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Sture Åström
Vetenskaplig meritering:
070-695 50 70
Verksam vid
Anknuten som professor emeritus till
Institutionen för omvårdnad
Biologihuset, Hus C, plan 3, 4 och 5. Hus D2, plan 3.
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Organizational and psychosocial environmental work factors associated with self-rated exhaustion disorder among municipal employees in rural northern Sweden
Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation
, IOS Press 2023, Vol. 75, (4) : 1215-1229
Asplund, Sofia; Lindgren, Britt-Marie; Åström, Sture; et al.
Experiences of work-related stress among highly stressed municipal employees in rural northern Sweden
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 17, (1)
Asplund, Sofia; Åhlin, Johan; Åström, Sture; et al.
Experiences of being a manager in the municipal sector in rural northern Sweden
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 17, (1)
Asplund, Sofia; Åhlin, Johan; Åström, Sture; et al.
Need of support perceived by patients primarily curatively treated for breast, colorectal, or prostate cancer and close to discharge from hospital - A qualitative study
Journal of Clinical Nursing
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 31, (9-10) : 1216-1227
Hajdarevic, Senada; Fallbjörk, Ulrika; Fransson, Per; et al.
Self-rated exhaustion disorder and associated health-related factors among municipal employees in rural areas of northern Sweden
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
, Springer 2021 : 659-668
Asplund, Sofia; Åhlin, Johan; Åström, Sture; et al.
Nurses' experiences in using physical activity as complementary treatment in patients with schizophrenia
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
, Taylor & Francis 2018, Vol. 39, (7) : 600-607
Carlbo, Adam; Claesson, Hanna Persic; Åström, Sture
A New Working Method in Psychiatric Care: The Impact of Implementation
International Journal of Public Administration
, Vol. 40, (3) : 295-304
Alverbratt, Catrin; Berlin, Johan; Åström, Sture; et al.
Evaluation of a Web-Based Training Program for Professional Carers Working With People With Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behavior: A Pilot Study with SSED-Design
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
, Vol. 37, (10) : 734-743
Antonsson, Helena; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; Isaksson, Ulf; et al.
Patients' Experiences After Attempted Suicide: A Literature Review
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
, Vol. 37, (10) : 715-726
Berglund, Sara; Åström, Sture; Lindgren, Britt-Marie
Patients' daily life experiences five years after gastric bypass surgery: a qualitative study
Journal of Clinical Nursing
, Vol. 25, (3-4) : 322-331
Lier, Haldis Økland; Åström, Sture; Rørtveit, Kristine
Encounters between multicultural family members and the nurses in the context of intensive care
Clinical Nursing Studies
, Sciedu Press 2015, Vol. 3, (1) : 89-99
Høye, Sevald; Kvigne, Kari; Åström, Sture; et al.
Breast Cancer Survivorship: Intersecting Gendered Discourses in a 5-Year Follow-Up Study
Health Care for Women International
, Vol. 36, (5) : 617-633
Norberg, Monika; Magnusson, Eva; Thyme, Karin Egberg; et al.
Culture as a predictor of resistance to change: a study of competing values in a psychiatric nursing context
Health Policy
, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 114, (2-3) : 156-162
Johansson, Catrin; Åström, Sture; Kauffeldt, Anders; et al.
Art therapy during radiotherapy – A five-year follow-up study with women diagnosed with breast cancer
The arts in psychotherapy
, Vol. 41, (1) : 36-40
Öster, Inger; Tavelin, Björn; Edberg Thyme, Karin; et al.
Art therapy during radiotherapy: a five-year follow-up study with women diagnosed with breast cancer
The arts in psychotherapy
, Vol. 41, (1) : 36-40
Öster, Inger; Tavelin, Björn; Egberg Thyme, Karin; et al.
Skilled interaction among professional carers in special accommodations for adult people with learning disabilities
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
, John Wiley & Sons 2013, Vol. 20, (7) : 576-583
Antonsson, Helena; Åström, Sture; Lundström, Mats; et al.
Being flexible and tuning in: professional caregivers' reflections on management of violent behaviour in nursing homes
International Journal of Older People Nursing
, Blackwell Publishing 2013, Vol. 8, (4) : 290-298
Isaksson, Ulf; Åström, Sture; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla
Daily Life Dialogue Assessment in Psychiatric Care-Face Validity and Inter-Rater Reliability of a Tool Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
, Saunders Elsevier 2013, Vol. 27, (6) : 306-311
Johansson, Catrin; Åstrom, Sture; Kauffeldt, Anders; et al.
Personality characteristics of staff in elderly care-a cross-cultural comparison
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
, informa plc 2012, Vol. 33, (2) : 96-100
Richter, Jörg; Åström, Sture; Isaksson, Ulf
Physically violent behaviour in dementia care: characteristics of residents and management of violent situations
Aging & Mental Health
, Vol. 15, (5) : 573-579
Isaksson, Ulf; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; Åström, Sture; et al.
'They don't understand…you cut yourself in order to live.': Interpretative repertoires jointly constructing interactions between adult women who self-harm and professional caregivers
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
, Vol. 6, (3) : 7254-
Lindgren, Britt-Marie; Öster, Inger; Åström, Sture; et al.
