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Anton Shiriaev



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X, Håken Gullessons väg 20, Teknikhuset Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE 2024 : 12679-12685
Surov, Maksim O.; Pchelkin, Stepan S.; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Journal of the Franklin Institute, Elsevier 2016, Vol. 353, (16) : 4213-4232
Johansson, Rolf; Robertsson, Anders; Shiriaev, Anton
Autonomous Robots, Vol. 40, (5) : 849-865
Pchelkin, Stepan S.; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Mettin, Uwe; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Vol. 45, (2) : 187-199
Ortiz Morales, Daniel; La Hera, Pedro; Westerberg, Simon; et al.
Biological Cybernetics, Vol. 109, (1) : 47-62
Pchelkin, Stepan; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid; et al.
Proceedings of the 19th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control, Elsevier 2014 : 3690-3695
Andersson, Alina; Robertsson, Anders; Shiriaev, Anton S.; et al.
Journal of Field Robotics, Wiley-Blackwell 2014, Vol. 31, (3) : 343-363
Ortiz Morales, Daniel; Westerberg, Simon; La Hera, Pedro; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2014, Vol. 59, (9) : 2555-2561
Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; Spong, Mark W.
IEEE Transactions on robotics, Vol. 29, (3) : 589-601
La Hera, Pedro; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B; et al.
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, JAPAN: 2013 : 2521-2526
Pchelkin, Stepan S.; Shiriaev, Anton; Robertsson, Anders; et al.
American Control Conference (ACC), 2013 : 5257-5262
Rubanova, A.; Robertsson, A.; Shiriaev, Anton S.; et al.
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE 2013 : 1628-1633
Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; Spong, Mark W.
European Journal of Control, Lavoisier 2013, Vol. 19, (6) : 438-444
Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid; Spong, Mark W.
Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 2013, Vol. 2, (3) : 84-110
Westerberg, Simon; Shiriaev, Anton S
Distributed decision making and control, London: Springer 2012 : 245-258
Freidovich, Leonid B.; Shiriaev, Anton S.
4th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control, Elsevier 2012 : 54-59
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid B.; Spong, Mark W.
18th IFAC World Congress, Elsevier 2011 : 4588-4593
Freidovich, Leonid B.; Gordillo, Francisco; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
18th IFAC World Congress, Elsevier 2011 : 11399-11404
Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton
International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 42, (5) : 829-838
Meza-Sanchez, Iliana M; Aguilar, Luis T; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
18th IFAC World Congress, Elsevier 2011 : 11145-11150
Meza-Sánchez, Iliana M.; Aguilar, Luis T.; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE conference proceedings 2011 : 1797-1802
Ortíz Morales, Daniel; Westerberg, Simon; La Hera, Pedro X.; et al.
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) : 5323-5328
Park, Yeonchool; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Westerberg, Simon; et al.
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE 2011 : 5094-5099
Pchelkin, Stepan S.; Shiriaev, Anton; Mettin, Uwe; et al.
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE 2010 : 2890-2895
Bätz, Georg; Mettin, Uwe; Schmidts, Alexander; et al.
8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Elsevier 2010 : 1181-1186
Freidovich, Leonid B.; Shiriaev, Anton
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 18, (1) : 194-200
Freidovich, Leonid; Robertsson, Anders; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
BIT Numerical Mathematics, Springer 2010, Vol. 50, (2) : 301-329
Gusev, Sergei; Johansson, Stefan; Kågström, Bo; et al.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010 : 1715-1720
La Hera, Pedro M.; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; et al.
The international journal of robotics research, Sage Publications 2010, Vol. 29, (9) : 1186-1198
Mettin, Uwe; La Hera, Pedro; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) : 4669-4674
Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton; Bätz, Georg; et al.
Proceedings / IEEE international conference on robotics and automation
Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid B.; et al.
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE conference proceedings 2010 : 3836-3841
Ortiz Morales, Daniel; La Hera, Pedro; Mettin, Uwe; et al.
49th IEEE conference on decision and control cdc 2010, December 15-17 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Pchelkin, Stepan; Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 55, (4) : 893-906
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid; Gusev, Sergey
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 55, (4) : 893-906
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid; Gusev, Sergey
Dynamics of continuous, discrete and impulsive systems, Watam Press 2010, Vol. 17, (6) : 875-908
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid; Johansson, Rolf; et al.
Proceedings of the  IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), New York: IEEE conference proceedings 2010 : 3759-3764
Westerberg, Simon; Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton
Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 11, (5) : 549-556
Freidovich, Leonid B.; La Hera, Pedro M.; Mettin, Uwe; et al.
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE conference on decision and control, 2009, held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese control conference (CDC/CCC 2009), IEEE conference proceedings 2009 : 6490-6495
Freidovich, Leonid B; Shiriaev, Anton S
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2009, Vol. 25, (5) : 1202-1208
Freidovich, Leonid; Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 17, (4) : 853-858
Freidovich, Leonid; Shiriaev, Anton; Gordillo, F; et al.
International Journal of Control, Vol. 82, (9) : 1582-1590
Freidovich, Leonid; Shiriaev, Anton; Gómez-Estern, F; et al.
Report / UMINF, 09.03
Gusev, Sergei; Johansson, Stefan; Kågström, Bo; et al.
Mechatronics (Oxford), Vol. 19, (8) : 1240-1250
La Hera, Pedro; Freidovich, Leonid; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
ICRA: 2009 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, vols 1-7 : 2161-2166
La Hera, Pedro M; Mettin, Uwe; Westerberg, Simon; et al.
ICRA: 2009 IEEE International conference in robotics an automation, 7 vol. : 3562-3567
La Hera, Pedro M.; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; et al.
The international journal of robotics research, Sage journals online 2009, Vol. 29, (9) : 1186-1198
Mettin, Uwe; La Hera, Pedro X.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; et al.
Advanced Robotics, 2009. ICAR 2009. International Conference on, IEEE conference proceedings 2009 : 1-6
Mettin, Uwe; La Hera, Pedro X.; Ortiz Morales, Daniel; et al.
2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: St.Louis, USA : 795-800
Mettin, Uwe; Westerberg, Simon; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 54, (12) : 2282-2888
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid