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Christine Brulin
Vetenskaplig meritering:
090-786 91 20
070-595 36 32
Verksam vid
Anknuten som professor emerita till
Institutionen för omvårdnad
Biologihuset, Hus C, plan 3, 4 och 5. Hus D2, plan 3.
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Senior nursing students' reflections on deviations from guideline adherence regarding venous blood specimen collection practice: A qualitative study
Nurse Education Today
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 115
Nilsson, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Grankvist, Kjell; et al.
Do team and task performance improve after training situation awareness?: A randomized controlled study of interprofessional intensive care teams
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 29, (1)
Jonsson, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
Factors Influencing Team and Task Performance in Intensive Care Teams in a Simulated Scenario
Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2021, Vol. 16, (1) : 29-36
Jonsson, Karin; Hultin, Magnus; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
Navigating in the fog: facing delays, rejection and ignorance when seeking help for primary hyperhidrosis
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 16, (1)
Shayesteh, Alexander; Gerdsdorff, Fredrik; Persson, Margareta; et al.
'Excessive sweating is not a feminine thing': a qualitative study of women's experiences suffering from primary hyperhidrosis
, Public Library of Science 2021, Vol. 16, (7)
Shayesteh, Alexander; Persson, Margareta; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Promoting and Hindering Health and Well-Being in Firefighter Discourse
, Sage Publications 2020, Vol. 10, (4)
Jacobsson, Ann; Backteman Erlandson, Susanne; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Reliability of instruments that measure situation awareness, team performance and task performance in a simulation setting with medical students
BMJ Open
, Vol. 9, (9)
Hultin, Magnus; Jonsson, Karin; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
The Meaning of Living for Men Suffering From Primary Hyperhidrosis
American Journal of Men's Health
, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 13, (6)
Shayesteh, Alexander; Brulin, Christine; Nylander, Elisabet
’There is nothing wrong with diversity and equality as long as the right people are employed’. Promoting and hindering health in firefighter discourse
Conference in Nursing Research, Methods and Networks for the future, Oslo, Norway, June 13-15, 2018
Jacobsson, Ann; Backteman-Erlandson, Susanne; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Burnout and association with psychosocial work environment among Swedish firefighters
Global Journal of Health Science
, Canadian Center of Science and Education 2017, Vol. 9, (5) : 214-225
Jacobsson, Ann; Backteman-Erlandson, Susanne; Padyab, Mojgan; et al.
Factors associated with nursing students' adherence to venous blood collection practice guidelines: A cross sectional study
Nurse Education in Practice
, Vol. 23 : 92-98
Nilsson, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Grankvist, Kjell; et al.
Symptoms and delay times during myocardial infarction in 694 patients with and without diabetes: an explorative cross-sectional study
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
, Vol. 16
Hellström Ängerud, Karin; Thylén, Ingela; Sederholm Lawesson, Sofia; et al.
Kunskap och kommunikation är en ledares plattform: tvärvetenskaplig studie av traumateamövningar visar betydelsen av verbal och icke-verbal kommunikation
, Vol. 113, (39) : 1-5
Hultin, Magnus; Jacobsson, Maritha; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Trauma team leaders' non-verbal communication: video registration during trauma team training
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2016, Vol. 24
Härgestam, Maria; Hultin, Magnus; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Trauma teams and time to early management during in situ trauma team training
BMJ Open
, Vol. 6, (1)
Härgestam, Maria; Lindkvist, Marie; Jacobsson, Maritha; et al.
Does touch massage facilitate recovery after stroke?: A study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
, Vol. 16
Lämås, Kristina; Häger, Charlotte; Lindgren, Lenita; et al.
Burnout, coping, stress of conscience and psychosocial work environment among patrolling police officers
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology
, Springer 2016, Vol. 31, (4) : 229-237
Padyab, Mojgan; Backteman-Erlanson, Susann; Brulin, Christine
Primary hyperhidrosis: Implications on symptoms, daily life, health and alcohol consumption when treated with botulinum toxin
Journal of dermatology (Print)
, Vol. 43, (8) : 928-933
Shayesteh, Alexander; Boman, Jens; Janlert, Urban; et al.
