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Nina Lindelöf
Vetenskaplig meritering:
090-786 50 02
Verksam vid
Universitetslektor vid
Institutionen för samhällsmedicin och rehabilitering
Enhet: Fysioterapi, Geriatrik
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Negotiating a physically active life in tune with ageing: a grounded theory study of older persons’ experiences of participating in high-intensity interval training
BMC Geriatrics
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2025, Vol. 25, (1)
Fridberg, Helena; Wiklund, Maria; Snellman, Fredrik; et al.
Informal caregivers’ perspectives on participation in a dementia rehabilitation programme
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Taylor & Francis 2025, Vol. 32, (1)
Lampinen, Josefine; Nilsson, Ingeborg; Conradsson, Mia; et al.
Effects of controlled supramaximal high-intensity interval training on muscle capacities and physical functions for older adults: analysis of secondary outcomes from the Umeå HIT study-a randomised controlled trial
Age and Ageing
, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 53, (10)
Frykholm, Erik; Hedlund, Mattias; Becker, Clemens; et al.
Applicability of a supramaximal high-intensity interval training program for older adults previously not engaged in regular exercise: analyses of secondary outcomes from the Umeå HIT Study
Psychology of Sport And Exercise
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 73
Frykholm, Erik; Simonsson, Emma; Levik Sandström, Sofi; et al.
Feasibility of a person-centred multidimensional interdisciplinary rehabilitation programme in community-dwelling people with dementia: a randomised controlled pilot trial
BMC Geriatrics
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Hasselgren, Låtta; Conradsson, Mia; Lampinen, Josefine; et al.
A focus groups study of staff team experiences of providing interdisciplinary rehabilitation for people with dementia and their caregivers: a co-creative journey
BMC Geriatrics
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2023, Vol. 23, (1)
Lindelöf, Nina; Nilsson, Ingeborg; Littbrand, Håkan; et al.
Effects of controlled supramaximal high-intensity interval training on cardiorespiratory fitness and global cognitive function in older adults: the Umeå hit study-a randomized controlled trial
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
, Oxford University Press 2023, Vol. 78, (9) : 1581-1590
Simonsson, Emma; Levik Sandström, Sofi; Hedlund, Mattias; et al.
Older adults' perspectives on rehabilitation and recovery one year after a hip fracture – a qualitative study
BMC Geriatrics
, Springer Nature 2022, Vol. 22, (1)
Karlsson, Åsa; Olofsson, Birgitta; Stenvall, Michael; et al.
Dopamine d2/3-receptor availability and its association with autonomous motivation to exercise in older adults: an exploratory [11c]-raclopride study
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2022, Vol. 16
Simonsson, Emma; Jonasson Stiernman, Lars; Lundquist, Anders; et al.
Experiences of community-dwelling older people with dementia participating in a person-centred multidimensional interdisciplinary rehabilitation program
BMC Geriatrics
, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 21, (1)
Sondell, Anna; Lampinen, Josefine; Conradsson, Mia; et al.
Older adults’ perceptions of contexts surrounding their social participation in a digitalized society: an exploration in rural communities in Northern Sweden
European Journal of Ageing
, Springer 2020, Vol. 17 : 281-290
Fischl, Caroline; Lindelöf, Nina; Lindgren, Helena; et al.
Geriatric Interdisciplinary Home Rehabilitation After Hip Fracture in People with Dementia-A Subgroup Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Clinical Interventions in Aging
, DOVE MEDICAL PRESS LTD, 2020, Vol. 15 : 1575-1586
Karlsson, Åsa; Berggren, Monica; Olofsson, Birgitta; et al.
Effects of Geriatric Interdisciplinary Home Rehabilitation on Independence in Activities of Daily Living in Older People With Hip Fracture: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 101, (4) : 571-578
Karlsson, Åsa; Lindelöf, Nina; Olofsson, Birgitta; et al.
Effects of geriatric interdisciplinary home rehabilitation on complications and readmissions after hip fracture: a randomized controlled trial
Clinical Rehabilitation
, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 33, (1) : 64-73
Berggren, Monica; Karlsson, Åsa; Lindelöf, Nina; et al.
Development and Feasibility of a Regulated, Supramaximal High-Intensity Training Program Adapted for Older Individuals
Frontiers in Physiology
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2019, Vol. 10
Hedlund, Mattias; Lindelöf, Nina; Johansson, Bengt; et al.
Is the Effect of a High-Intensity Functional Exercise Program on Functional Balance Influenced by Applicability and Motivation Among Older People with Dementia in Nursing Homes?
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
, Vol. 23, (10) : 1011-1020
Sondell, Anna; Littbrand, Håkan; Holmberg, Henrik; et al.
The Applicability of a High-Intensity Functional Exercise Program among Older People with Dementia living in Nursing Homes
Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy
, Wolters Kluwer 2019, Vol. 42, (4) : E16-E24
Sondell, Anna; Rosendahl, Erik; Gustafson, Yngve; et al.
Motivation to participate in high-intensity functional exercise compared with a social activity in older people with dementia in nursing homes
, Vol. 13, (11)
Sondell, Anna; Rosendahl, Erik; Nilsson Sommar, Johan; et al.
