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Berndt Stenberg
Vetenskaplig meritering:
090-785 20 68
Verksam vid
Anknuten som övrig/annan befattning till
Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin
Enhet: A5/D, Dermatologi och venereologi
7, Hud- och STD-klinik, NUS, målp Y11, Umeå universitet
Hudkliniken, Norrlands Universitetssjukhus, 901 85 Umeå
Contact allergy to haptens in the Swedish baseline series: Results from the Swedish Patch Test Register (2010 to 2017)
Contact Dermatitis
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 86, (3) : 175-188
Andernord, Daniel; Bruze, Magnus; Bryngelsson, Ing-Liss; et al.
Suitable test concentration of cobalt and concomitant reactivity to nickel and chromium. A multicentre study from the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Contact Dermatitis
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 84, (3) : 153-158
Isaksson, Marlene; Hagvall, Lina; Glas, Bo; et al.
Assessment of Workers' Knowledge and Views of Occupational Health Hazards of Gold Mining in Obuasi Municipality, Ghana
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health
, Occupational Health and Safety Society of Nepal 2020, Vol. 10, (1) : 38-52
Atakora, Michael; Stenberg, Berndt
Can patch testing with methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone be optimized using a new diagnostic mix?: A multicenter study from the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Contact Dermatitis
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 82, (5) : 283-289
Engfeldt, Malin; Isaksson, Marlene; Bråred-Christensson, Johanna; et al.
Contact allergy to citral and its constituents geranial and neral, coupled with reactions to the prehapten and prohapten geraniol
Contact Dermatitis
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 82, (1) : 31-38
Hagvall, Lina; Bruze, Magnus; Engfeldt, Malin; et al.
Patch Testing with a New Composition of Mercapto Mix: A Multi-centre Study by the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 2019, Vol. 99, (11) : 960-963
Engfeldt, Malin; Isaksson, Marléne; Glas, Bo; et al.
Psychological symptoms and self-image of patients with complaints attributed to dental restorative materials
Clinical Oral Investigations
, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2019, Vol. 23, (6) : 2805-2811
Mårell, Lena; Bergdahl, Jan; Tillberg, Anders; et al.
Contact allergy to oxidized geraniol among Swedish dermatitis patients: a multicentre study by the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Contact Dermatitis
, John Wiley & Sons 2018, Vol. 79, (4) : 232-238
Hagvall, Lina; Bruze, Magnus; Engfeldt, Malin; et al.
Lived experiences of patients suffering from acute Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis: A qualitative content analysis study from Iran
Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases
, Vol. 12, (2) : 180-195
Khatami, Alireza; Emmelin, Maria; Talaee, Rezvan; et al.
Scoring of hand eczema: good reliability of hand eczema extent score
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Vol. 97, (2) : 193-197
Carlsson, Annica; Svensson, Åke; Anderson, Chris D; et al.
Patch testing with hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (HICC) - a multicentre study of the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Contact Dermatitis
, Vol. 76, (1) : 34-39
Engfeldt, Malin; Hagvall, Lina; Isaksson, Marlene; et al.
The SWESIAQ model - a systematic method for indoor environment investigations
Healthy Buildings Europe 2017
, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2017 : 306-307
Lundin, Anders; Ekberg, Lars; Emenius, Gunnel; et al.
Experience of living with nonspecific building-related symptoms
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
, Wiley-Blackwell 2016, Vol. 57, (5) : 406-412
Söderholm, Anna; Öhman, Ann; Stenberg, Berndt; et al.
Swedish Experiences From Patch-testing Methylisothiazolinone Separately
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Vol. 95, (6) : 717-719
Engfeldt, Malin; Bråred-Christensson, Johanna; Isaksson, Marlene; et al.
Contact allergy trends in Sweden - a retrospective comparison of patch test data from 1992, 2000, and 2009
Contact Dermatitis
, Vol. 72, (5) : 297-304
Fall, Sofia; Bruze, Magnus; Isaksson, Marlene; et al.
Exposure to formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and terpenes among office workers and associations with reported symptoms
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2015, Vol. 88, (5) : 613-622
Glas, Bo; Stenberg, Berndt; Stenlund, Hans; et al.
