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Personalbild David Granlund

David Granlund

Vetenskaplig meritering: Docent
Pedagogisk meritering: Meriterad lärare

Verksam som

Universitetslektor vid Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet Enhet: Nationalekonomi
Samhällsvetarhuset, Biblioteksgränd 6, B20807 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

My research interests are primarily in health economics and industrial organization.


Recent working papers

A method for calculating the probability of collusion based on observed price patterns, with N Rudholm. Also available at SSRN 4605725

Firms Price Discriminate Based on Suppliers' Relative Distances to Competitors, with S Meens-Eriksson, Umeå Economic Studies 1006. R&R International Journal of Industrial Organization.


Articles in international scientific journals

The Importance of the First Generic Substitution: Evidence from Sweden, with A Janssen. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 213, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2023.07.017  WP-version available at SSRN 4072191

Quantifying the Zero-Price Effect in the Field: Evidence from Swedish Prescription Drug Choices, with A Ching and D Sundström, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 7(2), 175–185. 2002 https://doi.org/10.1086/718460.

The price effects of competition from parallel imports and therapeutic alternatives: Using dynamic models to estimate the causal effect on the extensive and intensive margins, Review of Industrial Organization 60(1), 63–92,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11151-021-09834-x.

Direct and indirect savings from parallel imports in Sweden, Health Economics Review 12, article number 46, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13561-022-00391-x.

A new approach to estimating state dependence in consumers' brand choices applied to 762 pharmaceutical markets, Journal of Industrial Economics 69(2), 443–483, 2021. WP-version

Can private provision of primary care contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance? A study of antibiotic prescription in Sweden, with Y V Zykova, PharmacoEconomics – Open 5(2), 187–195, 2020.

Price competition in pharmaceuticals – evidence from 1303 Swedish markets, with M A Bergman, Journal of Health Economics 61, 1-12, 2018.         Results from three extensions  Post-refereeing-version

Physicians prescribing originals causes welfare losses, with D Sundström, Economics Letters 170, 143-146, 2018. Post-refereeing-version

Squeezing the last drop out of your suppliers: an empirical study of market-based purchasing policies for generic pharmaceuticals, with M Bergman and N Rudholm, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 79(6), 969-996, 2017.

Federal Subsidization of State Expenditure to Reduce Political Budget Cycles, with T Aronsson, International Tax and Public Finance 24(3), 536-545, 2017.
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Reforming the Swedish pharmaceuticals market: Consequences for costs per defined daily dose, with M Bergman and N Rudholm. International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 16(3), 201-214, 2016.
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EU Enlargement, Parallel Trade and Price Competition in Pharmaceuticals: Has the Price Competition increased? With M Y Köksal-Ayhan. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 16(2), 1069–1092, 2016.

Public provision and cross-border health care, with M Wikström, Forum for Health Economics & Policy 19(2), 157-177, 2016 (Open Access).

Gender Norms, Work Hours, and Corrective Taxation, with T Aronsson, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 56, 33-39, 2015. (Open Access)

The effect of pharmacies' right to negotiate discounts on the market share of parallel imported pharmaceuticals. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 15, 1197-1235, 2015.

Parallel Imports and Mandatory Substitution Reform – A Kick or A Muff for Price Competition? The European Journal of Health Economics, 16(9), 969-983, 2015 (with M Koksal-Ayhan)
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Introducing waiting times for health care in a labor supply model for sickness absence, with D Andrén, Nordic Journal of Health Economics 3, 34-46, 2014 (Open Access)

Present-Biased Preferences and Publicly Provided Private Goods. FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis 70(2), 169-199, 2014. (with T Aronsson)

The prescribing physician's influence on consumer choice between medically equivalent pharmaceuticals. Review of Industrial Organization 41, 207-222, 2012. (with N Rudholm)
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Electoral accountability in a country with two-tiered government, Public Choice 148, 531-546, 2011.
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Public goods and optimal paternalism under present-biased preferences, Economics Letters 113, 54-57, 2011 (with T Aronsson).

Price and welfare effects of a pharmaceutical substitution reform, Journal of Health Economics 29, 856-865, 2010.

Consumer information and pharmaceutical prices: Theory and Evidence, Oxford bulletin of Economics and Statistics 73(2), 230-254, 2011. (with N Rudholm)
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Additional results

The effect of health care expenditure on sickness absence, The European Journal of Health Economics 11, 555-568, 2010.
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Inequality in mortality in Vietnam during a period of rapid transition, Social Science & Medicine 70, 232-239, 2010. (with N T Chuc, H D Phuc and L Lindholm)

Are private physicians more likely to veto generic substitution of prescribed pharmaceuticals? Social Science & Medicine 69, 1643-1650, 2009.
Additional results

Sickness absence and health care in an economic federation, International Tax and Public Finance 14, 503-524, 2007.
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Fixed budgets as a cost containment measure for pharmaceuticals, The European Journal of Health Economics 7, 37-45, 2006 (with N Rudholm and M Wikström)
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Economic policy in health care – sickness absence and pharmaceutical costs

New research project:

How is collusion initiated and implemented?—Evidence from hundreds of markets [Hur initieras och implementeras prissamordningar? Resultat från hundratals marknader]

Project leader: David Granlund. Co-applicants, Samielle Drake, Umeå University, and Nicolas De Roos, University of Liverpool.

Financed by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) (amont: SEK 4,070,000). 2025–2027.


Formations and break downs of collusions [Prissamordningars bildande och sammanbrott]

Project leader: David Granlund. Financed by the Swedish Competition Authority [Konkurrensverket]. 2024–2026.

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 213 : 1-25
Janssen, Aljoscha; Granlund, David
Health Economics Review, BioMed Central (BMC) 2022, Vol. 12, (1)
Granlund, David
Journal of the association for consumer research, University of Chicago Press 2022, Vol. 7, (2) : 175-185
Ching, Andrew T.; Granlund, David; Sundström, David
Journal of Industrial Economics, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 69, (2) : 443-483
Granlund, David
Ekonomisk Debatt, Nationalekonomiska föreningen 2021, Vol. 49, (1) : 55-65
Granlund, David
PharmacoEconomics - Open, Springer 2021, Vol. 5, (2) : 187-195
Granlund, David; Zykova, Yana V.
Economics Letters, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 170 : 143-146
Granlund, David; Sundström, David
Journal of Health Economics, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 61 : 1-12
Granlund, David; Bergman, Mats