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Anton Shiriaev
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Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik
X, Håken Gullessons väg 20, Teknikhuset
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
On performing non-prehensile rolling manipulations: stabilizing synchronous motions of Butterfly robots
2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
, IEEE 2024 : 12679-12685
Surov, Maksim O.; Pchelkin, Stepan S.; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Observer-based strictly positive real (SPR) variable structure output feedback control
Journal of the Franklin Institute
, Elsevier 2016, Vol. 353, (16) : 4213-4232
Johansson, Rolf; Robertsson, Anders; Shiriaev, Anton
Algorithms for finding gaits of locomotive mechanisms: case studies for Gorilla robot brachiation
Autonomous Robots
, Vol. 40, (5) : 849-865
Pchelkin, Stepan S.; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Mettin, Uwe; et al.
Path-constrained motion analysis: an algorithm to understand human performance on hydraulic manipulators
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
, Vol. 45, (2) : 187-199
Ortiz Morales, Daniel; La Hera, Pedro; Westerberg, Simon; et al.
A dynamic human motion: coordination analysis
Biological Cybernetics
, Vol. 109, (1) : 47-62
Pchelkin, Stepan; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid; et al.
Robustness of the Moore-Greitzer Compressor Model's Surge Subsystem with New Dynamic Output Feedback Controllers
Proceedings of the 19th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic Control
, Elsevier 2014 : 3690-3695
Andersson, Alina; Robertsson, Anders; Shiriaev, Anton S.; et al.
Increasing the level of automation in the forestry logging process with crane trajectory planning and control
Journal of Field Robotics
, Wiley-Blackwell 2014, Vol. 31, (3) : 343-363
Ortiz Morales, Daniel; Westerberg, Simon; La Hera, Pedro; et al.
Controlled invariants and trajectory planning for underactuated mechanical systems
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2014, Vol. 59, (9) : 2555-2561
Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; Spong, Mark W.
Stable walking gaits for a three-link planar biped robot with one actuator
IEEE Transactions on robotics
, Vol. 29, (3) : 589-601
La Hera, Pedro; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B; et al.
Integrated Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning and Control Design for Industrial Robot Manipulator
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
, Tokyo, JAPAN: 2013 : 2521-2526
Pchelkin, Stepan S.; Shiriaev, Anton; Robertsson, Anders; et al.
Analytic parameterization of stabilizing controllers for the surge subsystem of the Moore-Greitzer compressor model
American Control Conference (ACC), 2013
: 5257-5262
Rubanova, A.; Robertsson, A.; Shiriaev, Anton S.; et al.
Controlled Invariants and Trajectory Planning for Underactuated Mechanical Systems
2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
, IEEE 2013 : 1628-1633
Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; Spong, Mark W.
A remark on Controlled Lagrangian approach
European Journal of Control
, Lavoisier 2013, Vol. 19, (6) : 438-444
Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid; Spong, Mark W.
Virtual environment-based teleoperation of forestry machines: designing future interaction methods
Journal of Human-Robot Interaction
, Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 2013, Vol. 2, (3) : 84-110
Westerberg, Simon; Shiriaev, Anton S
Transverse linearization for underactuated nonholonomic mechanical systems with application to orbital stabilization
Distributed decision making and control
, London: Springer 2012 : 245-258
Freidovich, Leonid B.; Shiriaev, Anton S.
A remark on controlled Lagrangian approach for completely integrable mechanical systems
4th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control
, Elsevier 2012 : 54-59
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid B.; Spong, Mark W.
On generating pre-defined periodic motions in underactuated mechanical systems: The cart-pendulum example
18th IFAC World Congress
, Elsevier 2011 : 4588-4593
Freidovich, Leonid B.; Gordillo, Francisco; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Ball-pitching challenge with an underactuated two-link robot arm
18th IFAC World Congress
, Elsevier 2011 : 11399-11404
Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton
Periodic motion planning and nonlinear H-infinity tracking control of a 3-DOF underactuated helicopter
International Journal of Systems Science
, Vol. 42, (5) : 829-838
Meza-Sanchez, Iliana M; Aguilar, Luis T; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Nonlinear output feedback H∞-tracking control of a 3-DOF underactuated helicopter
18th IFAC World Congress
, Elsevier 2011 : 11145-11150
Meza-Sánchez, Iliana M.; Aguilar, Luis T.; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Open-loop control experiments on driver assistance for crane forestry machines
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
, IEEE conference proceedings 2011 : 1797-1802
Ortíz Morales, Daniel; Westerberg, Simon; La Hera, Pedro X.; et al.
3D Log Recognition and Pose Estimation for Robotic Forestry Machine
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
: 5323-5328
Park, Yeonchool; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Westerberg, Simon; et al.
Shaping Energetically Efficient Brachiation Motion for a 24-DOF Gorilla Robot
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
, IEEE 2011 : 5094-5099
Pchelkin, Stepan S.; Shiriaev, Anton; Mettin, Uwe; et al.
Ball dribbling with an underactuated continuous-time control phase: Theory & experiments
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
, IEEE 2010 : 2890-2895
Bätz, Georg; Mettin, Uwe; Schmidts, Alexander; et al.
