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Maria Emmelin
Verksam vid
Seniorkonsult vid Institutionen för epidemiologi och global hälsa
5B, Målpunkt P, Försörjningsvägen 7 B, Norrlands universitetssjukhus
Epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå Universitet, 90185 Umeå
Who published what on Somali health issues?
Somali Health Action Journal
, Umeå: Umeå University 2022, Vol. 2, (1)
Bile, Khalif; Emmelin, Maria; Freij, Lennart; et al.
Qualitative methodology for international public health
Umeå: Umeå universitet 2019
Dahlgren, Lars; Emmelin, Maria; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla; et al.
Lived experiences of patients suffering from acute Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis: A qualitative content analysis study from Iran
Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases
, Vol. 12, (2) : 180-195
Khatami, Alireza; Emmelin, Maria; Talaee, Rezvan; et al.
Rebuilding research capacity in fragile states: the case of a Somali-Swedish global health initiative
Global Health Action
, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis 2017, Vol. 10, (1)
Dalmar, Abdirisak Ahmed; Hussein, Abdullahi Sheik; Walhad, Said Ahmed; et al.
Precarious employment is a risk factor for poor mental health in young individuals in Sweden: a cohort study with multiple follow-ups
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2016, Vol. 16
Canivet, Catarina; Bodin, Theo; Emmelin, Maria; et al.
Gender and Women Development Initiatives in Bangladesh: A Study of Rural Mother Center
Journal of Health & Social Policy
, Vol. 31, (5) : 369-386
Karim, K M Rabiul; Emmelin, Maria; Lindberg, Line; et al.
"All is well": professionals' documentation of social determinants of health in Swedish Child Health Services health records concerning maltreated children - a mixed method approach
BMC Pediatrics
, BioMed Central 2016, Vol. 16
Köhler, Marie; Rosvall, Maria; Emmelin, Maria
Comparisons of weight change, eating habits and physical activity between women in Northern Sweden and Rural New York State-results from a longitudinal study
Nutrition Journal
, Vol. 14
Lindvall, Kristina; Jenkins, Paul; Scribani, Melissa; et al.
We no longer live in the old days: a qualitative study on men's views on masculinity and violence within marriage in rural Java, Indonesia
BMC Women's Health
, Vol. 14, (58)
Hayati, Elli Nur; Emmelin, Maria; Eriksson, Malin
Health-care workers’ attitudes and perceptions of intimate partner violence against women in Tanzania
African journal of midwifery and women's health
, Mark Allen group 2014, Vol. 8, (1) : 28-35
Laisser, Rose; Nyström, Lennarth; Emmelin, Maria
Internalizing the threat of risk: a qualitative study about adolescents' experience living with screening-detected celiac disease 5 years after diagnosis
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
, BioMed Central 2014, Vol. 12
Nordyke, Katrina; Rosén, Anna; Emmelin, Maria; et al.
Collective actors as driving forces for mobilizing social capital in a local community: what can be learned for health promotion?
Social capital and rural development in the knowledge society
, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 2013 : 273-298
Eriksson, Malin; Dahlgren, Lars; Emmelin, Maria
"Elastic band strategy": women's lived experience of coping with domestic violence in rural Indonesia
Global Health Action
, Vol. 6 : 1-12
Hayati, Elli Nur; Eriksson, Malin; Hakimi, Mohammad; et al.
Parents’ Experiences of Reporting Child Sexual Abuse in Urban Tanzania
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
, Vol. 22, (5) : 481-498
Kisanga, Felix; Nyström, Lennarth; Hogan, Nora; et al.
Primary weight maintenance: an observational study exploring candidate variables for intervention
Nutrition Journal
, Vol. 12 : 97-
Lindvall, Kristina; Jenkins, Paul; Emmelin, Maria; et al.
Identifying with a process of change: a qualitative assessment of the components included in a smoking cessation intervention at antenatal clinics in South Africa
, Elsevier 2013, Vol. 29, (7) : 751-758
Petersen, Zainonisa; Nilsson, Maria; Steyn, Krisela; et al.
