Docent och lektor i idéhistoria, med fokus på arktisk historia, hållbarhet, skogsbrukets historia och utvecklingen av naturresursanvändning i arktiska regioner.
I am an associate professor in the history of science and ideas, with a focus on environmental history. My teaching and research interests include sustainability, sustainability transformation, and natural resource development in Arctic contexts and from a historical and cultural perspective.
I currently conduct research in two research projects: "Route to Paris", funded by Formas (2021-2025); and "Peripheral Visions" (2022-2025), funded by the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland (Svenska litteratursällskap i Finland).
Since 2022, I am Arctic Five Chair in environmental history at Umeå University.
I am a representative for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in Umeå University's internal reference group of MIRAI 2.0, a research collaboration between 19 Swedish and Japanese universities (
I am the co-director of Future Forests, the platform for interdisciplinary forest research and research communication at SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Skogforsk, and Umeå university, and I represent Umeå University in this collaboration.
Previous projects:
2020-2022: Senior research assistant in environmental history with a focus on forests and climate.
Between 2018 and 2020, I was a postdoc researcher in environmental history in the transdisciplinary project "Bring down the sky to the earth: how to use forests to open up for constructive climate change pathways in local contexts", funded by Formas. My research in this project deals with transdisciplinary research methods, historical perspectives on societal transformations toward sustainability and local climate change pathways. For further information, visit
In my PhD thesis Greenland's Future, defended in Dec 2017, I examined how different actors constructed narratives about Greenland's future and the modernization of the land's natural resource industries in the 20th century.
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