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Ingrid Mogren
Vetenskaplig meritering:
Pedagogisk meritering:
Excellent lärare
090-785 04 55
Verksam vid
Anknuten som professor emerita till
Institutionen för klinisk vetenskap
Enhet: Obstetrik och gynekologi
QB, plan 3, NUS
Umeå universitet, Klinisk vetenskap, Obstetrik och gynekologi, 901 85 Umeå
Respiratory morbidity before and during the COVID-19 pandemic from birth to 18 months in a Swedish birth cohort
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Kelderer, Fanny; Granåsen, Gabriel; Holmlund, Sophia; et al.
Health professionals’ experiences and views on obstetric ultrasound in Tanzania: A cross-sectional study
Women's health.
, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 20
Bergström, Cecilia; Ngarina, Matilda; Abeid, Muzdalifat; et al.
Common mental disorders and perinatal outcomes in Victoria, Australia: a population-based retrospective cohort study
Women and Birth
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 37, (2) : 428-435
Faulks, Fiona; Edvardsson, Kristina; Mogren, Ingrid; et al.
"It's just too far…": A qualitative exploration of the barriers and enablers to accessing perinatal care for rural Australian women.
Women and Birth
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 37, (6)
Faulks, Fiona; Shafiei, Touran; Mogren, Ingrid; et al.
Vietnamese health professionals’ views on the status of the fetus and maternal and fetal health interests: a regional, cross-sectional study from the Hanoi area
, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2024, Vol. 19, (9)
Mogren, Ingrid; Lan, Pham Thi; Phuc, Ho Dang; et al.
Women's exposure to intimate partner violence and its association with child stunting: findings from a population-based study in rural Rwanda
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 17, (1)
Utumatwishima, Jean Nepo; Mogren, Ingrid; Elfving, Kristina; et al.
How do household living conditions and gender-related decision-making influence child stunting in Rwanda?: A population-based study
, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2024, Vol. 19, (3)
Utumatwishima, Jean Nepo; Mogren, Ingrid; Umubyeyi, Aline; et al.
Health professionals' experiences and views on obstetric ultrasound in Victoria, Australia: A cross-sectional survey
Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Xu, Vicky X.; Mogren, Ingrid; Bergström, Cecilia; et al.
Perinatal outcomes of socially disadvantaged women in Australia: a population-based retrospective cohort study
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 130, (11) : 1380-1393
Faulks, Fiona; Shafiei, Touran; McLachlan, Helen; et al.
Severe mental illness and pregnancy outcomes in Australia. A population-based study of 595 792 singleton births 2009-2016
, Public Library of Science 2022, Vol. 17, (2)
Edvardsson, Kristina; Hughes, Elizabeth; Copnell, Beverley; et al.
Vietnamese midwives' experiences of working in maternity care: A qualitative study in the Hanoi region
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 31
Holmlund, Sophia; Lan, Pham Thi; Edvardsson, Kristina; et al.
Effect of the New Nordic Diet compared with usual care on glucose control in gestational diabetes mellitus: Study protocol for the randomized controlled trial intervention with new Nordic DIet in women with GestatiOnal diabetes mellitus (iNDIGO)
Contemporary Clinical Trials
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 115
Karlsson, T.; Augustin, H.; Lindqvist, Maria; et al.
Associations between pre- and postnatal antibiotic exposures and early allergic outcomes: a population-based birth cohort study
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
, Vol. 33, (9)
Kelderer, Fanny; Mogren, Ingrid; Eriksson, Catharina; et al.
A limited life: a mixed methods study on living with persistent pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain more than 12 years postpartum in Sweden
Disability and Rehabilitation
, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 44, (13) : 3062-3070
Valinger Aggeryd, Karin; Bergström, Cecilia; Mogren, Ingrid; et al.
Physical activity and sedentary time during pregnancy and associations with maternal and fetal health outcomes: an epidemiological study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2021, Vol. 21, (1)
Meander, Lina; Lindqvist, Maria; Mogren, Ingrid; et al.
Maternal health care professionals’ experiences and views on the use of obstetric ultrasound in Rwanda: A cross-sectional study
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 21, (1)
Mogren, Ingrid; Ntaganira, Joseph; Semasaka Sengoma, Jean Paul; et al.
Bridging different realities-a qualitative study on patients' experiences of preoperative care for benign hysterectomy and opportunistic salpingectomy in Sweden
BMC Women's Health
, BMC 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Collins, Elin; Lindqvist, Maria; Mogren, Ingrid; et al.
