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Lena Margareta Lundgren
Verksam vid
Anknuten som gästprofessor till
Institutionen för socialt arbete
Samhällsvetarhuset, plan 5, Biblioteksgränd 4
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Addiction severity and re-employment in Sweden among adults with risky alcohol and drug use
Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 156
Lindner, Stephan R.; Scarpa, Simone; McCarty, Dennis; et al.
Immigrant background, incarceration history and recidivism among adults assessed for illicit substance use severity: findings from a Swedish registry study
International journal of drug policy
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 128
Scarpa, Simone; Lundgren, Lena; Modeste-James, Akeem; et al.
Samsjuklighet, substansanvädning och psykisk ohälsa
Effektiv insatsplanering vid svår substansanvändning
, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2023 : 121-132
Blom-Nilsson, Marcus; Padyab, Mojgan; Lundgren, Lena
Biopsykosocialt perspektiv och implementeringsteori
Effektiv insatsplanering vid svår substansanvändning
, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2023 : 43-58
Lundgren, Lena; Jemberie, Wossenseged Birhane; Sandlund, Mikael
Missbruk och missbruksvård
Effektiv insatsplanering: vid svår substansanvändning
, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2023 : 29-41
Sandlund, Mikael; Lundgren, Lena
Compulsory care of individuals with severe substance use disorders and alcohol- and drug-related mortality: a Swedish registry study
Frontiers in Psychiatry
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2023, Vol. 14
Scarpa, Simone; Grahn, Robert; Lundgren, Lena
Hur fungerade kursen Effektiv Planering av Insatser/EPI: Baslinje- och uppföljningsresultat
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift
, Vol. 100, (5) : 655-665
Scarpa, Simone; Grahn, Robert; Nyström, Siv; et al.
Recurrent risk of hospitalization among older persons with problematic alcohol use: a multiple failure‐time analysis with a discontinuous risk model
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 117, (9) : 2415-2430
Jemberie, Wossenseged Birhane; Padyab, Mojgan; McCarty, Dennis; et al.
Hospital admission rate, cumulative hospitalized days, and time to admission among older persons with substance use and psychiatric conditions
Frontiers in Psychiatry
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2022, Vol. 13
Jemberie, Wossenseged Birhane; Padyab, Mojgan; McCarty, Dennis; et al.
Introduction to a Special Issue: Care and treatment for substance use disorders: Studies from around the world
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 134
Lundgren, Lena; Jemberie, Wossenseged Birhane; McCarty, Dennis
Frequency and recency of non-medical opioid use and death due tooverdose or suicide among individuals assessed for risky substance use: Anational registry study in Sweden
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Lundgren, Lena; Padyab, Mojgan; Sandlund, Mikael; et al.
Sexual Abuse and Future Mental Health Hospitalization in a Swedish National Sample of Men Who Use Opioids
Journal of addiction medicine
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2020, Vol. 14, (4) : e24-e28
Blom Nilsson, Marcus; Padyab, Mojgan; McCarty, Dennis; et al.
The Associations between Risky Psychosocial Environment, Substance Addiction Severity and Imprisonment: A Swedish Registry Study
Substance Use & Misuse
, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 55, (5) : 697-706
Grahn, Robert; Padyab, Mojgan; Hall, Taylor; et al.
A Swedish national study: Immigrant-country of birth status and child welfare compulsory care among a sample of parents with risky substance use
International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 101
He, Amy S.; Padyab, Mojgan; Sedivy, Jennifer A.; et al.
A Multidimensional Latent Class Analysis of Harmful Alcohol Use Among Older Adults: Subtypes Within the Swedish Addiction Severity Index Registry
Journal of addiction medicine
, Wolters Kluwer 2020, Vol. 14, (4) : e89-e99
Jemberie, Wossenseged Birhane; Padyab, Mojgan; Snellman, Fredrik; et al.
Substance Use Disorders and COVID-19: Multi-Faceted Problems Which Require Multi-Pronged Solutions
Frontiers in Psychiatry
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2020, Vol. 11
Jemberie, Wossenseged Birhane; Stewart Williams, Jennifer; Eriksson, Malin; et al.
Unaccompanied minors and court mandated institutional care: A national registry-based study in Sweden
Children and youth services review
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 109
Padyab, Mojgan; Eriksson, Malin; Ghazinour, Mehdi; et al.
Alcohol subtypes in older adults: A multidimensional Latent Class Analysis of harmful alcohol use among oder adults: Subtypes within the Swedish addiction severity index registry
Skövde: 2019
Jemberie, Wossenseged Birhane; Padyab, Mojgan; Snellman, Fredrik; et al.
Immigration Status and Substance Use Disorder-related Mortality in Sweden: A National Longitudinal Registry Study
Journal of addiction medicine
, Wolters Kluwer 2019, Vol. 13, (6) : 483-492
Lundgren, Lena; Padyab, Mojgan; Lucero, Nancy M.; et al.
Is Clinical Assessment of Addiction Severity of Individuals with Substance UseDisorder, Using the Addiction Severity Index, A Predictor of Future InpatientMental Health Hospitalization? A Nine-Year Registry Study
Journal of Dual Diagnosis
, Taylor & Francis 2018, Vol. 14, (3) : 187-191
Padyab, Mojgan; Armelius, Bengt-Åke; Armelius, Kerstin; et al.
