Member of the board of Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning (MISTRA), from July 1, 2019.



· Scientific awards (Arnbergska priset, 1993; Regeringens pris till yngre forskare, 1993; Skytteanska samfundets pris till yngre forskare vid Umeå universitet, 1995; Erik Lindahls pris, 1997; Nordeas vetenskapliga pris, 2005).

· Elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (from September 2009).

· Elected member of Kungliga skytteanska samfundet (from May 2015).


Some editorial assignments

· Associate Editor, Ekonomisk Debatt (1998-2004).

· Associate Editor, Journal of Public Economics (2003-2011).

· Associate Editor, FinanzArchiv (from 2013).

· Handbook of Environmental Accounting. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2010 (Joint Editorship with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren).

· Guest Editor for a special issue of Public Finance and Management, volume 10 number 2, 2010. The special issue is entitled "Public Finance and the Environment".


Research areas

· Welfare Economics

· Public Economics

· Environmental Economics

· Labor Economics


Main areas of teaching

· Microeconomics, graduate level

· Macroeconomics (Growth Theory), graduate level

· Public Economics, graduate level

· Environmental Economics, graduate level


Thesis advisor

· So far, main advisor for 20 PhD theses and 6 licentiate theses; co-advisor for 8 PhD theses. All of them successfully defended.


Total number of publications (including forthcoming)

· Journal articles (international journals with referee system): 97.

· Internationally published monographs (including editorship): 5

· Book chapters (internationally published volumes): 16

· Published articles, books or book chapters in Swedish: 18

· Downloadable working papers: see 'Umeå Economic Studies' under www.econ.umu.se


Publications in the following journals

Journal of Public Economics, International Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, FinanzArchiv, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Social Choice and Welfare, European Economic Review, International Tax and Public Finance, Journal of Urban Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Economics Letters, Oxford Economic Papers, Regional Studies, Resource and Energy Economics, Review of Income and Wealth, Regional Science and Urban Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Review of Industrial Organization, Journal of Population Economics, German Economic Review, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Economica, Mathematical Social Sciences, Annals of Operation Research, Applied Economics, Labour, Empirical Economics, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Natural Resource Modelling, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics.


Selected publications

· A Note on Optimal Taxation under Status Consumption and Preferences for Equality. (Together with Tomas Sjögren and Sonal Yadav). Forthcoming in Oxford Economic Papers.

· Optimal Redistributive Charity. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman and Ronald Wendner). Forthcoming in Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

· Charity, Status, and Optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Non-Welfarist Approaches. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman and Ronald Wendner). Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics 2, 747-785, 2024.

· Uncertain Length of Life, Retirement Age, and Pension Design. (Together with Sören Blomquist). Invited contribution to the 140th anniversary issue of FinanzArchiv/European Journal of Public Finance 80, 111-128, 2024.

· A Maximum Likelihood Bunching Estimator of the Elasticity of Taxable Income. (Together with Katharina Jenderny and Gauthier Lanot). Journal of Applied Econometrics 39, 200-226, 2024.

· Positional Preferences and Efficiency in a Dynamic Economy. (Together with Sugata Ghosh and Ronald Wendner). Social Choice and Welfare 61, 311-337, 2023.

· The Quality of the Estimators of the ETI. (Together with Katharina Jenderny and Gauthier Lanot). Journal of Public Economics 212, 104679, 2022.

· Habit Formation and the Pareto-Efficient Provision of Public Goods. (Together with Ronnie Schöb). Social Choice and Welfare 59, 669–681, 2022.

· A Note on Optimal Taxation, Status Consumption, and Unemployment. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). Journal of Public Economics 200, 104458, 2021.

· Optimal Redistributive Income Taxation and Efficiency Wages. (Together with Luca Micheletto). Scandinavian Journal of Economics 123, 3-32, 2021.

· Social Comparisons and Optimal Taxation in a Small Open Economy. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman and Tomas Sjögren).  Scandinavian Journal of Economics 121, 1500-1532, 2019.

·Optimal Taxation, Redistribution, and Environmental Externalities. (Together with Tomas Sjögren). International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 11, 233-308, 2018.

·Climate Change and Psychological Adaptation: A Behavioral Environmental Economics Approach. (Together with Ronnie Schöb). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 14, 79-84, 2018.

· Environmental Policy, Sustainability, and Welfare. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2018. (My co-authors are Kenneth Backlund and Karl-Gustaf Löfgren).

· Paternalism against Veblen: Optimal Taxation and Non-Respected Preferences for Social Comparisons. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10, 39-76, 2018.

· Consumption Adaptation, Anticipation-Bias and Optimal Income Taxation. (Together with Ronnie Schöb). Journal of Public Economic Theory 19, 713-731, 2017.