The prevalence and characteristics of pruritus in patients with heart failure
British Journal of Dermatology
, Vol. 172, (6) : 1541-1546
Niklasson, O.; Boman, Kurt; Stenberg, Berndt
Patch Testing with a Textile Dye Mix in Two Concentrations: A Multicentre Study by the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Acta Dermato Venerologica 2015, Vol. 95, (4) : 427-431
Ryberg, Kristina; Bråred-Christensson, Johanna; Engfeldt, Malin; et al.
Is p-tert-butylphenol-formaldehyde resin (PTBP-FR) in TRUE Test® (Mekos test) sensitizing the tested patients?
Contact Dermatitis
, Wiley-Blackwell 2015, Vol. 73, (6) : 350-357
Stenberg, Berndt; Bruze, Magnus; Zimerson, Erik
Brain responses to olfactory and trigeminal exposure in idiopathic environmental illness (IEI) attributed to smells: An fMRI study
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 77, (5) : 401-408
Andersson, Linus; Claesson, Anna-Sara; Nyberg, Lars; et al.
Patch testing with formaldehyde 2.0% in parallel with 1.0% by the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Vol. 94, (4) : 408-410
Isaksson, Marléne; Bråred-Christensson, Johanna; Engfeldt, Malin; et al.
Multicentre patch testing with fragrance mix II and hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde by the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Contact Dermatitis
, Vol. 70, (3) : 187-189
Isaksson, Marléne; Inerot, Annica; Lidén, Carola; et al.
Overlap in prevalence between various types of environmental intolerance
International journal of hygiene and environmental health
, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 217, (4-5) : 427-434
Palmquist, Eva; Claeson, Anna-Sara; Neely, Gregory; et al.
Coping and Self-image in Patients With Symptoms Attributed to Indoor Environment
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health
, Vol. 68, (3) : 145-152
Edvardsson, Berit; Bergdahl, Jan; Eriksson, N; et al.
A Higher Score on the Dermatology Life Quality Index, Being on Systemic Treatment and Having a Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis is Associated with Increased Costs in Patients with Plaque Psoriasis
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 2013, Vol. 93, (6) : 684-688
Ekelund, Mats; Mallbris, Lotus; Qvitzau, Susanne; et al.
Handeksem - en folksjukdom som påverkar livskvalitet och arbetsförmåga: önskvärt med tidigare behandling och bättre uppföljning
, Vol. 110, (4) : 145-148
Meding, Birgitta; Stenberg, Berndt; Svensson, Åke; et al.
The environmental hypersensitivity symptom inventory: metric properties and normative data from a population-based study
Archives of Public Health
, BioMed Central Ltd. 2013, Vol. 71, (18) : 1-10
Nordin, Steven; Palmquist, Eva; Claeson, Anna-Sara; et al.
Working with Population to Treat Individuals: A Report from the Swedish Dermato-Epidemiological Network (SweDEN)
Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology
, Nordic Dermatology Association 2012, Vol. 17, (2) : 44-46
Andersson, Chris D; Meding, Birgitta; Stenberg, Berndt; et al.
Working with Populations to Treat Individuals: A Report from the Swedish Dermato-Epidemiological Network (SweDEN)
Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venerology
, Nordic Dermatology Association 2012, Vol. 17, (2) : 44-46
Andersson, Chris D.; Meding, Birgitta; Stenberg, Berndt; et al.
Coping and self-image in two subgroups of patients with symptoms attributed to indoor environment compared with patients having non-allergic hand eczema
10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012
, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2012 : 1435-1436
Edvardsson, Berit; Stenberg, Berndt
Patients' visual analogue scale: a useful method for assessing psoriasis severity
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Uppsala: Acta dermato-venereologica 2012, Vol. 92, (4) : 347-348
Flytström, Ingela; Stenberg, Berndt; Svensson, Åke; et al.
Lifestyle and nickel allergy in a Swedish adolescent population: effects of piercing, tattooing and orthodontic appliances
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Society for the Publication of Acta Dermato - Venereologica 2012, Vol. 92, (6) : 664-668
Fors, Ronny; Persson, Maurits; Bergström, Erik; et al.
Nickel allergy in relation to piercing and orthodontic appliances: a population study
Contact Dermatitis
, John Wiley & Sons 2012, Vol. 67, (6) : 342-350
Fors, Ronny; Stenberg, Berndt; Stenlund, Hans; et al.
