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Jan Ahlqvist
Vetenskaplig meritering:
090-785 61 72
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Institutionen för odontologi
Enhet: Tandläkarutbildningen, Oral diagnostisk radiologi
1A, våning 7, Norrlands universitetssjukhus
Umeå universitet, 901 85 Umeå
Carotid calcifications in panoramic radiographs can predict vascular risk
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Oxford University Press 2025, Vol. 54, (1) : 28-34
Garoff, Maria; Ahlqvist, Jan; Levring Jäghagen, Eva; et al.
Students' perceptions of post-exam feedback in oral radiology: a comparative study from two dental hygienist educational settings
European journal of dental education
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 28, (2) : 377-387
de Lange, Thomas; Møystad, Anne; Torgersen, Gerald; et al.
Calcified carotid artery atheromas in individuals with cognitive dysfunction
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
, Taylor & Francis Group 2023, Vol. 81, (4) : 325-331
Jonsson, Anton; Holmer, Jacob; Kullman, Leif; et al.
The use of post-exam feedback in oral radiology: a survey study of dental and dental hygienist schools in Europe
European journal of dental education
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 27, (4) : 1048-1052
Levring Jäghagen, Eva; de Lange, Thomas; Torgersen, Gerald; et al.
Association of high cardiovascular risk and diabetes with calcified carotid artery atheromas depicted on panoramic radiographs
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 133, (1) : 88-99
Gustafsson, Nils; Ahlqvist, Jan; Norhammar, Anna; et al.
Calcifications in the neck region of patients with carotid artery stenosis: a computed tomography angiography study of topographic anatomy
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 129, (5) : 523-530
Barut, Oya; Ahlqvist, Jan; Garoff, Maria; et al.
Associations among Periodontitis, Calcified Carotid Artery Atheromas, and Risk of Myocardial Infarction
Journal of Dental Research
, Sage Publications 2020, Vol. 99, (1) : 60-68
Gustafsson, Nils; Ahlqvist, Jan; Näslund, Ulf; et al.
Arthrography of the temporomandibular joint: main diagnostic and therapeutic applications
Clinical Dentistry Reviewed
, Springer 2020, Vol. 4
Levring Jäghagen, Eva; Ahlqvist, Jan
Bilateral vessel-outlining carotid artery calcifications in panoramic radiographs: an independent risk marker for vascular events
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
, BioMed Central 2019, Vol. 19, (1)
Garoff, Maria; Ahlqvist, Jan; Edin, Linda-Tereza; et al.
Long-term skill improvement among general dental practitioners after a short training programme in diagnosing calcified carotid artery atheromas on panoramic radiographs
European journal of dental education
, Wiley-Blackwell 2019, Vol. 23 : 54-61
Gustafsson, Nils; Ahlqvist, Jan; Levring Jäghagen, Eva
Arthrography of the temporomandibular joint and arthrography-guided steroid treatment
Imaging of the temporomandibular joint
, Cham: Springer 2019 : 301-322
Levring Jäghagen, Eva; Ahlqvist, Jan
The use of panoramic images for identification of edentulous persons
Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
, International organization for forensci odonto-stomatology 2019, Vol. 37, (2) : 18-24
Lundberg, Emelie; Mihajlovic, Natalie Strandberg; Sjöström, Mats; et al.
The use of panoramic images for identification of edentulous persons
Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
, International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology 2019, Vol. 37, (2) : 18-24
Lundberg, Emelie; Strandberg Mihajlovic, Natalie; Sjöström, Mats; et al.
Calcified carotid artery atheromas in panoramic radiographs are associated with a first myocardial infarction: a case-control study
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 125, (2) : 199-205
Gustafsson, Nils; Ahlqvist, Jan B.; Näslund, Ulf; et al.
Strålande lärande utan strålning: virtuell radiografi och gamification
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2017: undervisning i praktiken – föreläsning, flexibelt eller mitt emellan?
, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2017 : 5-7
Ahlqvist, Jan; Levring Jäghagen, Eva
Carotid calcification in panoramic radiographs: radiographic appearance and the degree of carotid stenosis
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, British Institute of Radiology 2016, Vol. 45, (6)
Garoff, Maria; Ahlqvist, Jan; Levring Jäghagen, Eva; et al.
