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Roland S Johansson



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Anknuten som professor emeritus till Institutionen för medicinsk och translationell biologi Enhet: Grupp Benoni Edin
hus H, Johan Bures väg 12, Biologihuset Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Journal of Neuroscience, Society for Neuroscience 2023, Vol. 43, (49)
McGarity-Shipley, Michael R.; Jantz, Simona Markovik; Johansson, Roland S.; et al.
eLIFE, eLife Sciences Publications 2022, Vol. 11
Sukumar, Vaishnavi; Johansson, Roland S.; Pruszynski, J. Andrew
Journal of Neuroscience, Society for Neuroscience 2021, Vol. 41, (16) : 3622-3634
Jarocka, Ewa; Pruszynski, J. Andrew; Johansson, Roland S.
The senses: a comprehensive reference, Elsevier 2020 : 136-152
Johansson, Roland S.; Flanagan, J.R.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Frontiers Media S.A. 2020, Vol. 14
Nordmark, Per F.; Johansson, Roland S.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2018, Vol. 8
Nordmark, Per F.; Ljungberg, Christina; Johansson, Roland S.
Pruszynski, J. Andrew; Flanagan, J. Randall; Johansson, Roland S.
Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 116, (4) : 1615-1625
Baugh, Lee A.; Yak, Amelie; Johansson, Roland S.; et al.
Inteligencia Artificial. Ibero-American Journal of Artificial Intelligence, IBERAMIA: Sociedad Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 2016, Vol. 19, (58) : 1-16
Pinpin, Lord Kenneth; Gamarra, Daniel Fernando Tello; Johansson, Roland S.; et al.
Current Biology, Vol. 26, (6) : 788-792
Pruszynski, J. Andrew; Johansson, Roland S.; Flanagan, J. Randall
Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 35, (29) : 10572-10580
Diamond, Jonathan S.; Nashed, Joseph Y.; Johansson, Roland S.; et al.
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Wiley-Blackwell 2014, Vol. 41, (5) : 367-373
Grigoriadis, A; Johansson, Roland S; Trulsson, M
Nature Neuroscience, Nature Publishing Group 2014, Vol. 17, (10) : 1404-1409
Pruszynski, J Andrew; Johansson, Roland S
Journal of Vision, Vol. 14, (4)
Säfström, Daniel; Johansson, Roland S; Flanagan, J Randall
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol. 7 : 319-
Armstrong, Irene T; Judson, Melissa; Munoz, Douglas P; et al.
PLOS ONE, Vol. 8, (2) : e56630-
Bengtsson, Fredrik; Brasselet, Romain; Johansson, Roland S; et al.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences, Vol. 368, (1628) : 20130063-
Flanagan, J Randall; Rotman, Gerben; Reichelt, Andreas F; et al.
Experimental Brain Research, Springer 2013, Vol. 228, (2) : 221-234
Reichelt, Andreas F; Ash, Alyssa M; Baugh, Lee A; et al.
Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 110, (6) : 1291-1300
Säfström, Daniel; Flanagan, J Randall; Johansson, Roland S
Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 108, (5) : 1262-1269
Baugh, Lee A.; Kao, Michelle; Johansson, Roland S.; et al.
Journal of cognitive neuroscience, Cambridge: MIT Press 2012, Vol. 24, (10) : 2120-2134
Nordmark, Per F.; Pruszynski, J. Andrew; Johansson, Roland S.
Neural Computation, Vol. 23, (4) : 852-881
Brasselet, Romain; Johansson, Roland S; Arleo, Angelo
Advances in Computational Intelligence: 11th international work-conference on artificial neural networks, IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, Spain, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings, Part I, Berlin: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2011 : 528-536
Brasselet, Romain; Johansson, Roland S; Arleo, Angelo
Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Vol. 38, (4) : 395-404
Grigoriadis, Anastasios; Johansson, Roland S; Trulsson, Mats
Motor control: theories, experiments, and applications
Randall Flanagan, J.; Johansson, Roland S.
Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 30, (31) : 10448-10459
Theorin, Anna; Johansson, Roland S
Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 29, (29) : 9370-9379
Birznieks, Ingvars; Macefield, Vaughan G; Westling, Göran; et al.
Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 195, (2) : 273-283
Bowman, Miles C; Johansson, Roland S; Flanagan, John Randall
BMC Neuroscience, Vol. 10, (1) : 349-350
Brasselet, R; Johansson, Roland; Coenen, Olivier; et al.
Advances in neural information processing systems, Cambridge: MIT Press 2009, Vol. 22 : 180-188
Brasselet, Romain; Johansson, Roland; Arleo, Angelo
Sensorimotor Control of Grasping: Physiology and Pathophysiology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2009 : 161-177
Flanagan, J Randall; Merritt, Kyle; Johansson, Roland S
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Elsevier 2009 : 593-604
Johansson, Roland S; Flanagan, J Randall
Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Vol. 10, (5) : 345-359
Johansson, Roland S; Flanagan, J Randall
Sensorimotor control of grasping: Physiology and pathophysiology, Cambridge: Cambridge books 2009 : 141-160
Johansson, Roland S; Flanagan, JR
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, Vol. 17, (6) : 560-567
Panarese, Alessandro; Edin, Benoni B; Vecchi, Fabrizio; et al.
Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 29, (25) : 8022-8031
Saal, Hannes P; Vijayakumar, Sethu; Johansson, Roland S
Current Biology, Vol. 18, (22) : 1742-7
Flanagan, J Randall; Bittner, Jennifer P; Johansson, Roland S
Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 100, (3) : 1533-43
Flanagan, J Randall; Terao, Yasuo; Johansson, Roland S
The senses, a comprehensive reference: somatotsensation Vol 6, Amsterdam: Elsevier 2008 : 67-86
Johansson, Roland; Flanagan, JR
Det friska och det sjuka nervsystemet
Johansson, Roland S
Autonomous Robots, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2008, Vol. 25, (1-2) : 85-101
Laschi, C; Asuni, G; Guglielmelli, E; et al.
Autonomous Robots, Springer 2008, Vol. 25, (1-2) : 1-2
Laschi, Cecilia; Johansson, Roland S
2nd IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics
Pinpin, L K; Johansson, Roland S; Laschi, C; et al.
2nd IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics : 158-162
Pinpin, LK; Johansson, Roland; Laschi, C; et al.
Advanced Robotics, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV 2008, (22) : 829-849
Wettels, Nicholas; Santos, Veronica J; Johansson, Roland S; et al.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Elsevier 2007, Vol. 60, (1) : 13-23
Schenker, Michael; Wiberg, Mikael; Kay, Simon P.; et al.
NeuroImage, Vol. 36, (Suppl 2) : T2-T15
Theorin, Anna; Johansson, Roland
2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR'07 : 923-932
Wettels, N; Popovic, D; Santos, VJ; et al.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Vol. 16, (6) : 650-9
Flanagan, J Randall; Bowman, Miles C; Johansson, Roland
PLoS biology, Vol. 4, (6) : e158-
Johansson, Roland; Theorin, Anna; Westling, Göran; et al.