Analysis of limit-cycle walking for a compass-like biped robot
8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems
, Elsevier 2010 : 1181-1186
Freidovich, Leonid B.; Shiriaev, Anton
LuGre-model-based friction compensation
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
, Vol. 18, (1) : 194-200
Freidovich, Leonid; Robertsson, Anders; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
A numerical evaluation of solvers for the periodic riccati differential equation
BIT Numerical Mathematics
, Springer 2010, Vol. 50, (2) : 301-329
Gusev, Sergei; Johansson, Stefan; Kågström, Bo; et al.
Gait synthesis for a three-link planar biped walker with one actuator
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010
: 1715-1720
La Hera, Pedro M.; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; et al.
Reducing control efforts for preplanned motions by parallel elastic actuators
The international journal of robotics research
, Sage Publications 2010, Vol. 29, (9) : 1186-1198
Mettin, Uwe; La Hera, Pedro; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Ball dribbling with an underactuated continuous-time control phase
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
: 4669-4674
Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton; Bätz, Georg; et al.
Optimal ball pitching with an underactuated model of a human arm
Proceedings / IEEE international conference on robotics and automation
Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid B.; et al.
Steps in trajectory planning and controller design for a hydraulically driven crane with limited sensing
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
, IEEE conference proceedings 2010 : 3836-3841
Ortiz Morales, Daniel; La Hera, Pedro; Mettin, Uwe; et al.
Natural sit-down and chair-rise motions for a humanoid robot
49th IEEE conference on decision and control cdc 2010, December 15-17 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Pchelkin, Stepan; Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid; et al.
Transverse linearization for controlled mechanical systems with several passive degrees of freedom
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
, Vol. 55, (4) : 893-906
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid; Gusev, Sergey
Computing a transverse linearization for mechanical systems with two and more passive degrees of freedom
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
, Vol. 55, (4) : 893-906
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid; Gusev, Sergey
Global stabilization for a class of coupled nonlinear systems with application to active surge control
Dynamics of continuous, discrete and impulsive systems
, Watam Press 2010, Vol. 17, (6) : 875-908
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid; Johansson, Rolf; et al.
Motion planning and control of an underactuated 3DOF helicopter
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
, New York: IEEE conference proceedings 2010 : 3759-3764
Westerberg, Simon; Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton
Shaping stable periodic motions of inertia wheel pendulum: theory and experiment
Asian Journal of Control
, Vol. 11, (5) : 549-556
Freidovich, Leonid B.; La Hera, Pedro M.; Mettin, Uwe; et al.
Transverse linearization for mechanical systems with passive links, impulse effects, and friction forces
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE conference on decision and control, 2009, held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese control conference (CDC/CCC 2009)
, IEEE conference proceedings 2009 : 6490-6495
Freidovich, Leonid B; Shiriaev, Anton S
A passive 2-DOF walker: hunting for gaits using virtual holonomic constraints
IEEE Transactions on Robotics
, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2009, Vol. 25, (5) : 1202-1208
Freidovich, Leonid; Mettin, Uwe; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Partial-energy-shaping control for orbital stabilization of high-frequency oscillations of the furuta pendulum
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
, Vol. 17, (4) : 853-858
Freidovich, Leonid; Shiriaev, Anton; Gordillo, F; et al.
Modification via averaging of partial-energy-shaping control for creating oscillations: cart-pendulum example
International Journal of Control
, Vol. 82, (9) : 1582-1590
Freidovich, Leonid; Shiriaev, Anton; Gómez-Estern, F; et al.
A Numerical Evaluation of Solvers for the Periodic Riccati Differential Equation
Report / UMINF
, 09.03
Gusev, Sergei; Johansson, Stefan; Kågström, Bo; et al.
New approach for swinging up the Furuta pendulum: theory and experiments
Mechatronics (Oxford)
, Vol. 19, (8) : 1240-1250
La Hera, Pedro; Freidovich, Leonid; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Modeling and control of hydraulic rotary actuators used in forestry cranes
ICRA: 2009 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, vols 1-7
: 2161-2166
La Hera, Pedro M; Mettin, Uwe; Westerberg, Simon; et al.
Orbital stabilization of a pre-planned periodic motion to swing up the Furuta pendulum: theory and experiments
ICRA: 2009 IEEE International conference in robotics an automation, 7 vol.
: 3562-3567
La Hera, Pedro M.; Shiriaev, Anton S.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; et al.
Parallel elastic actuators as a control tool for preplanned trajectories of underactuated mechanical systems
The international journal of robotics research
, Sage journals online 2009, Vol. 29, (9) : 1186-1198
Mettin, Uwe; La Hera, Pedro X.; Freidovich, Leonid B.; et al.
Trajectory planning and time-independent motion control for a kinematically redundant hydraulic manipulator
Advanced Robotics, 2009. ICAR 2009. International Conference on
, IEEE conference proceedings 2009 : 1-6
Mettin, Uwe; La Hera, Pedro X.; Ortiz Morales, Daniel; et al.
Analysis of human-operated motions and trajectory replanning for kinematically redundant manipulators
2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: St.Louis, USA
: 795-800
Mettin, Uwe; Westerberg, Simon; Shiriaev, Anton; et al.
Transverse linearization for hybrid controlled mechanical systems with one passive link
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
, Vol. 54, (12) : 2282-2888
Shiriaev, Anton; Freidovich, Leonid
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