The use of intraoral radiographs for identification of edentulous patients rehabilitated with implants
Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
, International Organisation for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology 2016, Vol. 34, (1) : 1-9
Johansson, Johan; Bladh, Magnus; Sjöström, Mats; et al.
Calcium quantity in carotid plaques: detection in panoramic radiographs and association with degree of stenosis
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
, Vol. 120, (2) : 269-274
Garoff, Maria; Johansson, Elias; Ahlqvist, Jan; et al.
Atherosclerotic Calcification Detection: A Comparative Study of Carotid Ultrasound and Cone Beam CT
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
, MDPI 2015, Vol. 16, (8) : 19978-19988
Jashari, Fisnik; Ibrahimi, Pranvera; Johansson, Elias; et al.
Carotid calcifications on panoramic radiographs: a 5-year follow-up study
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
, [Johansson, Elias; Meimermondt, Amanda] Umea Univ, Dept Pharmacol & Clin Neurosci, S-90182 ea, Sweden. [Johansson, Elias; Wester, Per] Umea Univ, Dept Publ Hlth & Clin Med, S-90182 Umea, Sweden. [Ahlqvist, Jan; Garoff, Maria; Jaghagen, Eva Levring] Umea Univ, Dept Odontol, S-90182 Umea, Sweden.: 2015, Vol. 120, (4) : 513-520
Johansson, Elias; Ahlqvist, Jan; Garoff, Maria; et al.
Computer Simulation Training in Health Care Education: Fuelling Reflection-in-Action?
Journal Simulation & Gaming
, Sage Publications 2015, Vol. 45, (6) : 805-828
Söderström, Tor; Häll, Lars O.; Nilsson, Tore; et al.
Detection of calcifications in panoramic radiographs in patients with carotid stenoses ≥50%
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics
, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 117, (3) : 385-391
Garoff, Maria; Johansson, Elias; Ahlqvist, Jan; et al.
Carotid ultrasound accurately detects arterial calcification quantified by cone beam computed tomography
European Heart Journal
, Oxford University Press 2014, Vol. 35, (Supplement 1, Meeting abstract P3519) : 636-636
Ibrahimi, Pranvera; Jashari, Fisnik; Ahlqvist, Jan; et al.
A randomized controlled trial on 2 simulation-based training methods in radiology: effects on radiologic technology student skill in assessing image quality.
Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare
, Vol. 8, (6) : 382-387
Ahlqvist, Jan B; Nilsson, Tore A; Hedman, Leif R; et al.
How does collaborative 3D screen-based computer simulation training influence diagnostic skills of radiographic images and peer communication?
Contemporary Educational Technology
, Eskişehir, Turkey: Anadolu University 2012, Vol. 3, (4) : 293-307
Söderström, Tor; Häll, Lars; Nilsson, Tore; et al.
How Group Size and Composition Influences the Effectiveness of Collaborative Screen-Based Simulation Training: A Study of Dental and Nursing University Students Learning Radiographic Techniques
World Journal on Educational Technology
, Academic World Education & Research Center 2012, Vol. 4, (3) : 180-193
Söderström, Tor; Häll, Lars Olof; Ahlqvist, Jan; et al.
Patterns of interaction and dialogue in computer assisted simulation training
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences: vol. 46, 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES-2012) 2-5 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain
, Elsevier 2012 : 2825-2831
Söderström, Tor; Häll, Lars-Olof; Ahlqvist, Jan; et al.
Collaborative learning with screen-based simulation in health care education: an empirical study of collaborative patterns and proficiency development
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
, Oxford: Blackwell 2011, Vol. 27, (5) : 448-461
Häll, Lars O; Söderström, Tor; Ahlqvist, Jan; et al.
Ultrasound screening for asymptomatic carotid stenosis in subjects with calcifications in the area of the carotid arteries on panoramic radiographs: a cross-sectional study
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
, BioMed Central 2011, Vol. 11, (44) : 1-9
Johansson, Elias P; Ahlqvist, Jan; Garoff, Maria; et al.
Dental student skill retention eight months after simulator-supported training in oral radiology
Journal of dental education
, American Dental Education Association 2011, Vol. 75, (5) : 679-684
Nilsson, Tore A.; Hedman, Leif R; Ahlqvist, Jan B
Integrating computer based simulation training into curriculum: complicated and time consuming?
