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Birgitta Bernspång
Vetenskaplig meritering:
Verksam som
Anknuten som professor emerita till
Institutionen för samhällsmedicin och rehabilitering
Enhet: Arbetsterapi
-, -
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
The impact of a soft robotic glove on activity performance and body function for brachial plexus birth injury patients: a longitudinal case series
Journal of Hand Therapy
Millkvist, Helena; Källströmer, Anna; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Collaboration in work ability assessment for sick-listed persons in primary healthcare
Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation
, IOS Press 2020, Vol. 65, (2) : 409-420
Sturesson, Marine; Bylund, Sonya Hörnqvist; Edlund, Curt; et al.
Work Potential and Work Performance during the First Try-Out of the Person-Centred Return to Work Rehabilitation Programme ReWork-Stroke: A Case Study
, MDPI 2020, Vol. 8, (4)
Öst Nilsson, Annika; Johansson, Ulla; Ekbladh, Elin; et al.
The return to work process after stroke changes over time while participating in a newly designed person-centred rehabilitation programme
International Journal of Stroke
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 13 : 31-31
Eriksson, G.; Hellman, T.; Nilsson, A. O.; et al.
Enhancing performance of activities of daily living tasks
Stroke rehabilitation: a function-based approach
, St. Louis: Elsevier 2016 : 104-135
Lampinen, Josefine; Bernspång, Birgitta
Processes towards employment among persons with psychiatric disabilities: a study of two individual placement and support programmes in Sweden
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
, Vol. 18, (1) : 32-51
Nygren, Ulla; Markström, Urban; Bernspång, Birgitta
Från kulturell nyfikenhet till samarbete
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2015: gränslös kunskap
, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2015 : 65-65
Fischl, Caroline; Bernspång, Birgitta; Sawert, Bertil
Quality in sickness certificates in a Swedish social security system perspective
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
, Vol. 43, (8) : 841-847
Sturesson, Marine; Hörnqvist Bylund, Sonya; Edlund, Curt; et al.
Healthcare encounters and return to work: a qualitative study on sick-listed patients' experiences
Primary Health Care Research and Development
, Cambridge University Press 2014, Vol. 15, (4) : 464-475
Sturesson, Marine; Edlund, Curt; Falkdal, Annie H.; et al.
The publications are covering fields of great interest to our researchers and research students, as well as all clinicians
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Vol. 20, (1) : 1-1
Bernspång, Birgitta
Predictors of vocational outcomes using Individual Placement and Support for people with mental illness
Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation
, Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press 2013, Vol. 45, (1) : 31-39
Nygren, Ulla; Markström, Urban; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Exploring perceptions of occupational competence among participants in Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Informa Healthcare 2013, Vol. 20, (6) : 429-437
Nygren, Ulla; Sandlund, Mikael; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Work ability as obscure, complex and unique: Views of Swedish occupational therapists and physicians
Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation
, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS: IOS PRESS 2013, Vol. 45, (1) : 117-128
Sturesson, Marine; Edlund, Curt; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; et al.
Aktivitetsengagemang under åldrandet
Det goda åldrandet
, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2012 : 217-236
Bernspång, Birgitta; Nilsson, Ingeborg
Dealing with real-life challenges: outcome of a home-based occupational therapy intervention for people with severe psychiatric disability
OTJR (Thorofare, N.J.)
, Thorofare: Slack Inc 2012, Vol. 32, (2) : 5-13
Lindström, Maria; Hariz, Gun-Marie; Bernspång, Birgitta
Aktivitetsengagmang under åldrandet
Det goda åldrandet
, Lund: Studentlitteratur 2012 : 217-232
Nilsson, Ingeborg; Bernspång, Birgitta
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Informa Healthcare 2011, Vol. 18, (2) : 83-84
Bernspång, Birgitta
Meeting the needs of elderly with bathing disability
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal
, Wiley-Blackwell 2011, Vol. 58, (3) : 164-71
Zingmark, Magnus; Bernspång, Birgitta
International occupational therapy journal.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Informa Healthcare 2010, Vol. 17, (2) : 99-100
Bernspång, Birgitta
Editorial. A more global arena for occupational therapy science.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Informa Healthcare 2009, Vol. 16, (2) : 67-67
Bernspång, Birgitta
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Informa Healthcare 2007, Vol. 14, (4) : 203-204
Bernspång, Birgitta
Participation in everyday occupations in a late phase of recovery after brain injury.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Vol. 14, (2) : 116-125
Johansson, Ulla; Högberg, Hans; Bernspång, Birgitta
Impact on participation and autonomy questionnaire: Internal scale validity of the Swedish version for use in people with spinal cord injury.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
, Vol. 39, (2) : 156-62
Larsson Lund, Maria; Fisher, Anne; Lexell, Jan; et al.
Perceived participation and problems in participation are determinants of life satisfaction in people with spinal cord injury.
Disability and Rehabilitation
, Vol. 29, (18) : 1417-22
Larsson Lund, Maria; Nordlund, Anders; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Occupational engagement and life satisfaction in the oldest old: the Umeå 85+ study
OTJR (Thorofare, N.J.)
