Docent vid Enheten för Polisiärt Arbete. Ämne: Beteendevetenskapliga mätningar.
Min forskning finns inom det beteendevetenskapliga fältet med särskilt fokus på mätfrågor. Tillämpningsområdet är huvudsakligen polisiärt arbete i såväl nationella som internationella projekt. Jag är delaktig och ansvarig för ett antal pågående projekt som utförs vid enheten för polisutbildningen eller i samverkan med andra institutioner och myndigheter.
Urval av presentationer vid vetenskapliga sammanhang:
Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual Meeting, November 2022, Atlanta, USA. Implementing Crime Preventive Policing Strategies in Complex, Disadvantaged Areas in Colombia. Inzunza, M. Franco, J
Presentation at the American Society of Criminology annual Meeting, November 2022, Atlanta, USA. Conceptual Model Providing More Information on the Contact Situation between Crime Victim and the Police. Inzunza, M.
The 22th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 21-24 September 2022, Málaga, Spain. "The measurement of collective efficacy and its relation to increased police presence". Inzunza, M.
Segundo Congreso Internacional de Criminología y Victimologia, 25-26 September 2019, Bogotá, Colombia “Prevención del Delito Estudio de caso en Colombia”. Inzunza, M.
The 11th conference of The International Test Commission, 2-5 July 2018, Montréal, Canada “The impact of education and training on cognitive perspective taking among Swedish National Police recruits: Implementation of a longitudinal project”. Inzunza, M, Wikström, C, Stenlund, T Brown, G T L.
The 16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology,
21-24 September 2016, Munster, Germany ”Police recruits in European police organizations and their views on relations towards citizens”. Inzunza, M & Wikström, C.
The 10th Conference of the International Test Commission, 1-4 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada "Investigating the relation between self‐reported perspective taking and objective tasks of Theory of Mind among police recruits". Inzunza, M, Stenlund, T & Wikström, C.
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