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Personalbild Loïs Vanhée

Loïs Vanhée

Undervisning och forskning inom etisk och ansvarsfull AI, ångestkänslig planering, samhällssimulering i krissituation samt ansvarsfull designpedagogik.

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent
Pedagogisk meritering: Meriterad lärare


Verksam vid

Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för datavetenskap
Anknuten som universitetslektor till Centrum för transdisciplinär AI

Mitt främsta forskningsintresse är hur man använder AI för det sociala intresset, under det allmänna spektrumet av etisk och ansvarsfull AI.

Gällande mer konkreta riktningar arbetar jag för närvarande med att utforma AI-system som kan redovisa och agera för att undvika att orsaka ångest hos mänskliga användare. Värt att notera är att jag personligen bidrar till fältet ångestkänslig planering i markoviska miljöer.

Jag är också involverad i att studera hur ansvarsfull design lärs ut för närvarande, samt att utveckla riktlinjer, metoder och verktyg för hur denna disciplin bäst ska läras ut i framtiden.

Slutligen bidrar jag till studien av att använda social simulering i krissituationer. Jag har varit huvuddesigner för ASSOCC-projektet – en av de mest kompletta sociala simuleringarna av covid-19-pandemin, och ett av de största sociala simuleringsprojekt som någonsin skapats.

Tidigare har jag arbetat mycket med social simulering, modellering (mänskliga värden, mänskliga kulturer), Markov-beslutsprocesser och robotteknik. Jag har också jobbat en hel del med multiagent-systemtekniker och arbetat i industrin i ett år.

