Forskar om 'gröna' mega-investeringars effekter på platser och människor i norra Sverige. Undervisar i samhällsplanering och kvalitativa metoder
My research has evolved around several different but related themes; the representations of the rural and the urban with focus on the northern periphery and urban regeneration, and the disciplining of labour migrants and the housing situation for newly arrived refugees. One important element in my research is the study of representations of 'the other' in relation to, discourses of globalisation, new forms of mobility and different social categories such as gender, race and class. I also stress the inseparability of economic processes from the political, social, historical, and geographic contexts which give them meaning and which may contribute to, or resist, geographies of uneven development.
My most recent project is about the housing situation for newly arrived refugees and concern issues of social integration, place attachement and social relations.