· Genuine Saving and Positional Externalities. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). International Economic Review 58, 1155-1190, 2017.

· Federal Subsidization of State Expenditure to Reduce Political Budget Cycles. (Together with David Granlund). International Tax and Public Finance 24, 536-545, 2017.

· Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting, Paternalism and Optimal Mixed Taxation. (Together with Tomas Sjögren). Mathematical Social Sciences 84, 24-36, 2016.

· Keeping up with the Joneses, the Smiths and the Tanakas: On International Tax Coordination and Social Comparisons. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). Journal of Public Economics 131, 71-86, 2015.

· Relative Consumption of Housing: Marginal Saving Subsidies and Income Taxes as a Second-Best Policy? (Together with Andrea Mannberg). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 116, 439-450, 2015.

· Gender Norms, Work Hours, and Corrective Taxation. (Together with David Granlund). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 56, 33-39, 2015.

· A Note on Public Goods in a Decentralized Fiscal Union: Implications of a Participation Constraint (Together with Luca Micheletto and Tomas Sjögren). Journal of Urban Economics, 84, 1-8, 2014.

· State-Variable Public Goods and Social Comparisons. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68, 390-410, 2014.

· Tax Policy and Present-Biased Preferences: Paternalism under International Capital Mobility. (Together with Tomas Sjögren). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 106, 298-316, 2014.

· Positional Preferences in Time and Space: Optimal Income Taxation with Dynamic Social Comparisons. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 101, 1-23, 2014

· Present-Biased Preferences and Publicly Provided Private Goods. (Together with David Granlund). FinanzArchiv 70, 169-199, 2014.

· When Samuelson Met Veblen Abroad: National and Global Public Good Provision when Social Comparisons Matter. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). Economica 81, 224-243, 2014.

· Mixed Taxation and Transboundary Externalities: A Model with Large Jurisdictions. (Together with Lars Persson and Tomas Sjögren). Public Finance Review 42, 254-282. 2014.

· Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class Revisited: Implications for Optimal Income Taxation. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). Social Choice and Welfare 41, 551-578, 2013

· Decentralized Fiscal Federalism Revisited: Optimal Income Taxation and Public Goods under Horizontal Leadership. (Together with Lars Persson). Economics Letters 117, 223-226, 2012.

· Genuine Saving and the Social Cost of Taxation. (Together with Catia Cialani and Karl-Gustaf Löfgren). Journal of Public Economics 96, 211-217, 2012.

· Conspicuous Leisure: Optimal Income Taxation when both Relative Consumption and Relative Leisure Matter. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115, 155-175, 2013.

· Public Goods and Optimal Paternalism under Present-Biased Preferences. (Together with David Granlund). Economics Letters 113, 54-57, 2011.

· Redistributive Income Taxation, Outsourcing and Foreign Direct Investment. (Together with Erkki Koskela). Economics Letters 110, 86-89, 2011.

· An Optimal Tax Approach to Alcohol Policy. (Together with Tomas Sjögren). FinanzArchiv 66, 153-169, 2010.

· Welfare Measurement, Involuntary Unemployment and Heterogeneity. Review of Income and Wealth 56, 559-571, 2010.

· Optimal Income Taxation and Decentralized Fiscal Federalism. Regional Science and Urban Economics 40, 187-195, 2010.

· Labor Supply, Tax Base and Public Policy in Sweden. In Reforming the Welfare State: Recovery and Beyond in Sweden, edited by Freeman, R., Swedenborg, B. and Topel, R. University of Chicago Press, 2010. (My co-author is James R. Walker).

· Technology Transfers and the Clean Development Mechanism in a North-South General Equilibrium Model. (Together with Kenneth Backlund and Linda Sahlen). Resource and Energy Economics 32, 292-309, 2010.

· Where Should the Elderly Live and Who Should Pay for their Care? (Together with Sören Blomquist and Luca Micheletto). Scandinavian Journal of Economics 112, 289-314, 2010.

· Positional Concerns in an OLG Model: Optimal Labor and Capital Income Taxation. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). International Economic Review 51, 1071-1095, 2010.

· Optimal Income Taxation and Social Norms in the Labor Market. (Together with Tomas Sjögren). International Tax and Public Finance, 17, 67-89, 2010.

· Outsourcing and Optimal Nonlinear Taxation: A Note. (Together with Erkki Koskela). Economics Letters 102, 135-137, 2009.

· A Note on Optimal Paternalism and Health Capital Subsidies. (Together with Linda Thunström). Economics Letters 101, 241-242, 2008.

· Public Goods, Unemployment and Policy Coordination. (Together with Sven Wehke). Regional Science and Urban Economics 38, 285-298, 2008.

· When the Joneses' Consumption Hurts: Optimal Public Good Provision and Nonlinear Income Taxation. (Together with Olof Johansson-Stenman). Journal of Public Economics 92, 986-997, 2008.