Held to ransom: parents of self-harming adults describe their lived experience of professional care and caregivers
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being
, Vol. 5, (3)
Lindgren, Britt-Marie; Aström, Sture; Graneheim, Ulla Hällgren
The meaning of guilt and shame: a qualitative study of mothers who suffer from eating difficulties
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
, Vol. 19, (4) : 231-239
Rørtveit, Kristine; Åström, Sture; Severinsson, Elisabeth
How Care Providers' Construct and Frame Problems Related to Violence in Institutional Care for Older People
Communication & Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Healthcare, Ethics and Society
, Equinox Publishing 2010, Vol. 7, (2) : 155-164
Sandvide, Åsa; Åström, Sture; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Everyday life experiences among relatives of persons with mental disabilities
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
, Vol. 2, (2) : 4896-4900
Wilhelmsson, Anna-Britta; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; Berge, Britt-Marie; et al.
Individual brief art therapy can be helpful for women with breast cancer: A randomized controlled clinical study
Palliative & Supportive Care
, Cambridge University Press 2009, Vol. 7, (1) : 87-95
Egberg Thyme, Karin; Sundin, Eva C.; Wiberg, Britt; et al.
Dilemmas in Witnessing Elder Abuse in Caregiving Situations: A Family Member Perspective
Southern Online Journal of Nursing Research
, Vol. 9, (1)
Erlingsson, Christen; Carlson, Sharon L; Åström, Sture; et al.
Experiences of guilt as a mother in the context of eating difficulties
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
, Vol. 30, (10) : 603-610
Rørtveit, Kristine; Åström, Sture; Severinsson, Elisabeth
The feeling of being trapped in and ashamed of one's own body: A qualitative study of women who suffer from eating difficulties
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
, John Wiley & Sons 2009, Vol. 18, (2) : 91-99
Rørtveit, Kristine; Åström, Sture; Severinsson, Elisabeth
Art therapy improves experienced quality of life among women undergoing treatment for breast cancer: A randomized controlled study
European Journal of Cancer Care
, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2009, Vol. 18, (1) : 69-77
Svensk, Ann-Christine; Öster, Inger; Egberg Thyme, Karin; et al.
Women with breast cancer and gendered limits and boundaries: Art therapy as a safe space for enacting alternative subject positions
The arts in psychotherapy
, Elsevier Inc. 2009, Vol. 36, (1) : 29-38
Öster, Inger; Åström, Sture; Lindh, Jack; et al.
Caregivers' reflections on their interactions with adult people with learning disabilities
Journal of Microscopy
, Vol. 15, (6) : 484-91
Antonsson, Helena; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; Lundström, Mats; et al.
Exposure to violence in relation to personality traits, coping abilities, and burnout among caregivers in nursing homes: a case-control study.
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences
, Vol. 22, (4) : 551-559
Isaksson, Ulf; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; Richter, Jörg; et al.
Violence in nursing homes: perceptions of female caregivers.
Journal of clinical nursing
, Vol. 17, (12) : 1660-6
Isaksson, Ulf; Åström, Sture; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla
Supporting the oldest old when completing a questionnaire: risking bias or gaining reliable results?
Research on aging
, Vol. 29, (6) : 576-89
Isaksson, Ulf; Santamäki-Fischer, Regina; Nygren, Björn; et al.
In the eye of the beholder: How female caregivers in nursing homes perceive violence
5th European congress on violence in clinical psychiatry.
Isaksson, Ulf; Åström, Sture; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla
Personality impact on experiences of strain among caregivers exposed to violence in care of people with learning disabilities
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2007, Vol. 4, (1) : 30-39
Lundström, Mats; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; Eisemann, Martin; et al.
Prevalence of violence and its relation to caregivers' demographics and emotional reactions: an explorative study of caregivers working in group homes for persons with learning disabilities.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 21, (1) : 84-90
Lundström, Mats; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Eisemann, Martin; et al.
Caregivers' experiences of exposure to violence in services for people with learning disabilities.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
, Vol. 14, (4) : 338-45
Lundström, Mats; Åström, Sture; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla
Art therapy for women with breast cancer: the therapeutic concequences of boundary strenghtening
The arts in psychotherapy
, Fayetteville, N.Y.: Ankho international 2007, Vol. 34, (3) : 277-288
Öster, Inger; Magnusson, Eva; Egberg Thyme, Karin; et al.
Art therapy improves coping resources: a randomized, controlled study among women with breast cancer.
Palliative & Supportive Care
, Vol. 4, (1) : 57-64
Öster, Inger; Svensk, Ann-Christine; Magnusson, Eva; et al.
Influence of work climate for experiences of strain
Learning Disability Practice
, Vol. 8, (10) : 32-38
Lundström, Mats; Graneheim, Ulla H; Eisemann, Martin; et al.
Violence in institutional care for elderly people from the perspective of involved care providers.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 18, (4) : 351-357
Sandvide, Åsa; Åström, Sture; Norberg, Astrid; et al.
Staff's experience of and the management of violent incidents in elderly care.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 18, (4) : 410-6
Åström, Sture; Karlsson, Stig; Sandvide, Asa; et al.
Attitudes, empathy and burnout among staff in geriatric and psychogeriatric care
Umeå University medical dissertations
, 267
Åström, Sture
Effects and experiences of a web-based training program for professional carers working with people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour
Antonsson, Helena; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; Isaksson, U; et al.
The secret shame of witnessing elder abuse in the family
Erlingsson, Christen; Carlson, Sharon; Åström, Sture; et al.
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Senada Hajdarevic lab
5 maj 2009 till 30 juni 2012
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