Sub-optimal use of ultrasound examinations may result in underperformance of Vietnamese maternity care: A qualitative study of midwives’ experiences and views
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 24
Holmlund, Sophia; Lan, Pham Thi; Edvardsson, Kristina; et al.
A qualitative study of healthcare professionals' perceptions of men and women's mental healthcare seeking in Rwanda
Journal of community psychology (Print)
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 48, (3) : 891-903
Rugema, Lawrence; Persson, Margareta; Mogren, Ingrid; et al.
Psychosocial and behavioural characteristics in women with pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain 12 years postpartum
Chiropractic and Manual Therapies
, BMC 2019, Vol. 27, (1)
Bergström, Cecilia; Persson, Margareta; Mogren, Ingrid
Incremental cost and health gains of the 2016 WHO antenatal care recommendations for Rwanda: results from expert elicitation
Health Research Policy and Systems
, BioMed Central 2019, Vol. 17
Hitimana, Regis; Lindholm, Lars; Mogren, Ingrid; et al.
Health professionals’ experiences and views on obstetric ultrasound in Vietnam: a regional, cross-sectional study
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2019, Vol. 9
Holmlund, Sophia; Lan, Pham Thi; Edvardsson, Kristina; et al.
Maternal Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and Offspring Risk of Hypertension: A Population-Based Cohort and Sibling Study
American Journal of Hypertension
, Oxford University Press 2019, Vol. 32, (4) : 331-334
Kurbasic, Azra; Fraser, Abigail; Mogren, Ingrid; et al.
“Not taken seriously”: A qualitative interview study of postpartum Rwandan women who have experienced pregnancy-related complications
, Public Library of Science 2019, Vol. 14, (2)
Semasaka Sengoma, Jean Paul; Krantz, Gunilla; Nzayirambaho, Manasse; et al.
A much valued tool that also brings ethical dilemmas: a qualitative study of Norwegian midwives' experiences and views on the role of obstetric ultrasound
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, BioMed Central 2019, Vol. 19
Åhman, Annika; Edvardsson, Kristina; Fagerli, Tove Anita; et al.
Norwegian obstetricians' experiences of the use of ultrasound in pregnancy management: a qualitative study
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 15 : 69-76
Edvardsson, Kristina; Åhman, Annika; Fagerli, Tove Anita; et al.
Midwives' and obstetricians' views on appropriate obstetric sonography in Norway
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD 2018, Vol. 16 : 1-5
Fagerli, Tove A.; Mogren, Ingrid; Adolfsson, Annsofie; et al.
Health professionals' experiences and views on obstetric ultrasound in Rwanda: A cross-sectional study
, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE 2018, Vol. 13, (12)
Holmlund, Sophia; Ntaganira, Joseph; Edvardsson, Kristina; et al.
"Longing for individual recognition": pregnant women's experiences of midwives' counselling on physical activity during pregnancy
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 15 : 46-53
Lindqvist, Maria; Persson, Margareta; Mogren, Ingrid
Maternal height and risk of caesarean section in singleton births in Sweden D-A population-based study using data from the Swedish Pregnancy Register 2011 to 2016
, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE 2018, Vol. 13, (5)
Mogren, Ingrid; Lindqvist, Maria; Petersson, Kerstin; et al.
Quality of antenatal care services in Rwanda: assessing practices of health care providers
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central 2018, Vol. 18
Rurangirwa, Akashi Andrew; Mogren, Ingrid; Ntaganira, Joseph; et al.
Intimate partner violence during pregnancy in relation to non-psychotic mental health disorders in Rwanda: a cross-sectional population-based study
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2018, Vol. 8, (7)
Rurangirwa, Akashi Andrew; Mogren, Ingrid; Ntaganira, Joseph; et al.
The value of pregnancy complication history for 10-year cardiovascular disease risk prediction in middle-aged women
European Journal of Epidemiology
, Springer 2018, Vol. 33, (10) : 1003-1010
Timpka, Simon; Fraser, Abigail; Schyman, Tommy; et al.
Midlife development of type 2 diabetes and hypertension in women by history of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Cardiovascular Diabetology
, BioMed Central 2018, Vol. 17
Timpka, Simon; Markovitz, Amanda; Schyman, Tommy; et al.
'Without ultrasound you can't reach the best decision': midwives' experiences and views of the role of ultrasound in maternity care in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 15 : 28-34
Åhman, Annika; Edvardsson, Kristina; Kidanto, Hussein Lesio; et al.