(Partiell) portfölj

Offentlig kod

Medlem i CRAFT Research Lab

Multi-Agent-Based simulation XXIV: 24th International workshop, MABS 2023 London, UK, May 29 – June 2, 2023 Revised selected papers, Springer Nature 2024 : 112-126
Jensen, Maarten; Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank
Advances in social simulation: proceedings of the 18th Social simulation conference, Glasgow, UK, 4–8 september2023, Cham: Springer Nature 2024 : 533-545
Jensen, Maarten; Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank
European Journal of Education, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 59, (3)
Vanhée, Loïs; Danielsson, Karin; Enqvist, Lena; et al.
Autonomous agents and multiagent systems: best and visionary paper, Springer 2024 : 30-42
Gutsche, Linda; Vanhée, Loïs
Advances in social simulation: proceedings of the 18th Social simulation conference, Glasgow, UK, 4–8 September 2023, Cham: Springer Nature 2024 : 547-560
Vanhée, Loïs; Borit, Melania
Human-centered artificial intelligence: Advanced lectures, Springer Nature 2023 : 391-414
Lorig, Fabian; Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank
Proceedings of the thirty-second international joint conference on artificial intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence 2023 : 6979-6984
Vanhée, Loïs; Borit, Melania
Advances in social simulation: Proceedings of the 17th Social Simulation Conference, European Social Simulation Association, Springer Nature 2023 : 139-152
Horned, Arvid; Vanhée, Loïs
Proceedings of the thirty-second international joint conference on artificial intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence 2023 : 6905-6909
Javed, Rana Tallal; Nasir, Osama; Borit, Melania; et al.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2023), International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS) 2023 : 1761-1767
Horned, Arvid; Vanhée, Loïs
Multittrust 2023. Multidisciplinary perspectives on human-AI team trust 2023: proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human-AI Team Trust
Vanhée, Loïs
Proceedings of the thirty-second international conference on automated planning and scheduling, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2022 : 730-740
Vanhée, Loïs; Jeanpierre, Laurent; Mouaddib, Abdel-Illah
The journal of artificial intelligence research, AI Access Foundation 2022, Vol. 73 : 933-965
Javed, Rana; Nasir, Osama; Borit, Melania; et al.
JASSS: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, University of Surrey 2022, Vol. 25, (3)
Kreulen, Kurt; de Bruin, Bart; Ghorbani, Amineh; et al.
Report / UMINF, 22.01
Jiang, Lili; Jonsson, Anna; Vanhée, Loïs
Advances in Social Simulation: Proceedings of the 16th Social Simulation Conference, 20–24 September 2021, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2022 : 409-421
Jensen, Maarten; Verhagen, Harko; Vanhée, Loïs; et al.
The journal of artificial intelligence research, AI Access Foundation 2022, Vol. 73 : 619-631
Vanhée, Loïs; Borit, Melania
Social simulation for a crisis: results and lessons from simulating the COVID-19 crisis, Springer Nature 2021 : 379-408
Jensen, Maarten; Dignum, Frank; Vanhée, Loïs; et al.
Social simulation for a crisis: results and lessons from simulating the COVID-19 crisis, Springer Nature 2021 : 167-188
Jensen, Maarten; Lorig, Fabian; Vanhée, Loïs; et al.
Social simulation for a crisis: results and lessons from simulating the COVID-19 crisis, Springer Nature 2021 : 353-378
Vanhée, Loïs
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE 2021 : 6434-6440
Vanhée, Loïs; Jeanpierre, Laurent; Mouaddib, Abdel-Illah
Social simulation for a crisis: results and lessons from simulating the COVID-19 crisis, Springer Nature 2021 : 85-117
Pastrav, Cezara; Jensen, Maarten; Mellema, René; et al.
Springer 2021
Jensen, Maarten; Vanhée, Loïs; Kammler, Christian
Social simulation for a crisis: results and lessons from simulating the COVID-19 crisis, Cham: Springer Nature 2021 : 39-84
Jensen, Maarten; Vanhée, Loïs; Kammler, Christian
Minds and Machines, Springer 2020, Vol. 30, (2) : 177-194
Dignum, Frank; Dignum, Virginia; Davidsson, Paul; et al.
Advances in social simulation: looking in the mirror, Springer Nature 2020 : 391-397
Santos, Jorge; Borit, Melania; Vanhée, Loïs
AI for Social Good workshop: accepted papers
Kammler, Christian; Onnes, Annet; Vanhée, Loïs; et al.
Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l'Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA), Toulouse, France, July 1-3, 2019
Vanhée, Loïs; Jeanpierre, Laurent; Mouaddib, Abdel-Illah
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence: The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The Thirty-First Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence. The Ninth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Press 2019 : 2531-2538
Vanhée, Loïs; Jeanpierre, Laurent; Mouaddib, Abdel-Illah
AAMAS '18: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, ACM Digital Library 2018 : 1193-1197
Vanhée, Loïs; Borit, Melania; Santos, Jorge
JASSS: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, University of Surrey 2018, Vol. 21, (4)
Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank
CHI EA '18: Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2018 : 1-4
Vanhée, Loïs; Segura, Elena Márquez; Isbister, Katherine
AAMAS '18: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, ACM Digital Library 2018 : 2109-2111
Vanhée, Loïs; Jeanpierre, Laurent; Mouaddib, Abdel-Illah
2016 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2): Improving the citizens quality of life, IEEE 2016 : 1-7
Hippolyte, J. L.; Howell, S.; Yuce, B.; et al.
Multi-agent-based simulation XV: international workshop, MABS 2014, Paris, France, May 5-6, 2014, revised selected papers, Springer Nature 2015 : 72-87
Hofstede, Gert Jan; Dignum, Frank; Prada, Rui; et al.
Multi-agent-based simulation XV: international workshop, MABS 2014, Paris, France, May 5-6, 2014, revised selected papers, Springer Nature 2015 : 55-71
Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank; Ferber, Jacques
Advances in social simulation: Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2014 : 283-294
Vanhée, Loïs; Ferber, Jacques; Dignum, Frank
Engineering multi-agent systems: second international workshop, EMAS 2014, Paris, France, May 5-6, 2014, revised selected papers, Springer Nature 2014 : 406-430
Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank; Ferber, Jacques
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XIV: International Workshop, MABS 2013, Saint Paul, MN, USA, May 6-7, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2014 : 151-162
Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank; Ferber, Jacques
TRUST 2014. Trust in Agent Societies: Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Trust in Agent Societiesco-located with the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014)
Borit, Melania; Vanhée, Loïs; Olsen, Petter
AAMAS '13: Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, IFAAMAS 2013 : 1241-1242
Vanhée, Loïs; Ferber, Jacques; Dignum, Frank
AAMAS 2013: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, IFAAMAS 2013 : 1459-1460
Vanhée, Loïs
12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 2013, AAMAS 2013, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS) 2013, Vol. 2 : 1459-1460
Vanhée, Loïs
Proceedings of the 25th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Abstracts, University of Groningen 2013 : 364-365
Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank; Ferber, Jacques
Agents for educational games and simulations: international workshop, AEGS 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2, 2011, revised papers, Springer Nature 2012 : 22-37
Van Oijen, Joost; Vanhée, Loïs; Dignum, Frank
2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, IEEE 2011 : 13-16
Vanhée, Loïs; Aldewereld, Huib; Dignum, Frank


1 mars 2020

Jag undervisar på följande kurser:

Artificiell intelligens - grunderna; MSc

Datavetenskaplig logik; BSc