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Jörgen Rutegård
Vetenskaplig meritering:
Verksam vid
Anknuten som läkare till
Institutionen för diagnostik och intervention
Enhet: Kirurgi
5A, Målpunkt H62, Norrlands universitetssjukhus
Umeå universitet, 901 85 Umeå
Estimation of the postoperative fatality window in colorectal cancer surgery
BJS Open
, Oxford University Press 2025, Vol. 9, (1)
Rutegård, Martin; Matthiessen, Peter; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Evaluation of MRI characterisation of histopathologically matched lymph nodes and other mesorectal nodal structures in rectal cancer
European Radiology
Rutegård, Miriam Kheira; Båtsman, Malin; Blomqvist, Lennart; et al.
Kirurgi – en oundgänglig del av global hälsa: [Access to surgery]
, Vol. 121
Hultin, Hella; Ljungman, David; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Defunctioning loop ileostomy in anterior resection for rectal cancer and subsequent renal failure: nationwide population-based study
BJS Open
, Oxford University Press 2023, Vol. 7, (3)
Rutegård, Martin; Häggström, Jenny; Back, Erik; et al.
Author response to: Permanent stoma prediction after anterior resection for rectal cancer: risk prediction scoring using preoperative variables
British Journal of Surgery
, Oxford University Press 2022, Vol. 109, (2) : e40-e40
Back, Erik; Häggström, Jenny; Holmgren, Klas; et al.
Concerning our paper on the possible relation of postoperative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to anastomotic leakage and cancer recurrence
Colorectal Disease
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 24, (10) : 1245-1245
Grahn, Oskar; Lundin, Mathias; Chapman, Stephen J.; et al.
Postoperative nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in relation to recurrence, survival and anastomotic leakage after surgery for colorectal cancer
Colorectal Disease
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 24, (8) : 933-942
Grahn, Oskar; Lundin, Mathias; Chapman, Stephen J.; et al.
Preoperative biomarkers related to inflammation may identify high-risk anastomoses in colorectal cancer surgery: explorative study
BJS Open
, Oxford University Press 2022, Vol. 6, (3)
Holmgren, Klas; Jonsson, Pär; Lundin, Christina; et al.
The right kind of rectal cancer operation for the right patient requires information on all relevant outcomes
Colorectal Disease
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 24, (1) : 136-137
Rutegård, Martin; Holmgren, Klas; Häggström, Jenny; et al.
Mucosal blood flow in the remaining rectal stump is more affected by total than partial mesorectal excision in patients undergoing anterior resection: a key to understanding differing rates of anastomotic leakage?
Langenbeck's archives of surgery (Print)
, Springer 2021, Vol. 406, (6) : 1971-1977
Back, Erik; Brännström, Fredrik; Svensson, Johan; et al.
Permanent stoma rates after anterior resection for rectal cancer: risk prediction scoring using preoperative variables
British Journal of Surgery
, NLM (Medline) 2021, Vol. 108, (11) : 1388-1395
Back, Erik; Häggström, Jenny; Holmgren, Klas; et al.
Oncological Impact of High Vascular Tie After Surgery for Rectal Cancer: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Annals of Surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2021, Vol. 274, (3) : e236-e244
Boström, Petrus; Kverneng Hultberg, Daniel; Häggström, Jenny; et al.
Defunctioning stomas may reduce chances of a stoma-free outcome after anterior resection for rectal cancer
Colorectal Disease
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 23, (11) : 2859-2869
Holmgren, Klas; Häggström, Jenny; Haapamäki, Markku M; et al.
Patient-reported and doctor-reported symptoms when faecal immunochemical tests are requested in primary care in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective study
BMC Family Practice
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 21, (1)
Högberg, Cecilia; Karling, Pontus; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
The Impact of Anastomotic Leakage on Long-Term Function after Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum
, American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons 2020, Vol. 63, (5) : 619-628
Kverneng Hultberg, Daniel; Svensson, Johan; Jutesten, Henrik; et al.
Rectal cancer: a methodological approach to matching PET/MRI to histopathology
Cancer Imaging
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Rutegård, Miriam; Båtsman, Malin; Blomqvist, Lennart; et al.
