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Göran Wadell

Jag är professor emeritus i klinisk virologi.

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent



Verksam vid

Anknuten som professor emeritus till Institutionen för klinisk mikrobiologi Enhet: Avdelningen för virologi
6F, Universitetssjukhuset, Virologi, plan 2 Umeå universitet, 901 85 Umeå

Min forskning har fokuserat på adenovirus, humant papillomvirus (HPV), rotavirus, pumalaviruset som orsakar nefropathia epidemica-sjukdomen i vår region och HIV.  Umeå har en unik moderskapskohort som har utnyttjats i omfattande epidemiologiska studier.

Mitt intresse är nu inriktat på genterapi, särskilt användningen av virusvektorer som vacciner och onkolytiska virus.

Mina publikationer finns tillgängliga i Google Scholar


Docent i medicinsk mikrobiologi vid Karolinska Institutet 1970. Erling Norrby handledare;

Professor i virologi vid Umeå universitet 1980;

Professor i klinisk virologi vid Karolinska Institutet 1990;

Professor i klinisk virologi vid Umeå universitet 1993;

Professor emeritus i klinisk virologi vid UmU 2009.

Förtroendeuppdrag: Ordförande för Adenovirus Study Group vid International Commitee for the Taxonomy of virus( ICTV) 1980-1988 och medlem av denna studiegrupp sedan dess.; Ordförande i sökgruppen för det nya medicinska forskningsrådet (MRC) 1994; Vice dekanus för den medicinska fakulteten UmU 1997 till 1999.

