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Personalbild Emadeldeen Hassan

Emadeldeen Hassan

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X, Håken Gullessons väg 20, Teknikhuset, TEK.C.413 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Gedeon, Johannes; Allayarov, Izzatjon; Lesina, Antonio Calà; et al.
Nanophotonics X
Bahmani, Sadeq; Evlyukhin, Andrey B.; Hassan, Emadeldeen; et al.
Machine learning in photonics
Gedeon, Johannes; Hassan, Emadeldeen; Evlyukhin, Andrey B.; et al.
Laser & Photonics reviews
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Evlyukhin, Andrey B.; Calà Lesina, Antonio
Structural and multidisciplinary optimization (Print), Springer Nature 2023, Vol. 66
Bokhari, Ahmad Hasnain; Hassan, Emadeldeen; Wadbro, Eddie
ACS Photonics, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2023, Vol. 10, (11) : 3875-3887
Gedeon, Johannes; Hassan, Emadeldeen; Calà Lesina, Antonio
2023 international conference on electromagnetics in advanced applications (ICEAA): proceeding, IEEE 2023 : 507-
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Evlynkhin, Andrey B.; Lesina, Antonio Cala
META 2023 Paris - France. The 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics: Proceedings, META Conference 2023 : 583-583
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Evlyukhin, Andrey B.; Lesina, Antonio Calà
2022 Photonics North (PN): Proceedings
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Cala Lesina, Antonio
Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group 2022, Vol. 30, (11) : 19557-19572
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Calà Lesina, Antonio
IEEE Access, IEEE 2021, Vol. 9 : 48429-48445
Asan, Noor Badariah; Hassan, Emadeldeen; Perez, Mauricio D.; et al.
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2020, Vol. 68, (4) : 1326-1339
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Scheiner, Benedict; Michler, Fabian; et al.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), IEEE 2020 : 279-282
Heining, Simon; Michler, Fabian; Scheiner, Benedict; et al.
Asan, Noor Badariah; Hassan, Emadeldeen; Perez, Mauricio David; et al.
Computers & electrical engineering, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 73 : 334-348
Dessouky, Ahmed M.; Taha, Taha E.; Dessouky, Mohamed M.; et al.
Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, Taylor & Francis Group 2019, Vol. 38, (5) : 321-337
Dessouky, Ahmed M.; Taha, Taha E.; Dessouky, Mohamed M.; et al.
2019 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), Orlando, USA, January 20-23, 2019, IEEE 20193
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Berggren, Martin; Scheiner, Benedict; et al.
Electronics, MDPI 2019, Vol. 8, (11)
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Martynenko, Denys; Wadbro, Eddie; et al.
2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL RF AND MICROWAVE CONFERENCE (RFM 2018), IEEE conference proceedings 2018 : 196-198
Asan, Noor Badariah; Hassan, Emadeldeen; Redzwan, Syaiful; et al.
2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA)
Asan, Noor Badariah; Redzwan, Syaiful; Velander, Jacob; et al.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBIOC), IEEE 2018 : 136-138
Asan, Noor Badariah; Velander, Jacob; Redzwan, Syaiful; et al.
Sensors, MDPI 2018, Vol. 18, (9)
Badariah Asan, Noor; Hassan, Emadeldeen; Velander, Jacob; et al.
Structural and multidisciplinary optimization (Print), New York: Springer 2018, Vol. 57, (4) : 1765-1777
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Wadbro, Eddie; Hägg, Linus; et al.
Healthcare technology letters, The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017, Vol. 4, (4) : 115-121
Asan, Noor Badariah; Noreland, Daniel; Hassan, Emadeldeen; et al.
IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2017, Vol. 1, (2) : 43-51
Asan, Noor Badariah; Penichet, Carlos Perez; Shah, Syaiful Redzwan Mohd; et al.
2017 First IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Bio Conference (IMBIOC)
Asan, Noor Badariah; Redzwan, Syaiful; Rydberg, Anders; et al.
2017 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), IEEE 2017 : 310-313
Asan, Noor Badariah; Velander, Jacob; Redzwan, Syaiful; et al.
Scientific Reports, Vol. 7
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Noreland, Daniel; Wadbro, Eddie; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2015, Vol. 63, (9) : 4208-4213
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Noreland, Daniel; Augustine, Robin; et al.
UMINF 15.06
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Wadbro, Eddie; Berggren, Martin
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Press 2014, Vol. 62, (5) : 2488-2500
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Wadbro, Eddie; Berggren, Martin
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Electromagnetics Academy 2014, Vol. 59 : 89-102
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Wadbro, Eddie; Berggren, Martin
Proceedings 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves: Waves 2013, Tunis: ENIT-LAMSIN 2013 : 171-172
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Wadbro, Eddie; Berggren, Martin
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2013), New York: IEEE conference proceedings 2013 : 1488-1492
Hassan, Emadeldeen; Wadbro, Eddie; Berggren, Martin