· Optimal Taxation and Redistribution in an OLG Model with Unemployment. (Together with Torbjörn Dalin and Tomas Sjögren). International Tax and Public Finance 16, 198-218, 2009.

· Redistribution and Provision of Public Goods in an Economic Federation. (Together with Sören Blomquist). Journal of Public Economic Theory 10, 125-143, 2008.

· Welfare Equivalent NNP and Habit Formation. (Together with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren). Economics Letters 98, 84-88, 2008.

· Social Accounting and the Public Sector. International Economic Review 49, 349-375, 2008.

· Environmental Policy and Optimal Taxation in a Decentralized Economic Federation. (Together with Thomas Jonsson and Tomas Sjögren). FinanzArchiv 62, 437-454, 2006.

· International Environmental Policy Reforms, Tax Distortions and the Labor Market. (Together with Thomas Jonsson and Tomas Sjögren). FinanzArchiv 62, 199-217, 2006.

· Environmental Policy, Efficient Taxation and Unemployment. International Tax and Public Finance 12, 131-144, 2005.

· Public Provision of Private Goods and Equilibrium Unemployment. (Together with Mikael Markström and Tomas Sjögren), FinanzArchiv 61, 353-367, 2005.

· Testing for Vertical Fiscal Externalities. (Together with Linda Andersson and Magnus Wikström). International Tax and Public Finance 11, 243-263, 2004.

· Is the Optimal Labor Income Tax Progressive in a Unionized Economy?. (Together with Tomas Sjögren). Scandinavian Journal of Economics 106, 661-675, 2004.

· Efficient Taxation, Wage Bargaining and Policy Coordination. (Together with Tomas Sjögren). Journal of Public Economics 88, 2711-2725, 2004.

· Welfare Measurement in Imperfect Markets – A Growth Theoretical Approach, 2004. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. (My co-authors are Karl-Gustaf Löfgren and Kenneth Backlund).

· Optimal Taxation, Global Externalities and Labor Mobility. (Together with Sören Blomquist). Journal of Public Economics 87, 2749-2764, 2003.

· Optimal Taxation and Risk-Sharing Arrangements in an Economic Federation. (Together with Magnus Wikström). Oxford Economic Papers 55, 104-120, 2003.

· On Environmental Taxation under Uncertain Environmental Damage. (Together with Sören Blomquist). Environmental and Resource Economics 24, 183-196, 2003.

· Income Taxation, Commodity Taxation and Provision of Public Goods under Labor Market Distortions. (Together with Tomas Sjögren). FinanzArchiv 59, 347-370, 2003.

· Wage Setting and Tax Progressivity in Dynamic General Equilibrium. (Together with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren and Tomas Sjögren). Oxford Economic Papers 54, 490-504, 2002.

· Green Taxes and Uncertain Timing of Technological Change. Resource and Energy Economics 23, 41-62, 2001.

· Wage Setting and Capital Income Taxation in Dynamic General Equilibrium. (Together with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren and Tomas Sjögren). German Economic Review 2, 141-175, 2001.

· Optimal Taxes and Transfers in a Multilevel Public Sector. (Together with Magnus Wikström). FinanzArchiv 58, 158-166, 2001.

· The Impact of Regional Public Expenditures on the Local Decision to Spend. (Together with Johan Lundberg and Magnus Wikström). Regional Science and Urban Economics 30, 185-202, 2000.

· Social Accounting and National Welfare Measures. In Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics, edited by Folmer, H. and Gabel, L. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2000.

· Green Accounting and Green Taxes in the Global Economy. In Frontiers of Environmental Economics, Edited by Folmer, H., Gabel, L., Gerking, S. and Rose, A. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2000. (My co-author is Karl-Gustaf Löfgren).

· Pollution Tax Design and "Green" National Accounting. (Together with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren). European Economic Review 43, 1457-1474, 1999.

· On Cost Benefit Rules for Green Taxes. Environmental and Resource Economics 13, 31-43, 1999.

· Welfare Equivalent NNP under Distributional Objectives. (Together with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren). Economics Letters 63, 239-243, 1999.

· On the Output of the Swedish Education Sector – Additional Comments. (Together with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren and Per Marklund). Review of Income and Wealth 45, 535-542, 1999.

· Nuclear Power, Externalities and Nonstandard Pigouvian Taxes - A Dynamic Analysis under Uncertainty. (Together with Kenneth Backlund and Karl-Gustaf Löfgren). Environmental and Resource Economics 11, 177-195, 1998.

· Welfare Measurement, Green Accounting and Distortionary Taxes. The Journal of Public Economics 70, 273-295, 1998.

· A Note on Social Accounting and Unemployment. Economics Letters 59, 381-384, 1998.

