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Personalbild Mats Wahlberg

Mats Wahlberg

Jag är docent i systematisk teologi. Min forskning är huvudsakligen inriktad mot filosofisk teologi och fundamentalteologi, men jag intresserar mig även för klassiska dogmatiska ämnen.

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent



Verksam som

Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier Enhet: Religionsvetenskap och teologi
A, Humanisthuset, HUM.H.123 Umeå Universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Mats Wahlberg, Ph.D., is docent and associate professor of systematic theology, a member of the Academy of Catholic Theology, and a research fellow in the Discipline Group of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology at the Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. In 2021, he was the Aquinas Chair at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome.

He has published two monographs, Reshaping Natural Theology: Seeing Nature as Creation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012) and Revelation as Testimony: A Philosophical-Theological Study (Eerdmans, 2014), as well as many articles in journals such as Modern Theology, International Journal of Systematic Theology, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, and First Things.

His research interests include arguments for God’s existence, the problem of evil, the doctrine of revelation, theology and science (especially the theological implications of evolution) and the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas. Wahlberg's research about the problem of evil and evolution has been funded by the John Templeton Foundation.

Scientia et Fides, Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika/Nicolaus Copernicus University 2024, Vol. 12, (1) : 107-118
Wahlberg, Mats
Neue Zeitschrift Für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, Walter de Gruyter 2023, Vol. 65, (1) : 44-54
Wahlberg, Mats
Modern Theology, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 39, (1) : 47-67
Wahlberg, Mats
Journal of Analytic Theology, Journal of Analytic Theology 2023, Vol. 11 : 728-734
Wahlberg, Mats
Zygon, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 57, (4) : 1095-1107
Wahlberg, Mats
Neue Zeitschrift Für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, Walter de Gruyter 2022, Vol. 64, (2) : 195-206
Wahlberg, Mats
Nova et vetera, Washington: Catholic University of America Press 2022, Vol. 20, (4) : 1305-1322
Wahlberg, Mats
Vidgade perspektiv på lidandet problem, Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag 2022 : 169-195
Wahlberg, Mats
Vänskap - Friendship: festschrift för Arne Rasmusson, Malmö: Spricka förlag 2021 : 355-379
Wahlberg, Mats
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Wahlberg, Mats
Svenska Dagbladet
Wahlberg, Mats
Svensk kyrkotidning, Svensk kyrkotidning AB 2019, Vol. 115, (10) : 283-286
Wahlberg, Mats
Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, Lund: 2018, Vol. 94, (1-2) : 97-107
Wahlberg, Mats
Nova et vetera, Steubenville: Catholic University of America Press 2018, Vol. 16, (4) : 1313-1336
Wahlberg, Mats
First Things, New York: Institute on Religion and Public Life 2018, Vol. May
Wahlberg, Mats
Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, Lund: 2017, (3-4) : 191-208
Wahlberg, Mats
Angelicum, Rome: Pontificia Studiorum Universitas a Sancto Thomas Aquinate in Urbe 2017, Vol. 94, (4) : 799-828
Wahlberg, Mats
European Journal of Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 9, (2) : 165-188
Wahlberg, Mats
Religionspädagogik in einer mediatisierten Welt, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH 2017 : 104-118
Wahlberg, Mats
First Things, New York: Institute of Religion and Public Life 2017, Vol. Feb
Wahlberg, Mats
First Things
Wahlberg, Mats
Wahlberg, Mats
Religious Education in a Mediatized World, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH 2017 : 98-111
Wahlberg, Mats
Modern Theology, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons 2016, Vol. 32, (2) : 283-286
Wahlberg, Mats
First Things, Institute of Religion and Public Life: 2016, (June/July)
Wahlberg, Mats
First Things
Wahlberg, Mats
International journal for philosophy of religion, Dordrecht: Springer 2015, Vol. 77, (1) : 37-51
Wahlberg, Mats
Scottish journal of theology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2015, Vol. 68, (2) : 201-217
Wahlberg, Mats
Nova et vetera, Greenwood Village, CO: Augustine Institute Inc. 2015, Vol. 13, (3) : 765-785
Wahlberg, Mats
Nova et vetera, Johns Hopkins University Press 2015, Vol. 13, (4)
Wahlberg, Mats
Nova et vetera, Greenwood Village, CO: Augustine Institute Inc. 2015, Vol. 13, (4) : 1003-1008
Wahlberg, Mats
Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2014
Wahlberg, Mats
International Journal of Systematic Theology, John Wiley & Sons 2014, Vol. 16, (3) : 273-294
Wahlberg, Mats
Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University 2013
Wahlberg, Mats
Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2012
Wahlberg, Mats
Tro och liv, Stockholm: 2003, Vol. 62, (3-4) : 4-16
Wahlberg, Mats