Journal of General Virology, Microbiology Society 2022, Vol. 103, (3)
Benkő, Mária; Aoki, Koki; Arnberg, Niklas; et al.
Scientific Reports, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP 2018, Vol. 8
Islam, Md. Koushikul; Strand, Mårten; Saleeb, Michael; et al.
Journal of Inflammation, London: BioMed Central (BMC) 2017, Vol. 14
Jacobsson, Sofie; Larsson, Peter; Johansson, Göran; et al.
Marine Drugs, MDPI 2014, Vol. 12, (2) : 799-821
Strand, Mårten; Carlsson, Marcus; Uvell, Hanna; et al.
Future Oncology, Vol. 10, (3) : 377-384
Toriola, Adetunji T.; Tolockiene, Egle; Schock, Helena; et al.
Cellular Microbiology, Wiley-Blackwell 2013, Vol. 15, (1) : 16-23
Greber, Urs F.; Arnberg, Niklas; Wadell, Göran; et al.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, Sage Publications 2013, Vol. 19, (8) : 1022-1027
Salzer, Jonatan; Hallmans, Göran; Nyström, Maria; et al.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, Sage Publications 2013, Vol. 19, (8) : 1046-1051
Salzer, Jonatan; Hallmans, Göran; Nyström, Maria; et al.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, Sage Publications 2013, Vol. 19, (12) : 1587-1591
Salzer, Jonatan; Nyström, Maria; Hallmans, Göran; et al.
PLOS ONE, Vol. 7, (7) : e40385-
Dicks, Matthew DJ; Spencer, Alexandra J; Edwards, Nick J; et al.
The Springer Index of Viruses, New York: Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012 : 33-48
Mei, Ya-fang; Harrach, Balzs; Wadell, Göran
Neurology, Vol. 79, (21) : 2140-2145
Salzer, Jonatan; Hallmans, Göran; Nyström, Maria; et al.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, American Society Microbiology 2012, Vol. 56, (11) : 5735-5743
Strand, Mårten; Islam, Koushikul; Edlund, Karin; et al.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2012, Vol. 55, (7) : 3170-3181
Öberg, Christopher T; Strand, Mårten; Andersson, Emma K; et al.
Journal of Virology, Vol. 85, (11) : 5703-5704
Aoki, Koki; Benkö, Mária; Davison, Andrew J; et al.
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, Vol. 20, (12) : 2541-2550
Dahlström, Lisen Arnheim; Andersson, Kristin; Luostarinen, Tapio; et al.
Arthritis Research & Therapy , Vol. 13, (1) : R30-
Eriksson, Catharina; Kokkonen, Heidi; Johansson, Martin; et al.
Arthritis Research & Therapy , Vol. 13, (1) : R13-
Kokkonen, Heidi; Mullazehi, Mohammed; Berglin, Ewa; et al.
IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, 7–11 August 2011, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland: Programme and abstracts : A266-
Luostarinen, T.; Dahlstrom, L. A.; Andersson, K.; et al.
Cancer Causes and Control, Springer 2011, Vol. 22, (9) : 1259-1266
Sjöström, Sara; Hjalmars, Ulf; Juto, Per; et al.
Virology, Vol. 402, (1) : 20-25
Andersson, Emma K; Mei, Ya-Fang; Wadell, Göran
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, American society for microbiology 2010, Vol. 54, (9) : 3871-3877
Andersson, Emma K; Strand, Mårten; Edlund, Karin; et al.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Vol. 121, (1) : 169-175
Chen, Tianhui; Lukanova, Annekatrin; Grankvist, Kjell; et al.
Cancer Causes and Control, Vol. 21, (5) : 719-727
Chen, Tianhui; Lundin, Eva; Grankvist, Kjell; et al.
Cancer Research, Vol. 70, (17) : 6779-6786
Toniolo, Paolo; Grankvist, Kjell; Wulff, Marianne; et al.
International Journal of Cancer, Vol. 124, (12) : 2923-2928
Holl, Katsiaryna; Lundin, Eva; Surcel, Heljä-Marja; et al.
American Journal of Epidemiology, Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health 2009, Vol. 169, (4) : 480-488
Kapeu, Aline Simen; Luostarinen, Tapio; Jellum, Egil; et al.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 101, (2) : 88-99
Naucler, Pontus; Ryd, Walter; Törnberg, Sven; et al.
European Journal of Cancer, Vol. 45, (9) : 1640-1648
Tuomisto, Jouko; Holl, Katsiaryna; Rantakokko, Panu; et al.
Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica (APMIS), Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2008, Vol. 116, (9) : 816-822
Holl, Katsiaryna; Surcel, Helja-Marja; Koskela, Pentti; et al.
Novel diarrhoea viruses, John Wiley & Sons 2008 : 63-91
Wadell, Göran; Allad, Annica; Johansson, Mats; et al.
Journal of Virology, American Society for Microbiology 2007, Vol. 81, (2) : 954-963
Johansson, Cecilia; Jonsson, Mari; Marttila, Marko; et al.
British Journal of Cancer, Vol. 97, (1) : 129-32
Naucler, P; Ryd, W; Törnberg, S; et al.
New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts: Massachusetts medical society 2007, Vol. 357, (16) : 1589-1597
Naucler, Pontus; Ryd, Walter; Törnberg, Sven; et al.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2006, Vol. 65, (4) : 453-458
Berglin, Ewa; Johansson, T.; Sundin, U.; et al.
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, Baltimore: Waverly Press 2006, Vol. 15, (12) : 2489-2493
Lukanova, Annekatrin; Toniolo, Paolo; Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, Anne; et al.
Journal of Medical Virology, New York: Alan R. Liss 2006, Vol. 78, (3) : 372-378
Tedeschi, Rosamaria; Bidoli, Ettore; Ågren, Åsa; et al.
ChemBioChem, Vol. 6, (2) : 358-364
Johansson, Susanne M C; Arnberg, Niklas; Elofsson, Mikael; et al.
Journal of Virology, American Society for Microbiology 2005, Vol. 79, (22) : 14429-14436
Marttila, Marko; Persson, David; Gustafsson, Dan; et al.
Journal of Virology, American Society for Microbiology 2004, Vol. 78, (14) : 7727-7736
Burmeister, Wim P; Guilligay, Delphine; Cusack, Stephen; et al.
Virology, Vol. 328, (2) : 198-207
Mei, Ya-Fang; Segerman, Anna; Lindman, Kristina; et al.
Journal of General Virology, Vol. 85, (Pt 9) : 2627-2638
Skog, Johan; Edlund, Karin; Widegren, Bengt; et al.
Neurology, Aan publication 2004, Vol. 62, (12) : 2277-82
Sundström, P; Juto, Per; Wadell, G; et al.
Arthritis and Rheumatism, Wiley-Blackwell 2003, Vol. 48, (10) : 2741-2749
Rantapää-Dahlqvist, Solbritt; de Jong, Ben A.W.; Berglin, Ewa; et al.
Journal of Virology, Vol. 77, (17) : 9183-9191
Segerman, Anna; Atkinson, John P.; Marttila, Marko; et al.
Journal of General Virology, Society for General Microbiology 2003, Vol. 84, (3) : 687-695
Zhang, Lei-Qing; Mei, Ya-Fang; Wadell, Göran