Population‐based cohort study of the impact on postoperative mortality of anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer
BJS Open
, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 3, (1) : 106-111
Boström, Petrus; Haapamäki, Markku M; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
The Combined Value of Faecal Haemoglobin andCalprotectin in Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer inSymptomatic Patients Referred to Colonoscopy
Academic Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (AJGH)
, San Fransisco: Iris Publishers 2019, Vol. 1, (3) : 1-7
Eklöf, Vincy; Lundgren, David; Karling, Pontus; et al.
Use of prophylactic mesh when creating a colostomy does not prevent parastomal hernia: a randomized controlled trial—STOMAMESH
Annals of Surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2019, Vol. 269, (3) : 427-431
Odensten, Christoffer; Strigård, Karin; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Multicentre, randomised trial comparing acellular porcine collagen implant versus gluteus maximus myocutaneous flap for reconstruction of the pelvic floor after extended abdominoperineal excision of rectum: study protocol for the Nordic Extended Abdominoperineal Excision (NEAPE) study
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2019, Vol. 9, (5)
Rutegård, Martin; Rutegård, Jörgen; Haapamäki, Markku M
PET/MRI and PET/CT hybrid imaging of rectal cancer - description and initial observations from the RECTOPET (REctal Cancer trial on PET/MRI/CT) study
Cancer Imaging
, BMC 2019, Vol. 19
Rutegård, Miriam; Båtsman, Malin; Axelsson, Jan; et al.
A nationwide study on the incidence of mesenteric ischaemia after surgery for rectal cancer demonstrates an association with high arterial ligation
Colorectal Disease
, Vol. 21, (8) : 925-931
Sörelius, K.; Svensson, Johan; Matthiessen, P.; et al.
Anterior resection for rectal cancer in Sweden: validation of a registry-based method to determine long-term stoma outcome
Acta Oncologica
, Taylor & Francis 2018, Vol. 57, (12) : 1631-1638
Holmgren, Klas; Haapamäki, Markku M.; Matthiessen, Peter; et al.
Reply to: 'High stoma prevalence and stoma reversal complications following anterior resection for rectal cancer: a population‐based multicentre study'
Colorectal Disease
, John Wiley & Sons 2018, Vol. 20, (4) : 342-343
Holmgren, Klas; Kverneng Hultberg, Daniel; Haapamäki, Markku M; et al.
Response to: "Follow-up of the STOMAMESH Cohort"
Annals of Surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2018, Vol. 268, (2) : e31-e31
Odensten, Christoffer; Strigård, Karin; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Response to: "Prophylactic Mesh for the Prevention of Parastomal Hernias: Need for a Deep Dive"
Annals of Surgery
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2018, Vol. 268, (2) : E30-E30
Odensten, Christoffer; Strigård, Karin; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Cancer-associated fecal microbial markers in colorectal cancer detection
International Journal of Cancer
, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 141, (12) : 2528-2536
Eklöf, Vincy; Löfgren-Burström, Anna; Zingmark, Carl; et al.
High stoma prevalence and stoma reversal complications following anterior resection for rectal cancer: a population-based multicentre study
Colorectal Disease
, Vol. 19, (12) : 1067-1075
Holmgren, Klas; Kverneng Hultberg, Daniel; Haapamäki, Markku M.; et al.
Diagnosing colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease in primary care: The usefulness of tests for faecal haemoglobin, faecal calprotectin, anaemia and iron deficiency: A prospective study
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
, Vol. 52, (1) : 69-75
Högberg, Cecilia; Karling, Pontus; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Level of vascular tie and its effect on functional outcome 2 years after anterior resection for rectal cancer
Colorectal Disease
, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 19, (11) : 987-995
Kverneng Hultberg, Daniel; Afshar, A; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer
European Journal of Surgical Oncology
, Elsevier 2017, Vol. 43, (10) : 1908-1914
Kverneng Hultberg, Daniel; Angenete, E.; Lydrup, M. -L; et al.
Quality of life in patients with a permanent stoma after rectal cancer surgery
Quality of Life Research
, Vol. 26, (1) : 55-64
Näsvall, Pia; Dahlstrand, Ursula; Löwenmark, Thyra; et al.
Parastomal hernia repair with intraperitoneal mesh
Surgery Research and Practice
, Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2017, Vol. 2017
Näsvall, Pia; Rutegård, Jörgen; Dahlberg, Michael; et al.
