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Personalbild Silvia Remeseiro

Silvia Remeseiro

Wallenberg Molekylär Medicin Fellow (WCMM).

Genreglering och 3D-kromatin organisation i Glioblastom

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent


Verksam vid

Biträdande universitetslektor vid Institutionen för medicinsk och translationell biologi Enhet: Avdelningen för molekylär medicin

Silvia Remeseiro was recruited in March 2019 from EMBL Heidelberg (Germany) to Umeå University as a Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow. She is employed as an Associate senior lecturer at UCMM, Faculty of Medicine.


"I obtained my PhD in 2012 at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO, Madrid – Spain), one of the leading cancer research centers in Europe. There I focused on the study of cohesin-SA1 roles in telomere replication and transcriptional regulation in the context of cancer and development, during which time I also performed a stay at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM) in New York (US). In May 2013, I was awarded a Marie Curie/EIPOD postdoctoral fellowship and joined the prestigious EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) in Heidelberg (Germany). My postdoc research aimed to define the crosstalk between the 3D topological architecture and the regulatory organisation of the genome. I studied how introducing structural perturbations in the genome affects the communication between gene promoters and distant enhancers, thus altering the transcriptional output and having an impact in cancer and development. At the end of my postdoc, I followed the lab when they moved to Institute Pasteur (Paris, France) to finalise my postdoctoral projects before moving to Umeå. Since March 2019 I am a Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellow at WCMM (Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine) and group leader at UCMM (Umeå Center for Molecular Medicine). My lab is mostly interested in studying the interplay between long-range gene regulation and the 3D chromatin organisation. At the moment our efforts are focused on mapping the enhancer landscape and promoter-enhancer interactome in Glioblastoma, the most aggressive but also the most common primary brain tumor in adults".


Nature Communications, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 15, (1)
Dennhag, Nils; Kahsay, Abraha; Nissen, Itzel; et al.
Molecular Oncology, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 18, (8) : 1849-1852
Vincent, Craig A.; Remeseiro, Silvia
Nature Communications, Springer Nature 2023, Vol. 14, (1)
Chakraborty, Chaitali; Nissen, Itzel; Vincent, Craig A.; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2023, Vol. 13, (1)
López-Pérez, Ana R.; Remeseiro, Silvia; Hörnblad, Andreas
BMC Cancer, BioMed Central (BMC) 2023, Vol. 23, (1)
Vincent, Craig A.; Nissen, Itzel; Dakhel, Soran; et al.
Cells, MDPI 2022, Vol. 11, (9)
Hörnblad, Andreas; Remeseiro, Silvia
BMC Molecular and Cell Biology, BioMed Central (BMC) 2021, Vol. 22, (1)
Dakhel, Soran; Davies, Wayne I. L.; Joseph, Justin V.; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2021, Vol. 11, (1)
López-Pérez, Ana R.; Norlin, Stefan; Steneberg, Pär; et al.
Nature, Nature Publishing Group 2018, Vol. 553, (7689) : 515-520
Bahr, Carsten; von Paleske, Lisa; Uslu, Veli V; et al.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology, Vol. 5, (2) : 169-185
Remeseiro, Silvia; Hörnblad, Andreas; Spitz, François
Dakhel, Soran; Chakraborty, Chaitali; Hägglund, Anna-Carin; et al.
Dennhag, Nils; Kahsay, Abraha; Nissen, Itzel; et al.


Silvia Remeseiro lab


1 januari 2022 till 31 december 2024
1 januari 2020 till 31 december 2023
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