· Green Accounting in Imperfect Market Economies - A Summary of Recent Research. (Together with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren). Environmental and Resource Economics 11, 273-287, 1998.

· Welfare Measurement, Sustainability and Green National Accounting – A Growth Theoretical Approach. (My co-authors are Per-Olov Johansson and Karl-Gustaf Löfgren). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1997.

· Social Accounting and Welfare Measurement in a Growth Model with Human Capital. (Together with Karl-Gustaf Löfgren). Scandinavian Journal of Economics 98(2), 185-201, 1996.

· Local Public Expenditures in Sweden - A Model where the Median Voter is not Necessarily Decisive. (Together with Magnus Wikström). European Economic Review 40, 1705-1716, 1996.

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, John Wiley & Sons 2025, Vol. 127, (1) : 3-45
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Wendner, Ronald
Finanzarchiv, Mohr Siebeck 2024, Vol. 80, (1) : 111-128
Aronsson, Thomas; Blomquist, Sören
Journal of applied econometrics (Chichester, England), John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 39, (1) : 200-216
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
Umeå economic studies, 1031
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, University of Chicago Press 2024, Vol. 2, (4) : 747-785
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Wendner, Ronald
Oxford Economic Papers
Aronsson, Thomas; Sjögren, Tomas; Yadav, Sonal
Social Choice and Welfare, Springer 2023, Vol. 61 : 311-337
Aronsson, Thomas; Ghosh, Sugata; Wendner, Ronald
Umeå economic studies, 1020
Aronsson, Thomas; Xu, Fei
Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 212
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
Social Choice and Welfare, Springer-Verlag New York 2022, Vol. 59 : 669-681
Aronsson, Thomas; Schöb, Ronnie
Umeå economic studies, 1004
Aronsson, Thomas; Bastani, Spencer; Tayibov, Khayyam
Umeå economic studies, 987
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 200
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Umeå economic studies, 990
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Wendner, Ronald
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 3, (1) : 3-32
Aronsson, Thomas; Micheletto, Luca
Stockholm: SNS förlag 2021
Aronsson, Thomas; Wikström, Magnus
Umeå economic studies, 969
Aronsson, Thomas; Ghosh, Sugata; Wendner, Ronald
Umeå economic studies, 978
Aronsson, Thomas; Hetschko, Clemens; Schöb, Ronnie
Umeå economic studies, 973
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Umeå economic studies, 975
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Umeå economic studies, 983
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 121, (4) : 1500-1532
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Sjögren, Tomas
Umeå economic studies, 959
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Wendner, Ronald
Umeå economic studies, 961
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Wendner, Ronald
Edward Elgar Publishing 2018
Aronsson, Thomas; Backlund, Kenneth; Löfgren, Karl-Gustaf
Umeå economic studies, 957
Aronsson, Thomas; Blomquist, Sören
Umeå economic studies, 956
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 10, (1) : 39-76
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 74 : 79-84
Aronsson, Thomas; Schöb, Ronnie
International Tax and Public Finance, Dordrecht: Springer 2017, Vol. 24, (3) : 536-545
Aronsson, Thomas; Granlund, David
Umeå economic studies, 955
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
International Economic Review, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 58, (4) : 1155-1190
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Umeå economic studies, 953
Aronsson, Thomas; Micheletto, Luca
Umeå economic studies, 944
Aronsson, Thomas; Schöb, Ronnie
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell 2017, Vol. 19, (3) : 713-731
Aronsson, Thomas; Schöb, Ronnie
International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, Now Publishers Inc. 2017, Vol. 11, (3) : 233-308
Aronsson, Thomas; Sjögren, Tomas
Umeå economic studies, 950
Aronsson, Thomas; Sjögren, Tomas
Umeå economic studies, 933
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Sjögren, Tomas
Umeå economic studies, 919
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Wendner, Ronald
Mathematical Social Sciences, Amsterdam: Elsevier 2016, Vol. 84 : 24-36
Aronsson, Thomas; Sjögren, Tomas
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 56 : 33-39
Aronsson, Thomas; Granlund, David
Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 131 : 71-86
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 116 : 439-450
Aronsson, Thomas; Mannberg, Andrea
Umeå economic studies, 898
Aronsson, Thomas; Granlund, David
Finanzarchiv, Vol. 70, (2) : 169-199
Aronsson, Thomas; Granlund, David
Umeå economic studies, 891
Aronsson, Thomas; Heidrich, Stefanie; Wikström, Magnus
Umeå economic studies, 886
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Economica, John Wiley & Sons 2014, Vol. 81, (322) : 224-243
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 101 : 1-23
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 68, (2) : 390-410
Aronsson, Thomas; Johansson-Stenman, Olof
Publicerad: 31 maj, 2021