Efficiency of Colorectal Cancer Surveillance in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis: 38 Years' Experience in a Patient Cohort From a Defined Population Area
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery
, Sage Publications 2017, Vol. 106, (2) : 133-138
Rutegård, Martin; Palmqvist, Richard; Stenling, Roger; et al.
Patients with longstanding ulcerative colitis in remission do not have more irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms than controls
BMC Gastroenterology
, Vol. 16
Lundgren, David; Rutegård, Jörgen; Eklöf, Vincy; et al.
Current use of diverting stoma in anterior resection for cancer: population-based cohort study of total and partial mesorectal excision
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
, Vol. 31, (3) : 579-585
Rutegård, Martin; Boström, Petrus; Haapamäki, Markku; et al.
Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer and Visceral Blood Flow: An Explorative Study
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery
, Vol. 105, (2) : 78-83
Rutegård, Martin; Hassmén, N; Hemmingsson, Oskar; et al.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Use and Risk of Anastomotic Leakage after Anterior Resection: A Protocol-Based Study
Digestive Surgery
, Vol. 33, (2) : 129-135
Rutegård, Martin; Westermark, Sofia; Kverneng Hultberg, Daniel; et al.
High arterial ligation and risk of anastomotic leakage in anterior resection for rectal cancer in patients with increased cardiovascular risk
Colorectal Disease
, Vol. 17, (11) : 1018-1027
Boström, Petrus; Haapamaki, Markku M.; Matthiessen, P.; et al.
The Association between Glyceraldehyde-Derived Advanced Glycation End-Products and Colorectal Cancer Risk
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention
, Vol. 24, (12) : 1855-1863
Kong, So Yeon; Takeuchi, Masayoshi; Hyogo, Hideyuki; et al.
En extraordinär situation. Reflexion över svensk sjukvård: [An extraordinary situation. Reflection over Swedish health care]
, Sveriges läkarförbund 2015, Vol. 112
Rutegård, Jörgen
Anastomotic leakage in rectal cancer surgery: The role of blood perfusion
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
, Vol. 7, (11) : 289-292
Rutegård, Martin; Rutegård, Jörgen
Arterial ligation in anterior resection for rectal cancer: A validation study of the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry
Acta Oncologica
, Vol. 53, (7) : 892-7
Boström, Petrus; Rutegård, Jörgen; Haapamäki, Markku; et al.
Reply to 'Preventing parastomal herniation in 2014 and beyond'
Colorectal Disease
, Wiley-Blackwell 2014, Vol. 16, (10) : 831-832
Näsvall, Pia; Strigård, Karin; Gunnarsson, Ulf; et al.
A comparison between intrastomal 3D ultrasonography, CT scanning and findings at surgery in patients with stomal complaints
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
, Springer 2014, Vol. 29, (10) : 1263-1266
Näsvall, Pia; Wikner, F; Gunnarsson, Ulf; et al.
Early postoperative mortality after surgery for rectal cancer in Sweden 2000-2011
Colorectal Disease
, John Wiley & Sons 2014, Vol. 16, (6) : 426-432
Rutegård, Martin; Haapamäki, Markku; Matthiessen, Peter; et al.
Phenotypic skewing of macrophages in vitro by secreted factors from colorectal cancer cells
, PLoS, Public Library of Science 2013, Vol. 8, (9) : e74982-
Edin, Sofia; Wikberg, Maria L; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
The prognostic role of KRAS, BRAF, PIK3CA and PTEN in colorectal cancer
British Journal of Cancer
, Nature Publishing Group 2013, Vol. 108, (10) : 2153-2163
Eklöf, Vincy; Wikberg, Maria L.; Edin, Sofia; et al.
Early and late symptomatic anastomotic leakage following low anterior resection of the rectum for cancer: are they different entities?
Colorectal Disease
, The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 2013, Vol. 15, (3) : 334-340
Floodeen, Hannah; Hallböök, Olof; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Immunochemical faecal occult blood tests in primary care and the risk of delay in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
, Informa Healthcare 2013, Vol. 31, (4) : 209-214
Högberg, Cecilia; Karling, Pontus; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
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Martin Rutegård lab
1 januari 2012
Kirurgisk teknik och komplikationer vid kirurgi för rektalcancer
Publicerad: 17 nov, 2023
Jörgen Rutegård: "Man vill göra någon form av nytta"
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