Kan socialt kapital byggas in i våra bostadsområden och därmed förbättra invånarnas upplevda och mentala hälsa?: Ett diskussionsunderlag framtaget för Kommissionen för ett socialt hållbart Malmö
Malmö: 2012
Emmelin, Maria; Eriksson, Malin
Water development projects and marital violence: experiences from rural Bangladesh
Health Care for Women International
, Vol. 33, (3) : 200-216
Karim, KM Rabiul; Emmelin, Maria; Resurreccion, Bernadette P; et al.
What about healthy participants?: the improvement and deterioration of self-reported health at a 10-year follow-up of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme
Global Health Action
, Vol. 4 : 5435-
Blomstedt, Yulia; Emmelin, Maria; Weinehall, Lars
The importance of gender and conceptualization for understanding the association between collective social capital and health: a multilevel analysis from northern Sweden
Social Science and Medicine
, Vol. 73, (2) : 264-273
Eriksson, Malin; Ng, Nawi; Weinehall, Lars; et al.
Scolders, carers or friends: South African midwives' contrasting styles of communication when discussing smoking cessation with pregnant women
, Elsevier 2011, Vol. 27, (4) : 517-524
Everett-Murphy, Katherine; Paijmans, Jeske; Steyn, Krisela; et al.
Exploring the role of cognitive and structural social capital in the declining trends of HIV/AIDS in the Kagera region of Tanzania: A grounded theory study
African Journal of AIDS Research
, Grahamstown, South Africa: NISC 2011, Vol. 10, (1) : 1-13
Frumence, Gasto; Eriksson, Malin; Nyström, Lennarth; et al.
Behind the silence of harmony: risk factors for physical and sexual violence among women in rural Indonesia.
BMC Women's Health
, Vol. 11 : 52-
Hayati, Elli N; Högberg, Ulf; Hakimi, Mohammad; et al.
Child sexual abuse: community concerns in urban Tanzania
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
, Vol. 20, (2) : 196-217
Kisanga, Felix; Nyström, Lennarth; Hogan, Nora; et al.
Screening of women for intimate partner violence: a pilot intervention at an outpatient department in Tanzania
Global Health Action
, CoAction Publishing 2011, Vol. 4 : Article nr 7288-
Laisser, Rose M; Nyström, Lennarth; Lindmark, Gunilla; et al.
Community perceptions of intimate partner violence: a qualitative study from urban Tanzania
BMC Women's Health
, BioMed Central 2011, Vol. 11
Laisser, Rose M; Nyström, Lennarth; Lugina, Helen I; et al.
Managing in the contemporary world: rape victims' and supporters' experiences of barriers within the police and the health care system in tanzania
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
, Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage 2011, Vol. 26, (16) : 3187-3209
Muganyizi, Projestine S.; Nyström, Lennarth; Axemo, Pia; et al.
Self-rated health does not predict 10-year weight change among middle-aged adults in a longitudinal population study
BMC Public Health
, London: BioMed Central 2011, Vol. 11, (748) : 9-
Norberg, Margareta; Lindvall, Kristina; Jenkins, Paul L; et al.
Health-related quality-of-life in children with coeliac disease, measured prior to receiving their diagnosis through screening
Journal of Medical Screening
, Royal Society of Medicine Press 2011, Vol. 18, (4) : 187-192
Nordyke, Katrina; Norström, Fredrik; Lindholm, Lars; et al.
Mass screening for celiac disease from the perspective of newly diagnosed adolescents and their parents: A mixed-method study
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2011, Vol. 11 : 822-
Rosén, Anna; Emmelin, Maria; Carlsson, Annelie; et al.
Balancing health benefits and social sacrifices: a qualitative study of how screening-detected celiac disease impacts adolescents' quality of life
BMC Pediatrics
, BioMed Central 2011, Vol. 11 : 32-
Rosén, Anna; Ivarsson, Anneli; Nordyke, Katrina; et al.
The social marketing of safety behaviors: a quasi-randomized controlled trial of tractor retrofitting incentives
American Journal of Public Health
, Vol. 101, (4) : 678-684
Sorensen, Julie A; Jenkins, Paul L; Emmelin, Maria; et al.