Register data in the evaluation and program planning of addiction treatment programs: using Sweden as an example
Evaluation and Program Planning
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 49 : 185-191
Blom, Björn; Dukes, Kimberly A.; Lundgren, Lena; et al.
Factors associated with work and taking prescribed methadone or buprenorphine among Swedish opiate addicts
Evaluation and Program Planning
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 49 : 172-177
Blom Nilsson, Marcus; Chassler, Deborah; Lundgren, Lena
Repeated entries to the Swedish addiction compulsory care system: A national register database study
Evaluation and Program Planning
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 49 : 163-171
Grahn, Robert; Lundgren, Lena; Chassler, Deborah; et al.
Using register data to examine patterns of compulsory addiction treatment care in Sweden: program planning and methodological implications
Evaluation and Program Planning
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 49 : 149-152
Lundgren, Lena; Blom, Björn; Chassler, Deborah; et al.
Drop-out from the Swedish addiction compulsory care system
Evaluation and Program Planning
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 49 : 178-184
Padyab, Mojgan; Grahn, Robert; Lundgren, Lena
Repeated addiction treatment use and compulsory care 2001-2009
Institutionsvård i fokus: uppföljningar och registerstudier av klienter i LVM-vård
Grahn, Robert; Chassler, Deborah; Lundgren, Lena
Repeated addiction treatment use in Sweden: a national register database study
Substance Use & Misuse
, London: Informa Healthcare 2014, Vol. 49, (13) : 1764-1773
Grahn, Robert; Chassler, Deborah; Lundgren, Lena
Integrating addiction and mental health treatment within a national addiction treatment system: Using multiple statistical methods to analyze client and interviewer assessment of co-occurring mental health problems
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
, Vol. 31, (1) : 59-79
Lundgren, Lena; Wilkey, Catriona; Chassler, Deborah; et al.
Predisposing, enabling, and need factors of heroin addict's using prescribed methadone or buprenorphine for a year or longer: an exploratory study of drug treatment for heroin addicts in the Swedish welfare system
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
, Walter de Gruyter 2014, Vol. 31, (2) : 175-188
Nilsson Blom, Marcus; Lundgren, Lena; Chassler, Deborah
Arbete som bakgrundsfaktor i underhållsbehandling
Nilsson Blom, Marcus; Lundgren, Lena; Deborah, Chassler
Repeated addiction treatment use in Sweden: a national register data base study
European Society for Social Drug Research
Grahn, Robert; Chassler, Deborah; Lundgren, Lena
Organizational readiness for change in community-based addiction treatment programs and adherence in implementing evidence-based practices: a national study
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
, Elsevier 2013, Vol. 45, (5) : 457-465
Lundgren, Lena; Amodeo, M; Chassler, Deborah; et al.
Mental Health, Substance Use, and Criminal Justice Characteristics of Males With a History of Abuse in a Swedish National Sample
Journal of Dual Dignosis
, Taylor & Francis Group 2013, Vol. 9, (1) : 47-60
Lundgren, Lena M.; Brännström, Jan; Chassler, Deborah; et al.
The association between self-reported mental health status and alcohol and drug abstinence 5 years post-assessment for an addiction disorder in US and Swedish samples
Journal of Addictive Diseases
, Taylor & Francis 2013, Vol. 32, (2) : 180-193
Trocchio, Sarah; Chassler, Deborah; Storbjörk, Jessica; et al.
Association between immigrant status and history of compulsory treatment in a national sample of individuals assessed for drug use disorders through the swedish public welfare system
Substance Use & Misuse
, Vol. 47, (1) : 67-77
Lundgren, Lena; Brännström, Jan; Armelius, Bengt-Åke; et al.
Beskriving av tre klientprofiler inom svensk missbruksvård
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift
, Umeå: Förbundet för forskning i socialt arbete (FORSA) 2012, Vol. 19, (3/4) : 200-216
Lundgren, Lena M; Armelius, Bengt-Åke; Armelius, Kerstin; et al.
The importance of risky psychosocial childhood for repeated addiction compulsory care as adult
Grahn, Robert; Padyab, Mojgan; Lundgren, Lena
Visa publikationer i DiVA
Skadligt bruk och beroende av alkohol och andra droger
1 januari 2020 till 31 december 2025
Effektivisering av social tjänsten genom forskning gällande systematisk uppföljning,utbildning och tekniskt stöd (ESTR)
1 januari 2017 till 31 december 2023
STANCE-programmet: Studier av socialtjänstens interventioner för alkohol- och narkotikaproblem och hälsoeffekter, ett kollaboralt longitudinellt forskningsprogram
1 april 2014 till 31 december 2017
Förbättring av insatser vid missbruksbehandling inom svensk socialtjänst – en nationell registerbaserad studie
1 januari 2014 till 31 december 2016
Ett nätverk för jämförande forskning om missbruksbehandling
1 januari 2012 till 31 december 2015
Klienter som återkommer i LVM-vården
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