, Vol. 27, (4) : 131-139
Nilsson, Ingeborg; Bernspång, Birgitta; Fisher, Anne G; et al.
Focus on leisure repertoire in the oldest old: the Umeå 85+ study
Journal of Applied Gerontology
, Vol. 25, (5) : 391-405
Nilsson, Ingeborg; Löfgren, Britta; Fisher, Anne G; et al.
Assessment of capacity for myoelectric control: A new Rasch-built measure of prosthetic hand control
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
, Vol. 37, (3) : 166-71
Hermansson, Liselotte M; Fisher, Anne G.; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Perceptions of participation and predictors of perceived problems with participation in persons with spinal cord injury
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
, Vol. 37, (1) : 3-8
Larsson Lund, Maria; Nordlund, Anders; Nygård, Louise; et al.
Validity of the School Setting Interview: An assessment of the student-environment fit
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Taylor & Francis 2004, Vol. 11, (4) : 171-178
Hemmingsson, Helena; Kottorp, Anders; Bernspång, Birgitta
Occupational performance of persons who have suffered a stroke: a follow-up study
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Taylor & Francis 2003, Vol. 10, (2) : 88-94
Ahlström, Stina; Bernspång, Birgitta
Life satisfaction related to work re-entry after brain injury: A longitudinal study
Brain Injury
, Vol. 17, (11) : 991-1002
Johansson, Ulla; Bernspång, Birgitta
Validity of a performance assessment of activities of daily living for people with developmental disabilities
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
, Wiley-Blackwell 2003, Vol. 47, (8) : 597-605
Kottorp, Anders; Bernspång, Birgitta; Fisher, Anne G.
Activities of daily living in persons with intellectual disability: Strengths and limitations in specific motor and process skills
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal
, Wiley-Blackwell 2003, Vol. 50, (4) : 195-204
Kottorp, Anders; Bernspång, Birgitta; Fisher, Anne G.
Client-Centred Occupational Therapy for Persons with Mental Retardation: Implementation of an Intervention Programme in Activities of Daily Living Tasks
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Taylor & Francis 2003, Vol. 10, (2) : 51-60
Kottorp, Anders; Hällgren, Monica; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Predicting return to work after brain injury using occupational therapy assessments
Disability and Rehabilitation
, Vol. 23, (11) : 474-480
Johansson, Ulla; Bernspång, Birgitta
Rater calibration stability for the assessment of motor and process skills
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Vol. 6, (3) : 101-109
Bernspång, Birgitta
Development of the Assessment of Awareness of disabilities
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Vol. 6, (4) : 184-190
Tham, Kerstin; Bernspång, Birgitta; Fisher, Anne G.
The Relationship Between Cognition and Daily Activities in Cases of Mild Alzheimer's Disease
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Vol. 5, (4) : 160-166
Nygård, Louise; Amberla, Kaarina; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Differences between persons with right or left cerebral vascular accident on the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
, WB Saunders 1995, Vol. 76, (12) : 1144-1151
Bernspång, Birgitta; Fisher, Anne G.
IADL Ability Measured with the AMPS: relation to two Classification Systems of Mental Retardation
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Scandinavian University Press 1995, Vol. 2, (3/4) : 121-128
Kottorp, Anders; Bernspång, Birgitta; Fisher, Anne G.; et al.
Comparing motor and process ability of persons with suspected dementia in home and clinic settings
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
, Vol. 48, (8) : 689-96
Nygård, L; Bernspång, Birgitta; Fisher, A G; et al.
Supporting everyday activities in Dementia: an intervention study
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
, John Wiley & Sons 1993, Vol. 8, (5) : 395-400
Josephsson, Staffan; Bäckman, Lars; Borell, Lena; et al.
[Perceptual impairment].
Nordisk Medicin
, Vol. 104, (11) : 276-7, 304
Asplund, Kjell; Bernspång, Birgitta
Perceptual function in the elderly and after stroke
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, John Wiley & Sons 1988, Vol. 2, (2) : 75-79
Bernspång, Birgitta; Fugl-Meyer, Axel R.; Viitanen, Matti
Life satisfaction in long-term survivors after stroke
Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
, Vol. 20, (1) : 17-24
Viitanen, Matti; Fugl-Meyer, K. S.; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Consequences of stroke: aspects of impairments, disabilities and life satisfaction : with special emphasis on perception and on occupational therapy
Umeå University medical dissertations
, 202
Bernspång, Birgitta
Motor and perceptual impairments in acute stroke patients: effects on self-care ability
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1987, Vol. 18, (6) : 1081-1086
Bernspång, Birgitta; Asplund, Kjell; Eriksson, Sture; et al.
Unique processes towards employment within an IPS-programme: illustrated by five cases
Nygren, Ulla; Markström, Urban; Bernspång, Birgitta
Predictors of vocational outcomes using individual placement and support for people with mental illness
Nygren, Ulla; Markström, Urban; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
Occupational competence among individuals with psychiatric disabilities in rehabilitation to work
Nygren, Ulla; Sandlund, Mikael; Bernspång, Birgitta; et al.
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