Experiences of older people with dementia participating in a high-intensity functional exercise program in nursing homes: "While it's tough, it's useful"
, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE 2017, Vol. 12, (11)
Lindelöf, Nina; Lundin-Olsson, Lillemor; Skelton, Dawn A.; et al.
Effects of exercise on cognitive function in older people with dementia: a randomized controlled trial
Journal of alzheimers disease
, IOS Press 2017, Vol. 60, (1) : 323-332
Toots, Annika; Littbrand, Håkan; Boström, Gustaf; et al.
Effects of a high-intensity functional exercise program on depressive symptoms among people with dementia in residential care: a randomized controlled trial
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
, Vol. 31, (8) : 868-878
Boström, Gustaf; Conradsson, Mia; Hörnsten, Carl; et al.
Effects of Geriatric Interdisciplinary Home Rehabilitation on Walking Ability and Length of Hospital Stay After Hip Fracture: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
, Vol. 17, (5) : 464.e9-464.e15
Karlsson, Åsa; Berggren, Monica; Gustafson, Yngve; et al.
Effects of a High-Intensity Functional Exercise Program on Dependence in Activities of Daily Living and Balance in Older Adults with Dementia
Journal of The American Geriatrics Society
, Vol. 64, (1) : 55-64
Toots, Annika; Littbrand, Håkan; Lindelöf, Nina; et al.
Is a change in functional capacity or dependency in activities of daily living associated with a change in mental health among older people living in residential care facilities?
Clinical Interventions in Aging
, Dove Medical Press 2013, Vol. 8 : 1561-1568
Conradsson, Mia; Littbrand, Håkan; Boström, Gustaf; et al.
Perceptions of participating in high-intensity functional exercise among older people dependent in activities of daily living (ADL)
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print)
, Elsevier 2013, Vol. 57, (3) : 369-376
Lindelöf, Nina; Rosendahl, Erik; Gustafsson, S.; et al.
Experiences of a high-intensity functional exercise programme among older people dependent in activities of daily living
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
, Vol. 20, (suppl.) : S220-S220
Lindelöf, Nina; Karlsson, Stig; Lundman, Berit
Experiences of a high-intensity functional exercise programme among older people dependent in activities of daily living
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
, London: Informa Healthcare 2012, Vol. 28, (4) : 307-316
Lindelöf, Nina; Karlsson, Stig; Lundman, Berit
Effects of high-intensity exercise and protein supplement on muscle mass in ADL dependent older people with and without malnutrition: a randomized controlled trial
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
, Vol. 15, (7) : 554-560
Carlsson, Maine; Littbrand, Håkan; Gustafson, Yngve; et al.
Effect of a high-intensity functional exercise program on functional balance: preplanned subgroup analyses of a randomized controlled trial in residential care facilities
Journal of The American Geriatrics Society
, John Wiley & Sons 2011, Vol. 59, (7) : 1274-1282
Littbrand, Håkan; Carlsson, Maine; Lundin-Olsson, Lillemor; et al.
Effects of a high-intensity functional exercise programme on depressive symptoms and psychological well-being among older people living in residential care facilities: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Aging & Mental Health
, Taylor & Francis 2010, Vol. 14, (5) : 565-576
Conradsson, Mia; Littbrand, Håkan; Lindelöf, Nina; et al.
Berg balance scale: intrarater test-retest reliability among older people dependent in activities of daily living and living in residential care facilities
Physical Therapy
, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) 2007, Vol. 87, (9) : 1155-1163
Conradsson, Mia; Lundin-Olsson, Lillernor; Lindelöf, Nina; et al.
A high-intensity functional weight-bearing exercise program for older people dependent in activities of daily living and living in residential care facilities: evaluation of the applicability with focus on cognitive function
Physical Therapy
, Vol. 86, (4) : 489-498
Littbrand, Håkan; Rosendahl, Erik; Lindelöf, Nina; et al.
High-intensity functional exercise program and protein-enriched energy supplement for older persons dependent in activities of daily living: a randomised controlled trial
Australian Journal of Physiotherapy
, Vol. 52, (2) : 105-113
Rosendahl, Erik; Lindelöf, Nina; Littbrand, Håkan; et al.
Weighted Belt Exercise for Frail Older Women Following Hip Fracture - A Single Subject Design
Advances in Physiotherapy
, Vol. 4, (2) : 54-64
Lindelof, Nina; Littbrand, Håkan; Lindström, Britta; et al.
Is a change in physical capacity or dependence in ADL associated with a change in mental health among older people living in residential care facilities?
Conradsson, Mia; Littbrand, Håkan; Boström, Gustaf; et al.
Visa publikationer i DiVA
Fysisk förmåga över livsspannet (PAL)
Tema kvalitativ metod
Umeå Translational Respiratory EXercise group (U-TREX)
1 januari 2019 till 31 december 2024
The Umeå HIT Study
1 augusti 2011 till 31 december 2017
The Umeå Dementia and Exercise (UMDEX) Study
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