Sjuka hus-syndromet och kroniska hälsoproblem: en studie i varför vissa blir långvarigt sjuka och arbetsoförmögna av dålig inomhusluft
Byggnadsrelaterad ohälsa i Kvarkenregionen: nio delprojekt om miljökänslighet, luftkvalitet och sjuka hus ur ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv : slutrapport för projektet Kompetenscentrum Byggnad - Luftkvalitet - Hälsa 2 (KLUCK 2)
, Vasa: Yrkeshögskolan Novia 2012 : 45-51
Stenberg, Berndt; Edvardsson, Berit
Scoring of hand eczema: good agreement between patients and dermatological staff
British Journal of Dermatology
, Vol. 165, (1) : 123-128
Carlsson, A; Gånemo, A; Anderson, C D; et al.
Attribution to trigger factors in sick building syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity: "The Västerbotten environmental health study"
12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2011
: 1566-1567
Claeson, Anna-Sara; Palmquist, Eva; Andersson, Linus; et al.
Multicentre patch testing with compositae mix by the Swedish contact dermatitis research group
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Society for Publication of Acta Dermato-Venereologica 2011, Vol. 91, (3) : 295-298
Isaksson, Marléne; Hansson, Christer; Inerot, Annica; et al.
Multicentre patch testing with a resol resin based on phenol and formaldehyde
Contact Dermatitis
, Wiley 2011, Vol. 65, (1) : 34-37
Isaksson, Marléne; Inerot, Annica; Lidén, Carola; et al.
Modern health worries in Sick Building syndrome: The Västerbotten environmental health study
12th international conference on indoor air quality and climate 2011
: 1090-1091
Nordin, Steven; Palmquist, Eva; Claeson, Anna-Sara; et al.
Sick Building Syndrome from a Medical Perspective-Symptoms and Signs
Sick Building Syndrome: in Public Buildings and Workplaces
, Berlin: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2011 : 453-462
Stenberg, Berndt
Lifestyle factors and hand eczema in a Swedish adolescent population
Contact Dermatitis
, Wiley-Blackwell 2010, Vol. 62, (3) : 170-176
Röhrl, Kari; Stenberg, Berndt
Dermatology in public health: a model for surveillance of common skin diseases.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
, Vol. 38, (4) : 368-374
Stenberg, Berndt; Meding, Birgitta; Svensson, Ake
Suitability of the multiple case method when applied on dermatology and infectious diseases at the clinical stage of medical education
The Internet Journal of Medical Education
, Internet Scientific Publications 2010, Vol. 1, (1)
Tärnvik, Arne; Stenberg, Berndt
Does vitamin D intake during infancy promote the development of atopic allergy?
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
, Vol. 89, (1) : 28-32
Bäck, Ove; Blomquist, Hans K Son; Hernell, Olle; et al.
Reactions to resin-based dental materials in patients-type, time to onset, duration, and consequence of the reaction.
Contact Dermatitis
, Vol. 61, (6) : 313-319
Tillberg, Anders; Stenberg, Berndt; Berglund, Anders
Medical and social prognoses of non-specific building-related symptoms (Sick Building Syndrome): a follow-up study of patients previously referred to hospital
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
, Springer-Verlag New York 2008, Vol. 81, (7) : 805-812
Edvardsson, Berit; Stenberg, Berndt; Bergdahl, Jan; et al.
Nickel allergy: prevalence in a population of Swedish youths from patch test and questionnaire data
Contact Dermatitis
, Copenhagen: Munksgaard 2008, Vol. 58, (2) : 80-87
Fors, Ronny; Persson, Maurits; Bergström, Erik; et al.
A novel approach to evaluation of adsorbents for sampling indoor volatile organic compounds associated with symptom reports
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
, Vol. 10, (11) : 1297-1303
Glas, Bo; Stenberg, Berndt; Stenlund, Hans; et al.
No effect of mobile phone-like RF exposure on patients with atopic dermatitis.
, Vol. 29, (5) : 353-362
Johansson, Amanda; Forsgren, Sture; Stenberg, Berndt; et al.
[Schnitzler syndrome--unknown, rare but treatable]
, Vol. 105, (46) : 3348-51
Lazarevic, Vladimir; Stenberg, Berndt; Markuszewska, Alicja; et al.
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Publicerad: 22 aug, 2019
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