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Personalbild Gauthier Lanot

Gauthier Lanot



Verksam som

Professor vid Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet Enhet: Nationalekonomi
Samhällsvetarhuset, Biblioteksgränd 6, A23901 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I hold a PhD from Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France awarded in 1993. I have held positions at Keele University (UK), Laval University in Canada and Queen's University Belfast. I acted as an associate editor for the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society, 2010-2013) and between 2013 and 2016 I was appointed to the Advisory Research Board of the Danish National Centre for Social Research, www.sfi.dk. My research interests are in empirical micro-economics and econometrics, labour and public economics and public finance.

Recent Work

  • Lanot G and Sousounis P. 2013. The Substitution Rate between Low Pay Workers and the National Minimum Wage.
  • Lanot G and Sousounis P. 2011. The Minimum Wage and Human Capital Accumulation of Young Low-paid Workers in a Recession.
  • Lanot G, Worrall T, Vassilakos N. 2007. Evaluating the Performance of UK Research in Economics.
  • Lanot G and Bingley P. 2007. Public pension programmes and the retirement of married couples in Denmark. Journal of Public Economics , vol. 91(10), 1878-1901.


Full Publications List

Journal Articles

  • Lanot G and Bingley P. 2007. Public pension programmes and the retirement of married couples in Denmark. Journal of Public Economics , vol. 91(10), 1878-1901.
  • Hartley R and Lanot G. 2006. Heterogeneous demand responses to discrete price changes: an application to the purchase of lottery tickets. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, vol. 50(3), 859-877.
  • Lanot G and Bingley P. 2004. Employer Pay Policies, Public Transfers and the Retirement Decisions of Men and Women in Denmark. European Economic Review, vol. Volume 48 number 1(1), 181-200.
  • Lanot G and Devereux M. 2003. Measuring Tax Incidence: An Application to Mortgage Provision in the UK. Journal of Public Economics, vol. 87(7-8), 1747-1778.
  • Hartley R and Lanot G. 2003. On the design of lottery games. Journal Of The Operational Research Society, vol. 54(1), 89-100.
  • Lanot G and Chevalier A. 2002. Financial transfers and educational achievement. Education Economics, vol. 10(2), 165-181.
  • Lanot G and Bingley P. 2002. The Incidence of Income Tax on Wages and Labour Supply. Journal of Public Economics, vol. 83(2), 173-194.
  • Chevalier A and Lanot G. 2002. The relative effect of family characteristics and financial situation on educational achievement. Educational Economics, vol. 10(2), 161-185.
  • Farrell L, Hartley R, Lanot G, Walker I. 2000. The demand for lotto: The role of conscious selection. Journal Of Business & Economic Statistics, vol. 18(2), 228-241.
  • Lanot G and Walker I. 1998. The union/non-union wage differential: An application of semi-parametric methods. Journal Of Econometrics, vol. 84(2), 327-349.
  • Lanot G and Robin J-M. 1997. Participation des femmes au marché du travail en présence de taxation directe et de coûts de participation/Female Labour Supply with Direct Taxation and Labour Costs. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, vol. 48(1), 1-15.
  • Evans G, Allin P, CreighTyte S, Miller J, Marshall TF, Farrell L, Walker I, Hartley R, Lanot G, Bassett EE, Duckworth F, Farebrother RW, Kahan B, Mayne AJ, Rizvi S, Barnard GA, Finney DJ, HansfordMiller F, Henery B, Hill ID, Longford NT, Phillips MJ, Plackett RL, Moore PG, Haigh J. 1997. The development of the UK National Lottery: 1992-96 - The statistics of the National Lottery - Discussion. Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society Series A-Statistics In Society, vol. 160, 213-235.
  • Bingley P, Lanot G, Symons E, Walker I. 1995. Child-Support Reform And The Labor Supply Of Lone Mothers In The United-Kingdom. Journal Of Human Resources, vol. 30(2), 256-279.



