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Personalbild Gunnevi Sundelin

Gunnevi Sundelin

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent



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Anknuten som professor emerita till Institutionen för samhällsmedicin och rehabilitering Enhet: Fysioterapi, Anknuten
-, - Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Arthritis care & research, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 74, (1) : 31-43
Björk, Mathilda; Dragioti, Elena; Alexandersson, Helene; et al.
Global Health Action, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 14, (1)
Mkoba, Egfrid Michael; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Sahlen, Klas-Göran; et al.
African Health Sciences, African Health Sciences 2021, Vol. 21, (2) : 788-794
Moshi, Haleluya I.; Sundelin, Gunnevi G.; Sahlen, Klas-Göran G.; et al.
Disability and Rehabilitation, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 43, (20) : 2838-2845
Moshi, Haleluya; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Sahlén, Klas-Göran; et al.
European Journal of Physiotherapy, Taylor & Francis Group 2020, Vol. 22, (4) : 183-183
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Global Journal of Health Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education 2018, Vol. 10, (5) : 138-153
Moshi, Haleluya; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Sahlén, Klas-Göran; et al.
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, American Research Institute for Policy Development 2017, Vol. 4, (2) : 38-47
Blomqvist, Sven; Lönnberg, Lisa; Sundelin, Gunnevi; et al.
Global Health Action, Vol. 10, (1)
Moshi, Haleluya; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Sahlen, Klas-Göran; et al.
European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, Vol. 7, (1) : 22-30
Blomqvist, Sven; Wester, Anita; Persson, Elin; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Vol. 27, (1) : 36-43
Enberg, Birgit; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Öhman, Ann
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Stiftelsen Rehabiliteringsinformation 2013, Vol. 45, (10) : 1049-1057
Merrick, Daniel; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 44, (9) : 764-773
Merrick, Daniel; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 14, (4) : 141-145
Sundelin, Gunnevi
The 16th international world confederation for physical therapy, 20-23 June 2011, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Bäcklund, Catharina; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Larsson, Christel
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 13, (3) : 97-109
Bäcklund, Catharina; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Larsson, Christel
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 13, (3) : 87-96
Bäcklund, Catharina; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Larsson, Christel
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, The American College of Sports Medicine 2010, Vol. 42, (6) : 1154-1161
Bäcklund, Catharina; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Larsson, Christel
Obesity reviews, Suppl 1
Bäcklund, Catharina; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Larsson, Christel
Physiotherapy, Vol. 96, (3) : 234-239
Janaudis-Ferreira, Tania; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Wadell, Karin
7th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods
Bäcklund, Catharina; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Larsson, Christel
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 41 : 714-718
Lindström, Britta; Röding, Jenny; Sundelin, Gunnevi
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 11, (2) : 71-80
Nordvall, Helena; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Lysholm, Jack
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, Vol. 19, (3) : 407-415
Åström, Charlotte; Lindkvist, Markus; Burström, Lage; et al.
European Child Obesity Group conference, Porto, Portugal
Bäcklund, Catharina; Sundelin, G; Larsson, Christel
Journal of Biomechanics, Elsevier 2008, Vol. 41, (13) : 2799-2805
Grip, Helena; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Gerdle, Björn; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Vol. 21, (2) : 169-177
Enberg, Birgit; Stenlund, Hans; Sundelin, Gunnevi; et al.
Herbert, R; Moore, A; Baxter, D; et al.
Physsical Therapy Reviews, Vol. 12, (2) : 139-144
Häger-Ross, Charlotte; Sundelin, Gunnevi
Moorhead, A; Liddle, D; Hurley-Osing, D; et al.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 39, (9) : 715-23
Näslund, Annika; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Hirschfeld, Helga
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 9, (4) : 153-
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 9, (1) : 1-
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 9, (3) : 105-
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Respiratory Medicine, Vol. 100, (8) : 1451-1457
Janaudis-Ferreira, Tania; Wadell, Karin; Sundelin, Gunnevi; et al.
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 8, (1) : 1-4
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Advances in Physiotherapy, Vol. 8, (4) : 145-
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Advances in physiotherapy, Vol. 8, (2) : 49-
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Advances in physiotherapy, Vol. 8, (3) : 97-
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 37, (6) : 793-799
Åström, Charlotte; Rehn, Börje; Lundström, Ronnie; et al.
International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation, Vol. 12, (5) : 200-207
Näslund, Annika; Jesinkey, K; Sundelin, Gunnevi; et al.
Noise and Vibration Worldwide, Vol. 36, (1) : 13-18
Rehn, Börje; Lundström, Ronny; Nilsson, Tor; et al.
Advances in physiotherapy, Vol. 7, (3) : 95-
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Advances in physiotherapy, Vol. 7, (4) : 143-
Sundelin, Gunnevi
Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol. 27, (10) : 571-581
Wadell, Karin; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin; Lundgren, Rune; et al.