Prevalence and predictors of persistent pelvic girdle pain 12 years postpartum
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
, BIOMED CENTRAL LTD 2017, Vol. 18
Bergström, Cecilia; Persson, Margareta; Nergard, Kari-Anne; et al.
Health professionals' experiences and views of obstetric ultrasound in Rwanda
European Journal of Public Health
, OXFORD UNIV PRESS 2017, Vol. 27, (Suppl_3) : 367-
Holmlund, Sofia; Ntaganira, J.; Edvardsson, K.; et al.
Improved maternity care if midwives learn to perform ultrasound: a qualitative study of Rwandan midwives' experiences and views of obstetric ultrasound
Global Health Action
, Vol. 10, (1)
Holmlund, Sophia; Ntaganira, Joseph; Edvardsson, Kristina; et al.
Change of lifestyle habits: motivation and ability reported by pregnant women in northern Sweden
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, Clare: Elsevier 2017, Vol. 13 : 83-90
Lindqvist, Maria; Lindkvist, Marie; Eurenius, Eva; et al.
High weight gain during pregnancy increases the risk for emergency caesarean section - Population-based data from the Swedish Maternal Health Care Register 2011-2012
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, Vol. 11 : 47-52
Nilses, Carin; Persson, Margareta; Lindkvist, Marie; et al.
Intimate partner violence among pregnant women in Rwanda, its associated risk factors and relationship to ANC services attendance: a population-based study
BMJ Open
, Vol. 7, (2)
Rurangirwa, Akashi Andrew; Mogren, Ingrid; Ntaganira, Joseph; et al.
Determinants of poor utilization of antenatal care services among recently delivered women in Rwanda: a population based study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, BioMed Central 2017, Vol. 17
Rurangirwa, Akashi Andrew; Mogren, Ingrid; Nyirazinyoye, Laetitia; et al.
Prevalence of pregnancy-related complications and course of labour of surviving women who gave birth in selected health facilities in Rwanda: a health facility-based, cross-sectional study
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2017, Vol. 7, (7)
Sengoma, Jean Paul Semasaka; Krantz, Gunilla; Nzayirambaho, Manasse; et al.
Sick leave and healthcare utilisation in women reporting pregnancy related low back pain and/or pelvic girdle pain at 14 months postpartum
Chiropractic and Manual Therapies
, London: BioMed Central (BMC) 2016, Vol. 24
Bergström, Cecilia; Persson, Margareta; Mogren, Ingrid
Increasing possibilities - Increasing dilemmas: A qualitative study of Swedish midwives' experiences of ultrasound use in pregnancy
, Vol. 42 : 46-53
Edvardsson, Kristina; Lalos, Ann; Åhman, Annika; et al.
Physicians' experiences and views on the role of obstetric ultrasound in rural and urban Rwanda: a qualitative study
Tropical medicine & international health
, Vol. 21, (7) : 895-906
Edvardsson, Kristina; Ntaganira, Joseph; Åhman, Annika; et al.
Leisure time physical activity among pregnant women and its associations with maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare
, Vol. 9 : 14-20
Lindqvist, Maria; Lindkvist, Marie; Eurenius, Eva; et al.
Prenatal diagnosis in Sweden 2011 to 2013 - a register-based study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, Vol. 16
Petersson, Kerstin; Lindkvist, Marie; Persson, Margareta; et al.
Self-reported pregnancy-related health problems and self-rated health status in Rwandan women postpartum: a population-based cross-sectional study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
, Vol. 16
Semasaka, Jean Paul S.; Krantz, Gunilla; Nzayirambaho, Manasse; et al.
Help-seeking behaviours, barriers to care and self-efficacy for seeking mental health care: a population-based study in Rwanda
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2016, Vol. 51, (1) : 81-92
Umubyeyi, Aline; Mogren, Ingrid; Ntaganira, Joseph; et al.
Visa publikationer i DiVA
N4 research group
12 april 2023 till 31 december 2028
Epidemiologi av allergiska sjukdomar i tidig barndom – påverkan av perinatala antibiotikaexponeringar och efterlevnad av infektionsförebyggande åtgärder under covid-19-pandemin
1 maj 2022 till 31 december 2025
Blodtryckssjukdomar under graviditet vid olika reproduktionsmedicinska metoder
1 maj 2018 till 31 december 2028
1 september 2016
Den orala mikrofloran vid hälsa och sjukdom – en sidostudie till den longitudinella NorthPop studien
1 april 2014 till 30 november 2016
Kvarstående graviditetsrelaterad bäckengördelssmärta 12 år efter graviditet
Publicerad: 20 sep, 2022
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