  • Bingley P and Lanot G. 2000. Employer pay policies and male retirement decisions. In Panel data and structural labour market models. Bunzel H, Mortensen DT, Keifer NM, Jensen P, Christensen BJ (Eds.).
  • Laine J, Laffond G, Lanot G. 2000. Un modèle dynamique de compétition électorale. In Décision, prospective, auto-organisation. Thépot J, Godet M, Roubelat F, Saab AE (Eds.). France: Dunod.



  • Lanot G, Walker I, Hartley R. Who Really Wants to be a Millionaire? Estimates of Risk Aversion from Gameshow Data.
  • Lanot G, Worrall T, Vassilakos N. 2007. Evaluating the Performance of UK Research in Economics.
  • Kelly C and Lanot G. 2003. Analytical results for a model periodic consumption.
  • Bingley P and Lanot G. 2003. Starting wages, hires and separations.
  • Kelly C and Lanot G. 2002. Consumption patterns over pay periods.
  • Lanot G. 2002. On the variance covariance matrix of the maximum likelihood estimator of a discrete mixture.
  • Lanot G and Muller C. Dualistic sector choice and female labour supply: evidence from formal and informal sectors in Cameroon.
Journal of applied econometrics (Chichester, England), John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 39, (1) : 200-216
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 212
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
Journal of Labor Research, Springer 2022, Vol. 43 : 415-439
Sousounis, Panos; Lanot, Gauthier
Umeå economic studies, 987
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
Energy Economics, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 104
Lanot, Gauthier; Vesterberg, Mattias
Umeå economic studies, 968
Lanot, Gauthier; Vesterberg, Mattias
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 8 : 700-717
Naka, Poontavika; Boado-Penas, Maria del Carmen; Lanot, Gauthier
Journal of Business Analytics, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 2, (1)
Lanot, Gauthier; Vesterberg, Mattias
International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 45, (8) : 1205-1226
Sousounis, Panos; Lanot, Gauthier
Umeå economic studies, 955
Aronsson, Thomas; Jenderny, Katharina; Lanot, Gauthier
Manchester School, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 85, (5) : 601-633
Lanot, Gauthier; Sousounis, Panos
Umeå economic studies, 951
Lanot, Gauthier; Vesterberg, Mattias
The contradictions of Capital in the twenty-first century: the Piketty opportunity, Agenda 2016 : 67-85
Lanot, Gauthier
Real estate economics (Print), Vol. 44, (4) : 771-813
Lanot, Gauthier; Leece, David
Econometric Society European Meeting
Lanot, Gauthier; Bingley, Paul
Journal of applied econometrics (Chichester, England), John Wiley & Sons 2014, Vol. 29, (6) : 861-879
Lanot, Gauthier; Hartley, Roger; Walker, Ian
Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier 2007, Vol. 91, (10) : 1878-1901
Bingley, Paul; Lanot, Gauthier
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Association for Computing Machinery 2006, Vol. 50, (3) : 859-877
Hartley, Roger; Lanot, Gauthier
Manchester School, John Wiley & Sons 2004, Vol. 72, (4) : 560-567
Chevalier, Arnaud; Lanot, Gauthier
Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier 2003, Vol. 87, (7-8) : 1747-1778
Devereux, Michael; Lanot, Gauthier
Journal of the Operational Research Society, Palgrave Macmillan 2003, Vol. 54, (1) : 89-100
Hartley, Roger; Lanot, Gauthier
Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier 2002, Vol. 83, (2) : 173-194
Bingley, Paul; Lanot, Gauthier
Panel Data and Structural Labour Market Models, Amsterdam: Elsevier 2000 : 13-40
Bingley, Paul; Lanot, Gauthier
Journal of business & economic statistics, American Statistical Assoication 2000, Vol. 18, (2) : 228-241
Farrell, Lisa; Hartley, Roger; Lanot, Gauthier; et al.
Décision, prospective, auto-organisation: mélanges en l'honneur de Jacques Lesourne, Paris: Dunod Editeur 2000 : 425-454
Laffond, Gilbert; Lainé, Jean; Lanot, Gauthier

I am involved in undergraduate and post graduate teaching. 

Autumn 2022: Industrial Economics, B100, m2

Autumn 2022: Microeconomics Analysis and Applications: Applied Microeconomics, D , m3-4

Publicerad: 31 maj, 2021