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Personalbild Johan Jansson

Johan Jansson

Professor i företagsekonomi med inriktning marknadsföring. Enhetschef vid företagsekonomi. Forskar o undervisar bl a om hållbarhetsfrågor, konsumtion, kommunikation och persontransporter.

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent
Pedagogisk meritering: Excellent lärare

Verksam som

Professor vid Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet Enhet: Företagsekonomi, Marknadsföring Roll: Biträdande prefekt
Samhällsvetarhuset, Biblioteksgränd 6, B33401 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Google Scholar, Scopus, ResearchGate, Publons, ORCID

Disputation 2009 på avhandling “Car(ing) for our environment?: Consumer eco-innovation adoption and curtailment behaviors: The case of the alternative fuel vehicle”, docent 2015, professor 2020 (erhållen i konkurrens). Excellent lärare 2016. Arbetar/arbetat vid Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet, Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet, University of Cape Town.

Travel Behaviour & Society, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 38
Nilsson, Jonas; Jansson, Johan; Nicholas, Kimberly; et al.
17th Global Brand Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, April 22-24, 2024
Herbert, Robin J.; Biedenbach, Galina; Jansson, Johan
Services Marketing Quarterly, Routledge 2024, Vol. 45, (3) : 296-318
Hollebeek, Linda D.; Anselmsson, Johan; Adomaviciute-Sakalauske, Karina; et al.
Psychology & Marketing, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 41, (4) : 880-898
Hollebeek, Linda; Menidjel, Choukri; Sarstedt, Marko; et al.
Journal of Strategic Marketing, Routledge 2024, Vol. 32, (8) : 1415-1434
Hollebeek, Linda; Parts, Oliver; Urbonavicius, Sigitas; et al.
Baltic Journal of Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2023, Vol. 18, (4) : 421-427
Biedenbach, Galina; Jansson, Johan; Poškutė, Virginija
European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual conference 2023 Conference, Odense, Denmark, May 23-26, 2023
Herbert, Robin; Biedenbach, Galina; Jansson, Johan
Journal of Transport History, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 44, (1) : 79-98
Pettersson, Thomas; Jansson, Johan; Lindgren, Urban
International Journal of Consumer Studies, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 46, (5) : 1761-1784
Flores, Phil Justice; Jansson, Johan
Journal of Marketing Management, Routledge 2022, Vol. 38, (17-18) : 1907-1936
Flores, Phil Justice; Jansson, Johan
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 20, (6) : 1466-1479
Flores, Phil Justice; Jansson, Johan
The SAGE handbook of marketing ethics, United States: Sage Publications 2021 : 215-225
Jansson, Johan
Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 50th
Phil, Justice Flores; Jansson, Johan
Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 50th
Rezvani, Zeinab; Sohn, Stefanie; Jansson, Johan; et al.
The future of the North - sustainability in Nordic countries: analysis and critical comparison, Marburg: Metropolis Verlag für Ökonomie, Gesellscahft und Politik GmbH 2020 : 167-216
Jansson, Johan; Eckerberg, Katarina; Nilsson, Jonas; et al.
Sustainability, MDPI 2020, Vol. 12, (9)
Westin, Kerstin; Nordlund, Annika; Jansson, Johan; et al.
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business/Emerald, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2019, Vol. 12, (2) : 356-376
Annette, Cerne; Jansson, Johan
TRUM Rapport, December 2019
Jansson, Johan; Nilsson, Jonas; Nordlund, Annika; et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 239
Lappeman, James; Orpwood, Tessa; Russell, Meghan; et al.
Business strategies for sustainability, Abingdon: Routledge 2018 : 131-143
Nilsson, Jonas; Jansson, Johan; Hed Vall, Gabriella; et al.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 117 : 205-213
Nordlund, Annika; Jansson, Johan; Westin, Kerstin
Business Strategy and the Environment, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 27, (8) : 1272-1283
Rezvani, Zeinab; Jansson, Johan; Bengtsson, Maria
Travel Behaviour & Society, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 13 : 118-127