Prevalence and Characteristics of Hyperhidrosis in Sweden: A Cross-Sectional Study in the General Population
, Vol. 232, (5) : 586-591
Shayesteh, Alexander; Janlert, Urban; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Well, I'm healthy, but… - lay perspectives on health among people with musculoskeletal disorders
Disability and Rehabilitation
, Taylor & Francis 2016, Vol. 38, (1) : 71-80
Wiitavaara, Birgitta; Bengs, Carita; Brulin, Christine
The Process of Care-seeking for Myocardial Infarction Among Patients With Diabetes
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
, Wolters Kluwer 2015, Vol. 30, (5) : E1-E8
Hellström Ängerud, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Eliasson, Mats; et al.
Experiences of critical incidents among female and male firefighters
International Emergency Nursing
, Vol. 23, (2) : 100-104
Jacobsson, Ann; Backteman-Erlanson, Susann; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Associations between workplace affiliation and phlebotomy practices regarding patient identification and test request handling practices in primary healthcare centres: a multilevel model approach
BMC Health Services Research
, Vol. 15
Nilsson, Karin; Juthberg, Christina; Söderberg, Johan; et al.
Lekmannaperspektiv på hälsa bland personer med muskuloskeletala besvär
Best Practice: Smärta
, (10) : 20-23
Wiitavaara, Birgitta; Bengs, Carita; Brulin, Christine
Personnel's Experiences of Phlebotomy Practices after Participating in an Educational Intervention Programme
Nursing Research and Practice
: 1-8
Bölenius, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Hällgren Graneheim, Ulla
Deviations from venous blood specimen collection guideline adherence among senior nursing students
Nurse Education Today
, Vol. 34, (2) : 237-242
Nilsson, Karin; Grankvist, Kjell; Juthberg, Christina; et al.
Impact of a large-scale educational intervention program on venous blood specimen collection practices
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central 2013, Vol. 13
Bölenius, Karin; Lindkvist, Marie; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Minor improvement of venous blood specimen collection practices in primary health care after a large-scale educational intervention
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
, Vol. 51, (2) : 303-310
Bölenius, Karin; Söderberg, Johan; Hultdin, Johan; et al.
Purpose in life among very old men
Advances in Aging Research
, Scientific Research Publishing 2013, Vol. 2, (3) : 100-105
Hedberg, Pia; Gustafson, Yngve; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Longer pre-hospital delay in first myocardial infarction among patients with diabetes: an analysis of 4266 patients in the Northern Sweden MONICA Study
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
, BioMed Central 2013, Vol. 13, (6)
Hellström Ängerud, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Näslund, Ulf; et al.
Communication in interdisciplinary teams: Exploring closed-loop communication during in situ trauma team training
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2013, Vol. 3, (10)
Härgestam, Maria; Lindkvist, Marie; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Older women's prehospital experiences of their first myocardial infarction: a qualitative analysis from the Northern Sweden MONICA Study
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2013, Vol. 28, (4) : 360-369
Isaksson, Rose-Marie; Brulin, Christine; Eliasson, Mats; et al.
Touch massage: a pilot study of a complex intervention
Nursing in Critical Care
, Wiley-Blackwell 2013, Vol. 18, (6) : 269-277
Lindgren, Lenita; Lehtipalo, Stefan; Winsö, Ola; et al.
Gender analysis of musculoskeletal disorders and emotional exhaustion: interactive effects from physical and psychosocial work exposures and engagement in domestic work
, Vol. 55, (2) : 212-228
Ahlgren, Christina; Malmgren Olsson, Eva-Britt; Brulin, Christine
Prevalence of burnout and associations with psychosocial work environment, physical strain, and stress of conscience among Swedish female and male police personnel
Police Practice & Research
Backteman-Erlanson, Susann; Padyab, Mojgan; Brulin, Christine
A content validated questionnaire for assessment of self reported venous blood sampling practices
BMC Research Notes
, Vol. 5 : 39-
Bölenius, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Grankvist, Kjell; et al.
