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Personalbild Themis Dimitra Xanthopoulou

Themis Dimitra Xanthopoulou

Postdoctoral Research in the AI Policy Lab 
Knowledge Integrator across disciplines and between research and policy
I research under participatory approaches and use modeling as my main tool



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MIT-huset, Umeå universitet, MIT.E.244 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am a lifelong learner with a passion for connecting different fields of study. My background is a combination of Environmental Engineering (postgraduate diploma and Meng) and Information and Communication Technology (PhD). This diverse education has provided me with the tools to tackle all sorts of complex scientific and societal challenges.

Currently, I am working on issues surrounding the transparency of artificial intelligence. My approach involves engaging with people who use and are affected by AI to understand their needs.

Additionally, I am fascinated by questions regarding the nature of knowledge, whether it changes when we try to simplify our academic insights or when we need to communicate with machines, and finally whether we are still talking about the same knowledge when we convey insights from one discipline to another. Equally fascinating is the search for methods to ground abstract knowledge and concepts in more tangible entities.

Over the years, I have explored many interesting areas. I have worked on soil remediation using nature-based solutions, analysis of paleoclimatic data, and even studied ancient water systems to understand how they shaped societies. During my doctoral studies, I explored the world of bullying. This allowed me to reflect on the ambiguous ontology of bullying and its sociological aspects. I also created an innovative tool called ODD2ABM that helps people without coding skills build simulation models.

My main expertise is modeling (both conceptual and computational). It is like a versatile instrument that allows me to explore everything from ecosystems to social behaviors. I have also spent time teaching, which has significantly improved my skills as a communicator and mentor.

I am excited to create research output that is inclusive of different types of knowledge, including stakeholder knowledge, and that is both valid and relevant

See my publications here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xSiERUoAAAAJ&hl=en 