Readings in Technology and Education: Proceedings of ICICTE 2009
, University of the Fraser Valley Press 2009 : 90-98
Häll, Lars-Olof; Söderström, Tor; Nilsson, Tore; et al.
How does computer based simulator-training impact on group interaction and proficiency development?
Proceedings of ICICte 2008: Readings in Technology and Education
: 650-659
Söderström, Tor; Häll, Lars-Olof; Nilsson, Tore; et al.
Implant treatment of patients with edentulous jaws: a 20-year follow-up
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research
, Wiley-Blackwell 2008, Vol. 10, (4) : 207-217
Åstrand, Per; Ahlqvist, Jan; Gunne, Johan; et al.
A Randomized Trial of Simulation-Based Versus Conventional Training of Dental Student Skill at Interpreting Spatial Information in Radiographs.
The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.: Simulation in Healthcare:
, Vol. 2, (3) : 164-169
Nilsson, Tore A; Hedman, Leif; Ahlqvist, Jan B
Visual-spatial ability and interpretation of three-dimensional information in radiographs
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Vol. 36 : 86-91
Nilsson, Tore; Hedman, Leif; Ahlqvist, Jan
The use of dental radiographs for identification of children with unrestored dentitions.
The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
, Vol. 24, (2) : 42-46
Fridell, Sara; Ahlqvist, Jan
Virtual reality for simulation of radiographic projections: validation of projection geometry
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Vol. 33, (1) : 44-50
Nilsson, Tore; Ahlqvist, Jan; Johansson, Magnus; et al.
10-year follow-up of onlay bone grafts and implants in severely resorbed maxillae.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
, Vol. 33, (3) : 258-62
Nyström, Elisabeth; Ahlqvist, Jan; Gunne, Johan; et al.
Bone graft remodelling and implant success rate in the treatment of the severely resorbed maxilla: a 5-year longitudinal study.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
, Vol. 31, (2) : 158-164
Nyström, Elisabeth; Ahlqvist, Jan; Legrell, Per Erik; et al.
Validity of computed tomography in imaging thin walls of the temporal bone
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Vol. 28, (1) : 13-19
Ahlqvist, Jan; Isberg, Annika
The temporomandibular joint: Tomopraphic and CT assesment of its bone demarcations with reference to adjacent organs
Umeå University odontological dissertations
, 65
Ahlqvist, Jan
Sources of radiographic distortion in conventional and computed tomography of the temporal bone.
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Vol. 27, (6) : 351-7
Ahlqvist, Jan; Bryndahl, Frerik; Eckerdal, Olof; et al.
Bone demarcation of the temporomandibular joint. Validity of clinical assessment of bone thickness by means of CT.
Acta Radiologica
, Vol. 39, (6) : 649-55
Ahlqvist, Jan; Isberg, A M
Autogenous onlay bone grafts fixed with screw implants for the treatment of severely resorbed maxillae. Radiographic evaluation of preoperative bone dimensions, postoperative bone loss, and changes in soft-tissue profile.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
, Vol. 25, (5) : 351-359
Nyström, Elisabeth; Ahlqvist, Jan; Kahnberg, K E; et al.
A technique for the accurate administration of corticosteroids in the temporomandibular joint.
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Vol. 22, (4) : 211-3
Ahlqvist, Jan; Legrell, Per Erik
The effect of projection errors on angular measurements in cephalometry.
European Journal of Orthodontics
, Vol. 10, (4) : 353-61
Ahlqvist, Jan; Eliasson, S; Welander, Ulf
The effect of projection errors on cephalometric length measurements
European Journal of Orthodontics
, Vol. 8, (3) : 141-148
Ahlqvist, Jan; Eliasson, S; Welander, U
The cephalometric projection. Part II. Principles of image distortion in cephalography.
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Vol. 12, (2) : 101-8
Ahlqvist, Jan; Eliasson, S; Welander, Ulf
The cephalographic projection. Part I: General considerations.
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Vol. 11, (2) : 117-22
Eliasson, S; Welander, U; Ahlqvist, Jan
External bony auditory canal and the tympanic bone. Morphologic properties and influences on the tomographic reproduction.
Acta radiologica: diagnosis
, Vol. 21, (3) : 425-31
Eckerdal, O; Ahlqvist, Jan
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