Westin, Kerstin; Jansson, Johan; Nordlund, Annika
Business Strategy and the Environment, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 26, (1) : 69-83
Jansson, Johan; Nilsson, Jonas; Modig, Frida; et al.
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 154 : 176-187
Jansson, Johan; Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 54 : 61-73
Jansson, Johan; Pettersson, Thomas; Mannberg, Andrea; et al.
Journal of Promotion Management, Taylor & Francis 2017, Vol. 23, (1) : 163-183
Rezvani, Zeinab; Jansson, Johan; Bengtsson, Maria
Sustainable Development, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 25, (6) : 546-558
Stål, Herman I.; Jansson, Johan
TRUM-rapport, 2016:1
Bern, Sofia; Jansson, Johan; Nordlund, Annika; et al.
Transport Research Arena TRA2016, Elsevier 2016 : 2527-2536
Nordlund, Annika; Jansson, Johan; Westin, Kerstin
Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing: Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Springer 2016 : 117-125
Rezvani, Zeinab; Jansson, Johan
45th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), May 24-27, Oslo, Norway
Rezvani, Zeinab; Jansson, Johan; Bengtsson, Maria
TRUM-Rapport, 2015:01
Bern, Sofia; Haugen, Katarina; Jansson, Johan; et al.
Sustainable Development, John Wiley & Sons 2015, Vol. 23, (6) : 381-395
Jansson, Johan; Dorrepaal, Ellen
Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability: Proceedings of the 2009 World Marketing Congress, Springer Nature 2015 : 3-3
Jansson, Johan; Marell, Agneta; Nordlund, Annika
EMAC 2015: Collaboration in research, EMAC 2015 : 75-75
Jansson, Johan; Nordlund, Annika; Westin, Kerstin
Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol. 43, (1) : 32-39
Mannberg, Andrea; Brännlund, Runar; Jansson, Johan; et al.
23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF) 12-14 August, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
Rezvani, Zeinab; Jansson, Johan; Bengtsson, Maria
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 34 : 122-136
Rezvani, Zeinab; Jansson, Johan; Bodin, Jan
In Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference (AISDRC), 18-20 June, Trondheim, Norway
Jansson, Johan; Modig, Frida
In Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), June 3-6, Valencia, Spain, EMAC; Universitat de Valencia 2014 : 140-140
Jansson, Johan; Nilsson, Jonas; Modig, Frida; et al.
Energy Policy, Vol. 74 : 286-299
Mannberg, Andrea; Jansson, Johan; Pettersson, Thomas; et al.
Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2014, Vol. 19, (4) : 265-276
Nilsson, Jonas; Jansson, Johan; Isberg, Sofia; et al.
In Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference (AISDRC), 18-20 June, Trondheim, Norway
Zeinab, Rezvani; Jansson, Johan
Marketing management in geographically remote industrial clusters: Implications for business-to-consumer marketing, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd. 2013 : 301-323
Arbuthnott, Andrew; Jansson, Johan
22nd Nordic Academny of Management Conference held at University of Iceland Reykjavik, 21-23 August, 2013: Final Program and Abstracts
Jansson, Johan
ISDRS19 Conference: Programme and abstracts : 49-49
Jansson, Johan
10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, 22-25 September 2013, Magdeburg
Rezvani, Zeinab; Jansson, Johan; Jan, Bodin
Scandinavian Journal of Management, Elsevier 2012, Vol. 28, (3) : 267-268
Jansson, Johan


1 februari 2017 till 31 december 2019
4 juni 2013 till 15 maj 2015

Utsedd till Excellent lärare vid Umeå universitet 2016. Exempel på kurser: Marketing ethics and sustainability, Responsible consumption and production, Consumer behavior, Quantitative research methods, Service marketing, Strategic marketing, Principles of marketing, Contemporary marketing issues, samt handledning av doktorander, master/magister, och kandidatstudenter. Stort antal kurser, föreläsningar, key-notes, etc utanför universitetet kring hållbarhet, marknadsföring, kommunikation, konsumenters attityder, normer och beteenden, transporter/pendling, så kallade miljöbilar, elektrifiering av fordonsflottan, kollektivtrafik, osv.

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