Social capital and sexual behavior among Ugandan university students
Global health action
, Vol. 3
Agardh, Anette; Emmelin, Maria; Muriisa, Robert; et al.
Joint effect of maternal depression and intimate partner violence on increased risk of child death in rural Ethiopia
Archives of Disease in Childhood
, Vol. 95, (10) : 771-775
Deyessa Kabeta, Negussie; Berhane, Y; Emmelin, Maria; et al.
Violence against women in relation to literacy and area of residence
Global Health Action
, Vol. 3, (2070)
Deyessa Kabeta, Negussie; Berhane, Yemane; Ellsberg, Mary; et al.
Collective actors as driving forces for mobilizing social capital in a local community: what can be learned for health promotion?
Social capital and rural development
Eriksson, Malin; Dahlgren, Lars; Emmelin, Maria
Social capital, gender and educational level: impact on self-rated health
The Open Public Health Journal
, Bentham Science Publishers 2010, Vol. 3 : 1-12
Eriksson, Malin; Dahlgren, Lars; Janlert, Urban; et al.
Social capital and the decline in HIV transmission: a case study in three villages in the Kagera region of Tanzania
SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS
, Vol. 7, (3) : 9-20
Frumence, Gasto; Killewo, Japhet; Kwesigabo, Gideon; et al.
“If we only got a chance.” Barriers to and possibilities for a more health-promoting health service
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
, Dove press 2010, Vol. 3 : 1-9
Johansson, Helene; Weinehall, Lars; Emmelin, Maria
HIV-positive women's experiences of a PMTCT programme in rural Malawi
, Elsevier 2010, Vol. 26, (1) : 27-37
Kasenga, Fyson; Hurtig, Anna-Karin; Emmelin, Maria
Perceptions of child sexual abuse: a qualitative interview study with representatives of the socio-legal system in urban Tanzania
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
, Vol. 19, (3) : 290-309
Kisanga, Felix; Mbwambo, Jessie; Hogan, Norah; et al.
Weight maintenance as a tight rope walk: a grounded theory study
BMC Public Health
, Vol. 10, (51)
Lindvall, Kristina; Larsson, Christel; Weinehall, Lars; et al.
Effect of supporter characteristics on expression of negative social reactions toward rape survivors in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Health Care for Women International
, Vol. 31, (8) : 668-685
Muganyizi, Projestine Selestine; Nyström, Lennarth; Lindmark, Gunilla; et al.
"Immortal but frightened": smoking adolescents´ perceptions on smoking uptake and prevention
BMC Public Health
, Vol. 10 : 776-
Nilsson, Maria; Emmelin, Maria
How do children experience participating in a coeliac disease screening?: a qualitative study based on children's written narratives
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
, Vol. 38, (4) : 351-358
Nordyke, Katrina; Myléus, Anna; Ivarsson, Anneli; et al.
Pregnant women's responses to a tailored smoking cessation intervention: turning hopelessness into competence
Global health action
, Vol. 3
Petersen, Zainonisa; Steyn, Krisela; Everett-Murphy, Katherine; et al.
Intimate partner violence and depression among women in rural Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health
, Vol. 5, (1) : 8-
Deyessa Kabeta, Negussie; Berhane, Yemane; Alem, Atalay; et al.
Understanding the role of social capital for health promotion beyond Putnam: a qualitative case study from northern Sweden
Social theory and health
, Vol. 7, (4) : 318-338
Eriksson, Malin; Dahlgren, Lars; Emmelin, Maria
"It depends on what you mean": a qualitative study of Swedish health professionals' views on health and health promotion
BMC Health Services Research
, Vol. 9, (191)
Johansson, Helene; Weinehall, Lars; Emmelin, Maria
The implications of policy changes on the uptake of a PMTCT programme in rural Malawi: first three years of experience
Global Health Action
, Häggeby: CoAction Publishing 2009, Vol. 2
Kasenga, Fyson; Byass, Peter; Emmelin, Maria; et al.
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