Patients with diabetes are not more likely to have atypical symptoms when seeking care of a first myocardial infarction: an analysis of 4028 patients in the Northern Sweden MONICA Study
Diabetic Medicine
, John Wiley & Sons 2012, Vol. 29, (7) : e82-e87
Hellström Ängerud, Karin; Brulin, Christine; Näslund, Ulf; et al.
Flexible knowledge repertoires: Communication by leaders in trauma teams
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2012, Vol. 20, (1) : 44-
Jacobsson, Maritha; Härgestam, Maria; Hultin, Magnus; et al.
Pleasant human touch is represented in pregenual anterior cingulate cortex
, Elsevier 2012, Vol. 59, (4) : 3427-3432
Lindgren, Lenita; Westling, Göran; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Caring for traffic accident victims: the stories of nine male police officers
International Emergency Nursing
, Elsevier 2011, Vol. 19, (2) : 90-95
Backteman-Erlanson, Susann; Jacobsson, Ann; Öster, Inger; et al.
Malignant melanoma: gender patterns in care seeking for suspect marks
Journal of Clinical Nursing
, Wiley-Blackwell 2011, Vol. 20, (17-18) : 2676-2684
Hajdarevic, Senada; Schmitt-Egenolf, Marcus; Brulin, Christine; et al.
Purpose in life over a five-year period: a longitudinal study in a very old population
International psychogeriatrics
, Vol. 23, (5) : 806-813
Hedberg, Pia; Brulin, Christine; Aléx, Lena; et al.
Has five years of team training in non-technical skills improved trauma team performance in our University Hospital?
Inspire... and be inspired: AMEE 2011 Abstract Book: 29-31 August 2011, Vienna, Austria
, Scotland: Association for Medical Education in Europe 2011 : 447-447
Hultin, Magnus; Hedberg, Hans; Härgestam, Maria; et al.
Prehospital experiences of older men with a first myocardial infarction: a qualitative analysis within the Northern Sweden MONICA Study
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, John Wiley & Sons 2011, Vol. 25, (4) : 787-797
Isaksson, Rose-Marie; Brulin, Christine; Eliasson, Mats; et al.
Patients' perception of quality of care in a radiology department: a medical-physical approach
Journal of Radiology Nursing
, Vol. 29, (1) : 10-17
Blomberg, Frida; Brulin, Christine; Andertun, Regina; et al.
Patients' decision making in seeking care for suspected malignant melanoma
Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness
, Wiley-Blackwell 2010, Vol. 2, (2) : 164-173
Hajdarevic, Senada; Hörnsten, Åsa; Sundbom, Elisabet; et al.
Depression in relation to purpose in life among a very old population: a five-year follow-up study
Aging & Mental Health
, Vol. 14, (6) : 757-763
Hedberg, Pia; Gustafson, Yngve; Alèx, Lena; et al.
Purpose in life among men and women aged 85 years and older
The International Journal of Aging & Human Development
, Vol. 70, (3) : 213-229
Hedberg, Pia; Gustafson, Yngve; Brulin, Christine
Physiological responses to touch massage in healthy volunteers
Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical
, Elsevier 2010, Vol. 158, (1-2) : 105-110
Lindgren, Lenita; Rundgren, S.; Winsö, Ola; et al.
Experiences of Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Food Challenge (DBPCFC): a qualitative analysis of mothers' experiences
Journal of Child Health Care
, London: Published for the Association of British Paediatric Nurses by Greycoat Pub. 2010, Vol. 14, (2) : 179-188
Strinnholm, Åsa; Brulin, Christine; Lindh, Viveca
Visa publikationer i DiVA
24 augusti 2016 till 30 juni 2020
Utveckling av kommunikation, ledarskap och situationsmedvetenhet i interprofessionella team under akuta situationer.
28 januari 2016 till 30 januari 2021
Uppfattning, förståelse och förmåga att tänka framåt! Utbildning för att optimera teamarbete och situationsmedvetenhet
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